By Ken Ham We just wrapped up another successful Creation College Expo. This time it was held in the massive Answers Center at the Ark Encounter. This event saw dozens of Christian colleges from across the United States—all of which take a stand on a literal Genesis, a young earth, and a global flood, as AiG does—gathered in one place, so students could speak to representatives and learn about the various schools and their programs. It was a great event! As the Expo …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
Sneak peek of a powerful article from the latest Creation magazine. How does the origin of languages fit with the account of the tower of Babel? …read more Source:
How God’s sovereign freedom undergirds the scientific enterprise. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Christmas is right around the corner—are you looking for a unique gift for a family member or friend? Consider giving them “a gift of experience.” These gifts are becoming increasingly popular, as individuals and families experience the joy of doing something together and making lasting memories. And we have some unique gifts of experience that will not only create wonderful memories but also will help you build a more biblical worldview and equip you with answers to today’s questions. Ark Encounter and Creation Museum gift cards. The perfect way to inspire and help family members or friends
On Saturday, guests will see a museum that has upgraded the first third of its 75,000-square-foot space with striking new exhibits and videos. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Michael J. Behe On this episode of ID the Future, Darwin Devolves author and Lehigh University biochemist Michael Behe sits down with host Rob Crowther to discuss Behe’s recent speaking trip to Brazil, and on where he sees the Darwinism/design debate heading in the next few years. In their conversation, Behe enthuses about Brazilian food and hospitality, and says the students at the schools he spoke at were refreshingly open to considering the evidence for intelligent design. It was typical of what he finds elsewhere, he says. While the old guard tends to dig in its heels, younger researchers
By Ken Ham 60+ million babies have been killed since abortion was legalized in 1973. Confront the culture of death: your chance to impact millions with a message of life. …read more Source: AIG Daily
The Bible provides the foundations for the answers …read more Source:
By Ken Ham In less than two weeks, we’re welcoming some very special guests to the Ark Encounter: the finalists of the National Bible Bee Competition! That’s right—the finals and awards ceremony for this exciting event are taking place inside the Answers Center, the 2,500-seat auditorium at the Ark Encounter. And you can be in the audience! Watch the top contestants from all over the nation proclaim and recite from memory the Word of God. As part of the live studio audience, you’ll watch the top contestants from all over the nation proclaim and recite from memory the Word of
By Ken Ham Ideas have consequences. And the climate change alarmism and hysteria sweeping the world certainly has consequences. Just to mention one example, 11,000 scientists (although, recent reports revealed some of the signatories weren’t actually scientists, such as one who signed as “Mickey Mouse”) recently published a warning about the so-called climate emergency, arguing that the global population “must be stabilized—and, ideally, gradually reduced—within a framework that ensures social integrity” if we’re going to fight man-made climate change adequately. How do they propose “stabilizing” and even reducing the human population? With “bold and drastic . . . population policies,”
By David Berlinski On this episode of ID the Future, philosopher, mathematician, and Discovery Institute Senior Fellow David Berlinski answers questions from Jonathan Witt about Berlinski’s celebrated new book Human Nature. Is evolution carrying us upward to new heights of human goodness, as some have claimed? If not that, then will a computer-connected singularity take us on that upward trajectory, as Yuval Noah Harari argues in Homo Deus? With his famous quick wit, Berlinski says no, and warns of a new “explosion of religion,” but a new religion, one without rational grounding and with a great willingness to punish dissenters.
By Ken Ham How do you start conversations about the gospel and salvation? Sometimes, that can feel challenging. But we have the most important message everyone needs to hear! So how can we go about sharing it? Well, Corey McKenna, a Canadian evangelist with Corey will be joining Dr. Georgia Purdom, Calvin Smith (the director of AiG Canada), and me at this conference. We will be laying the foundation of a biblical worldview, how to share the gospel in an increasingly secular culture, and giving basic apologetics teaching so you can answer the common questions of our day. Corey will
By Dr. Kristin Bird Our worldview affects every area of life. So parents cannot afford to depend on others to form their children’s worldview. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Jonathan Wells remembers Phillip Johnson, “godfather of the intelligent design movement.” Johnson not only attracted scientists’ and other academics’ attention with his groundbreaking Darwin on Trial, he brought them together as a united movement, pushing for a “big tent” for ID theorists to work together. It reflected his own “big heart,” says Wells. The result, he says, is a movement that today is growing internationally, far faster than even Wells realized until recently. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic
By Ken Ham Abortion, pornography, and taking drugs—are these things immoral? Well, that depends on your foundation for morality. In much of the West, the foundation for morality is now predominantly subjective human opinion, so, as time passes, attitudes and beliefs on various moral issues change. With no moral absolutes, everyone does what’s right in their own eyes (Judges 21:25). Ultimately anything goes. And that’s what a new study out of the United Kingdom clearly showed. This study from King’s College London compared figures from 1989 with polls taken this year to see how Britons’ views on various issues have
ICR scientists Dr. Jeff Tomkins and Dr. Brian Thomas were recently interviewed on the Point of View radio talk show by host Dr. Merrill Matthews, joined by Pastor Charles Stolfus of Denton Bible Church. Drs. Tomkins and Thomas discu… More… …read more Source:
AiG–Canada is announcing their newest speaker and writer, Patricia Engler, who is now available to help equip youth and adults across Canada. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham America’s largest Glice® (synthetic ice) rink is coming to the Ark Encounter again this year for our ChristmasTime program! Beginning November 29, you and your family can experience a winter wonderland, skating together on an outdoor rink at the Ark Encounter (cost is nominal at $5 for skate rental). This experience is part of our annual ChristmasTime event—and admission to ChristmasTime is free. You only pay for parking! (There is a fee to enter the Ark’s three decks.) Enjoy festive lights throughout the grounds and zoo, and the Ark will be lit up in rainbow lights. ChristmasTime
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID The Future, Stephen Meyer, director of the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, honors Phillip Johnson, the U.C. Berkeley law professor who helped ignite the modern intelligent design movement with the publication of his highly successful book Darwin on Trial. Meyer says Johnson had the courage to speak up when others wouldn’t. “The overweening dynamic of this debate is fear,” Meyer says. “There are many many many people who have come up to the water’s edge, who have seen the problems with Darwinian evolution, have counted the cost, and recoiled.” But
By Phillip E. Johnson On this episode of ID The Future, we commemorate the passing this weekend of the man called the “godfather of the intelligent design movement,” Berkeley law professor Phillip Johnson. In honor of the man we bring you Dr. Johnson speaking at a 2011 Discovery Institute event commemorating the 20th anniversary of his seminal book Darwin on Trial. The book challenged mainstream beliefs about Darwinian evolution and inspired many scientists and scholars of the modern intelligent design movement. Listen in to learn why, according to the self-effacing law professor, he has always been “puzzled when someone describes
Instead, it grounds the life-giving message of the Gospel in history. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham It’s an exciting time around here! Our brand-new series of exhibits on biblical authority are opening to the public—just in time for the massive ChristmasTown crowds arriving at the Creation Museum to see the beautiful garden of lights, live nativity, and other special Christmas events. These exhibits will take the Creation Museum to a higher level than we’ve ever had—they are simply stunning! And it’s about to get even more exciting. I’m thrilled to announce there’s a brand-new, incredibly powerful exhibit being planned for the Creation Museum! This new exhibit will challenge the culture regarding the abortion
By Ken Ham We’ve always offered US veterans free admission to both the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum on Veterans Day, November 11. But that special offer is now even better! As our way of saying a sincere “thank you” for their service, all active duty and former military personnel in the United States Armed Forces enjoy free admission to both attractions in Northern Kentucky on November 9, 10, and 11! This special three-day offer allows greater flexibility in planning your visit to the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area to tour the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum. It also allows
By Dr. Tommy Mitchell Much has been written about the religious views of Charles Darwin. What exactly did he believe and when? Did he “reject” Christianity? …read more Source: AIG Daily
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics. …read more Source:
Is the church father Origen of Alexandria support for a non-literal reading of Genesis? …read more Source:
By Tom Chesko In a certain sense you don’t convert to paganism; you are a pagan. It is more of an inner discovery than a conversion. …read more Source: AIG Daily