Creation magazine talks with German astrophysicist, theologian and philosopher ‘Stephan’ who operates a mission to Muslims in many lands. …read more Source:
Archaeology confirms the biblical account of Judah’s deliverance from Assyrian invaders. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham On Sunday, my good friend Pastor Johnny Hunt ( Our theme for our 2020 Answers VBS is Mystery Island. We’re thankful for his past and ongoing support as he moves into this new and exciting role. He has such a love for the gospel and desire to see the lost come to know Christ (a passion we share here at AiG, the Ark Encounter, and the Creation Museum)—I’m sure he will do well in his new role with the North American Mission Board. God’s richest blessings on Pastor Johnny, and his wife Janet, as they move into
David Fouts is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and an expert in Hebrew and Old Testament exegesis, having studied under Bruce Waltke, Allen P. Ross, and Eugene Merrill. He has taught at Yellowstone Baptist College, Dallas Seminary, and Bryan College. In this self-published monograph, Fouts offers a detailed exegesis of the first two chapters of Genesis. Fouts’ motivation to write this book is partly due to the result of a survey that showed so few evangelical academics (44%) chose the simple accounts of Genesis 1–2 as authoritative over evolution regarding the origins of the heavens and the earth,
By Michael J. Behe On this episode of ID the Future, Lehigh University biochemist Michael Behe discusses the closing sections of his new book Darwin Devolves: The New Science about DNA That Challenges Evolution. He compares evolutionary biology in Darwin’s time and today to the world of astronomy before and after the telescope was invented. The cell was a black box to Darwin and his contemporaries. Today we can explore that black box like never before, much better even than even two decades ago, allowing us to observe what evolution can actually do at the molecular level. According to Behe,
By Sarah Chaffee Today’s episode of ID the Future features the third and final part of a conversation between Uncommon Knowledge host Peter Robinson and Darwin skeptic David Berlinski, author of the newly released book Human Nature. Here the pair discuss the fate of Europe. Then they turn again to science, and the challenge the second law of thermodynamics poses for Darwinism and, by implication, to any theory of biological origins restricted to purely mindless processes. Berlinski suggests that this poses a considerable challenge, tempting Robinson to ask Berlinski whether he still consider himself an agnostic. Your browser does not
By Sarah Chaffee This episode of ID the Future features the second part of a conversation between Uncommon Knowledge host Peter Robinson and polymath David Berlinski, author of the newly released book Human Nature. In this segment of the interview, Robinson asks Berlinski about a book by Nicholas Christakis, Blueprint, which argues that evolution has endowed us with a genetic makeup that drives human culture toward virtue and progress. Berlinski demurs, pointing to the horrors of the twentieth century and by noting that the virtues Christakis underscores, such as cooperativeness, can also be put to nefarious purposes. The Nazi Party,
By David Berlinski This episode of ID the Future features Part 1 of an interview between Uncommon Knowledge host Peter Robinson and Discovery Institute senior fellow David Berlinski, author of The Deniable Darwin and the newly released Human Nature. Berlinski begins by noting that living systems possess “a degree of complexity that is almost unfathomable” and explains how this poses an acute problem for Darwinism. The two also discuss discontinuities in the fossil record as well as Berlinski’s insistence that “any theory of natural selection must plainly meet what I have called a rule against deferred success.” Berlinski also rebuts
We respond to a YouTube video claiming that we need to re-examine biblical chronology. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham I thought about the remarkable fruit we are seeing—testimonies, lives changed, families impacted, churches motivated—when I was in Oxford, England, recently. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham It’s the time of year when many churches are pre-ordering their Vacation Bible School materials for 2020 because planning gets into full swing in the new year. Well, don’t put it off any longer—our 2020 Answers VBS program, Mystery Island, is currently on sale for 25% off, but only until January 10. (Use promo code VBS20B when you pre-order to enjoy this special discount, valid in the US and Canada only.) And that’s our best price, so you don’t want to miss it. Set in a tropical paradise, Mystery Island takes kids on a treasure hunt as
By Ken Ham Different views of Genesis come from people taking outside ideas, beliefs from fallible man, and interpreting the clear words of Scripture to fit those beliefs. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Are you looking for unique Christmas cards to send to your friends and family this Christmas season? Look no further than the beautiful cards designed by Answers in Genesis’ artist Oscar Nava in his unique style. These cards feature Noah’s ark, a Bible verse, and a short gospel summary on the back. It’s a great way to share the true message of what we’re celebrating this Christmas! By the way, you can often find Oscar working on the second deck of the Ark at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky, where we have provided a special …read
Do carbon ages refute the biblical timeline? How does homology confirm creation instead of evolution? Why is it important to know your Christian heritage? And how can you get involved as an ICR Discovery Center volunteer? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the December 2019 issue of Acts & Facts! &nbs… More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Panicking about the climate is nothing new—it’s been going on for decades (with few, if any, of the gloomy predictions coming true1). But it’s recently been hyped to new levels. Younger people are promising not to have children. Scientists are again suggesting population control measures (we know that means the expansion of abortion, likely even forced abortions and sterilizations). Politicians are suggesting radical, extremely costly environmental and economic policies. How should Christians think and respond to the perceived crisis? We’ll be tackling this hot-button social issue at our Easter conference, April 9–12, 2020. Learn …read more Source:
The Flood was an expression of God’s just wrath against sin. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Evolutionists are desperate to find extraterrestrial life. Why? Because their worldview demands it. If life evolved here on earth, it must exist elsewhere—after all, in their view, the earth is only 4.5-billion-years-old, but the universe is 13.5-billion-years-old. So, if life evolved here, it must have evolved elsewhere, given how much older the universe is than earth with all its diversity of life. But the search hasn’t been successful. It’s interesting that the desperate hunt continues, with studies often giving differing results. For example, a recent article proclaimed, “Extraterrestrial life could be more common than previously thought, new
By Ken Ham We’ve all seen it coming—once you open the door to “self-identification” based solely on feelings, anything goes. If a man can identify as a woman and legally be considered a female (and vice versa), despite his male biology and chromosomes, then anyone should be able to self-identify simply based personal feelings, regardless of biology or fact. That’s exactly what the world’s largest higher education union is arguing. This United Kingdom-based union, the UCU, announced that “anyone should be able to identify as black ‘regardless of the colour of their skin or background.’” The announcement went on to
By Ken Ham Oh no! I was reminded of the news that Pearl Harbor day is Saturday, December 7! Well, that’s how I remember my wife’s birthday. Yes, sometimes I have to rely on the news media to remind me of Mally’s birthday as they cover Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 1941. Ok, now I know it’s my wife’s birthday tomorrow. But I need to think about four things: How old is she? Ok, let me think. When did Watson and Crick discover the helical structure of the DNA molecule? That’s easy: 1953. I do remember my wife was born
Finnish editor and software engineer Ari Takku tells how he became a creationist. …read more Source:
By Laura Allnutt The passenger pigeon, the philosophy behind Remembrance Day for Lost Species, and the biblical precedent for animal conservation. …read more Source: AIG Daily
George Washingon: “It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will…and humbly implore His protection and favor. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Dr. Jerry Bergman This review focuses on Korea, and the effects of racism on Korea from both Japan and China. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Northern Kentucky will host visitors from around the world as the spectacular annual Christmas programs return to the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, host Emily Kurlinski talks with Michael Egnor, professor of neurosurgery at Stony Brook University, about the dire warnings, stretching back at least to Thomas Malthus near the turn of the nineteenth century, that overpopulation would lead to starvation and civilizational ruin. Egnor discusses this and other scientific claims once widely embraced by scientific experts and later shown to be off base. The lesson, Egnor says, is that when someone tells you to believe something simply because it’s “the scientific consensus,” reserve judgment. Consensus, says Egnor, is “a political concept, not
By Ken Ham A frequent question on social media is, Are the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum wheelchair accessible? And the answer is absolutely! We even have lots of ECVs (Electronic Convenience Vehicles) available to rent if people need them. We want guests of all abilities to be able to come and enjoy both of these world-class Christian themed attractions in Northern Kentucky. Now, these attractions are much more than merely wheelchair accessible—we’ve designed an entire tactile experience so guests who are blind, visually impaired, or would otherwise benefit from such an experience can have an extraordinary visit, “seeing”
“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia” (1 Peter 1:1). These “strangers” to whom Peter wrote his two epistles were actually “pilgrims.” He used the same Greek word (parepidemos) in 1 Peter 2:11: “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pil… More… …read more Source: