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By Ken Ham Did Moses really lead the children of Israel across the Red Sea? Did God miraculously part the waters of the sea and save them from their enemies? Or, as many liberal scholars would argue, is this account just a fabrication or an exaggerated retelling of a much less exciting historical event? Discover the truth in a brand-new two-part documentary in the Patterns of Evidence film series. Part 1 is coming to theaters across the United States for one night only, February 18,. This powerful and challenging film begins the investigation into the Red Sea crossing—where was it? [More]
Most Christians are familiar with the proclamation “God is love”, which the Apostle John wrote twice in his First Letter (1 John 4:8 & 16). Not quite so well known is John’s other pronouncement “God is light” (1 John 1:5), with light being a metaphor for God’s holiness and glory. Many Christians, if asked which attribute of God they consider to be the most important, might say God’s love. And no doubt the reason for this would be because they have experienced the expression of this love via God’s forgiveness of their sins because of Christ’s death and resurrection, and [More]
As biblical creationists, we can see how important the doctrine of creation is to the Bible’s ‘big story’ of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. Many of us recall what it was like when the lights first ‘went on’ and we realized that Genesis could be trusted as an actual historical record. And especially when that revelation is fairly new to us, we can have great zeal when communicating that truth to others who have not yet had that ‘aha’ moment. At CMI, we love it when people get excited about creation, of course. Some of the most encouraging feedback we [More]
To encourage families to visit Ark Encounter, a campaign using animated giraffes encourages children ten and under to enjoy free admission during 2020. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
This year the Institute for Creation Research celebrates 50 years of ministry! In this anniversary issue, we reflect on God’s faithfulness and provision over the last five decades. Plan to join us this October for our official celebration! Discover more in the January 2020 issue of Acts & Facts! …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham I love hymns. Many churches don’t sing them anymore or only sing a select handful. But the powerful, often theologically rich lyrics are a wonderful way of passing the truth of the gospel on to the next generation. I believe we always need to use the best of the past and the best of the new. Sadly, many churches don’t use the best of the past when it comes to music. That’s why I’m excited about an event coming to the Answers Center at the Ark Encounter on June 19, 2020—the Gospel Music Hymn Sing. Join …read [More]
By Ken Ham Did you miss the big news last week? It’s an exciting announcement! You’ll want to tell your friends, family, and church about it. For all of 2020, we’re offering all children aged ten and younger free admission to both the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum Christian themed attractions (with the purchase of one adult ticket). Yes, you read that right—kids enjoy free admission in 2020! We want even more families to come and visit this world-class Christian themed attraction south of Cincinnati. That is part of a campaign we’re launching to promote the Ark Encounter nationwide [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Tod Butterfield interviews Steve Laufmann on Dr. Howard Glicksman’s 81-part EN series, The Designed Body. Listen in as Laufmann reflects on coherence in the body, specifically displayed in fetal development, as well as the limits of natural selection. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future     
If God didn’t need the world, why create it? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Pope Francis was recently asked about dealing with atheists and people of other faiths and his response was that Christians should never proselytize. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Creationists are often accused of bad science or worse but a multiple award-winning, world-class engineer keeps putting the lie to these claims. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Happy New Year from Answers in Genesis! We’re excited for 2020, and all the opportunities this year will bring, Lord willing. As I shared in a recent blog, 2019 was an incredible year. God greatly blessed the ministry of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter. We are so thankful he continues to use us for his glory and can’t wait to see what happens this year. We want to encourage as many families as possible to come and visit, so we’re offering free tickets for children! There are many wonderful things happening this [More]
By Ken Ham The Bible says we’re created “fearfully and wonderfully” (Psalm 139:14). This truth was obvious to the psalmist; writing long before technology would open a window into the womb. But now that we can see inside the womb with ultrasound technology, it’s more evident than ever that God’s work on the unborn baby is truly marvelous. And you can get a peek into that development in a fascinating new DVD presentation from AiG’s anatomist Dr. David Menton, This DVD is incredible—you will be blown away by the content and visuals! Dr. Menton focuses specifically on the first few [More]
By Jeremy Ham The focus of a birthday celebration should not be on self but on the one who created life. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Thank you to each of you who have supported Answers in Genesis! You have blessed us this past year, and we want to say thank you for your ongoing support of this cutting-edge ministry. A lot has happened this year, and we praise and thank our Lord for it. We opened the Answers Center, a 2,500-seat multi-purpose center at the Ark Encounter. We opened three new exhibit areas at the Creation Museum (that’s one-third of the museum, totally upgraded and renovated). We finished fundraising for our planetarium upgrade (opening spring of 2020). Those are just some of [More]
Will racism ever be eradicated? Does the world have the remedy? A return to biblical creation is needed: God made from one man every nation of mankind. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham The handiwork of our Creator can be seen all around us, within us, and even right on our fingertips. The uniqueness of our fingerprints points to the biblical truth that we’re fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). And their incredible design highlights the Creator and his work. One of our upcoming Bring Fingerprint Fun Home The uniqueness of our fingerprints points us to the Creator and the truth that we’re made fearfully and wonderfully. And in a children’s book by Dr. Jennifer Rivera of our staff, children will discover the uniqueness of their fingerprints, their pattern, and [More]
By Michael Flannery On this episode of ID the Future, Michael Flannery speaks again with host Mike Keas about his book Nature’s Prophet: Alfred Russel Wallace, and His Evolution from Natural Selection to Natural Theology. Wallace was the co-discoverer of the theory of evolution by natural selection along with Charles Darwin, but in 1869 he broke with Darwin, disagreeing with him on the origin of special human attributes like art, music, and abstract thought. Seeing how distinctive humans are from other animals, and after determining that the mechanism of random variation and natural selection was inadequate to explain the origin [More]
By Joel Ebert Rather than being taught platitudes and dismissive mockery, young Christians need thorough training in evolutionary beliefs. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Tim Chaffey What are the animals being sacrificed on the altar as depicted at the Ark Encounter (Kentucky) after Adam and Eve sin? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Why did the Creator take on human nature? How does this relate to Genesis creation and even before that? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Are you planning to begin reading through the Bible in January 2020? I encourage you to do so—God’s Word is so powerful, and we need to be reading all of it, from Genesis to Revelation. And, with the new year beginning, it’s a great time to start in Genesis chapter one and start reading through Scripture. And we have some resources to help you get started, stay on track, and read through the Bible in 2020—and The Evidence Bible The Bibles that we offer on our online store are on sale at least 30% off, and each [More]
What does the grammar of Genesis tell us, and is this the only indicator of historical narrative. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, physician Geoffrey Simmons speaks with host Andrew McDiarmid about his new book Are We Here to Recreate Ourselves? The Convergence of Design. There’s a pattern in our re-creating ourselves, Simmons says, even in the artifacts we create, but especially in human reproduction. He sees clues of design in in the processes of reproduction, in development, and in the many complex events in the lungs and vascular system that make childbirth possible. There’s even evidence of intentionality behind aging and death, says Simmons. In sum, Simmons argues, careful observations across many [More]
Why do we celebrate Christmas? And why on December 25th? …read more Source: creation.com     
Did Jesus’ birth actually fulfill prophecies in Scripture? …read more Source: creation.com     
Kid’s admission (ten and under) is free at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky for all of 2020. Come visit! …read more Source: AIG Daily