By Ken Ham In case you forgot what day it is today, think red, white, roses, and romance . . . it’s Valentine’s Day, of course! And I’ve got a great last-minute gift item for your spouse. Four different concert events are coming to the Ark Encounter this year, and tickets are on sale now. Each of these events is taking place in our state-of-the-art 2,500-seat auditorium, the Answers Center. Kentucky Gospel Music Celebration, May 22–23: This Memorial weekend event features Southern Gospel artists Legacy Five, along with Ernie Haase and Signature Sound, Triumphant Quartet, The Sound, Jaime Jorge, Joseph
By Ken Ham Do you want more faith-affirming Answers in Genesis video content? We’re excited that, because of a relationship with the leading faith and family-friendly video streaming service Pure Flix, you’re able to find all of our AiG videos—that’s over 500 videos!—in one place and with one subscription. As we provide new video content, it will be added to Pure Flix for you to enjoy. If you’re looking to equip yourself and your family to think biblically, consider a subscription to Pure Flix so you can enjoy all our video content right at your fingertips. Your subscription also includes
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Discovery Institute Senior Fellow and philosopher of biology Paul Nelson tells about his surprise 60th birthday gift from his wife, a trip to the “scientific Mecca,” the Galapagos Islands. Charles Darwin, whose own birthday lands today, devoted a big portion of his notes and field books from his Beagle voyage to these amazing islands, where species can be found that exist nowhere else on earth, and where from Darwin’s day until now, the creatures have no fear of humans. These unusual creatures have history, Nelson reminds us, and that history
By Ken Ham Our Our online store just released three of the talks from 2019, each designed to equip you to think and talk biblically about sexuality. I encourage you to order these new DVDs for your personal or church library. They are wonderful resources on very hot topics, and each includes a study guide to help you dig even deeper: Are People Born Gay? by Dr. Georgia Purdom How to Talk to Our Children & Teens About the Sexual Revolution by Heidi St. John, “The Busy Mom” And my talk: Why Genesis Matters for a Biblical Worldview of …read
What can the covenant in Deuteronomy teach us about our God? …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Have you ever walked with lions? Or personally interacted with elephants in their natural habitat? What about watched the African savannah come to life at sunrise from a hot air balloon? You will be able to walk with lions alongside Buddy Davis! If you’re like most people, probably not! But you have the opportunity to experience these and so much more on a Living Passages South African Safari hosted by my dear friend Buddy Davis and his wife, Kay, June 12–22, 2020. You will be able to walk with lions alongside Buddy Davis! Buddy has been to
Darwin’s birthday should be a day to question evolution! How should we present the truth? …read more Source:
By Ken Ham We have a fantastic free resource that I encourage parents to take advantage of. Kids Answers features articles, videos, activities, characters from our Answers VBS and Answers Bible Curriculum, and fun facts. You can even view past issues of Kids Answers, the mini-magazine included with our award-winning biblical worldview magazine, Answers. is a wonderful supplement to your homeschool science curriculum, family devotional time, or just because. And, of course, you don’t have to worry about what your kids might see while they are on the site because it’s all biblical worldview based. I encourage you to
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Jonathan Witt caught up with Darwin’s Black Box author and biochemist Michael Behe at the 2020 Dallas Science and Faith conference, where the two discuss an idea that many wish would just go away, but hasn’t. Charles Darwin himself told us how his evolutionary theory could be overturned: identify a biological system that couldn’t possibly have evolved by “numerous success successive slight modifications.” It’s to Darwin’s credit that he put his theory in “empirical harm’s way,” to quote philosopher Del Ratzsch, but as Witt and Behe note, Darwin also cleverly
Most viruses are beneficial to living things, but occasionally one of them escapes whatever is controlling it and it run amok, burning hot but often quickly burning out. …read more Source:
By Dr. Dana Sneed As Christians, we must be careful to discern sound ideas from falsehoods so that we may honor Christ and proclaim the truth of his Word—starting in Genesis. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Good news is hard to come by regarding the origins battle in education. The majority of educators and scientists around the world have an evolutionary worldview. Therefore, they’re not open to any alternative to Darwinism be it some form of intelligent design (ID) or biblical creation. However, in a breath of intellectual fresh air the administration of Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro recently appointed &ldquo… More… …read more Source:
Responding to a creationist paper that uses bad argumentation to support the Masoretic text. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Alright, men, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Now, if you’re anything like me, you’ve had everything planned for weeks and are ready for Friday with chocolate, roses, and a dinner reservation (well, that is, if you have daughters like I do who remind me of these things and organize it all for me!). But, if you’re like lots of other men, you may have forgotten about this romantic holiday. But don’t worry—I’ve got you covered with a gift for your wife, daughter, mother, or grandmother that will encourage her heart and equip her mind. We’ll
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics. …read more Source:
By E. Calvin Beisner Fear of environmental catastrophe grows out of the lack of the fear of God. That is the real root of the environmental scares that have plagued the modern world. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Robert Marks continues his conversation with Walter Bradley, co-author (with Charles Thaxton and Roger Olsen) of the groundbreaking 1984 work The Mystery of Life’s Origin. A revised and expanded edition of the book has just been released with new contributions from James Tour, Guillermo Gonzalez, Stephen Meyer, and others, but today Bradley and Marks discuss the book’s first release, including the cultural context that made finding a non-religious publisher an uphill battle, and discussion of some of the endorsements and early reviews, including one drive-by and four positive responses from
By Walter Bradley On this episode of ID the Future, Robert J. Marks interviews Walter Bradley, co-author of the seminal 1984 ID book The Mystery of Life’s Origin, now being released in a revised and expanded edition with updates from multiple contributors discussing the progress (or lack of it) in origins science in the 35 years since the book’s original publication. In this first of two podcasts, Bradley discusses the history of the attempts to explain life’s origin naturalistically, and how the three authors of the 1984 book came together to shake up the world of origin-of-life science. Your browser
A review of The Lost World of the Flood by Tremper Longman III and John H. Walton. …read more Source:
By Dr. Georgia Purdom Phil Johnson will be speaking at the upcoming Answers for Women conference. What he shared with me about his upcoming talk will be a blessing to all our readers. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham It’s hard to believe it was already six years ago today that I stood on the stage in Legacy Hall at the Creation Museum, in front of an absolutely packed audience (tickets to the event sold out in minutes) made up of both creationists and evolutionists, to debate Bill Nye, TV’s “The Science Guy.” And, even though 2014 was a while ago now, I’m still hearing many testimonies of people who were impacted by that well-known debate, watched worldwide. When I’m out speaking or meeting guests at the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter, I frequently hear
By Ken Ham An excellent new film is coming to theaters across the United States, one night only, February 18, 2020. And I encourage you not to miss it! Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle, part one, begins the search to answer the question, “did Moses really lead the children of Israel across the Red Sea?” Liberal scholars say it didn’t happen, or, if it did, it wasn’t miraculous (maybe a few thousand people just crossed a swamp, they might say!). But that’s not what God’s Word teaches! Join filmmaker Tim Mahoney as he travels the globe, speaking to
By Heather Brinson Bruce We rely on our sight more than any other sense to help us interpret the world. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham February 12, the birthday of Charles Darwin, is recognized by many evolutionists as “Darwin Day.” Well, that’s right around the corner, and I have a challenge for both creationists and evolutionists on this “Darwin Day.” For evolutionists—here’s your challenge. Download (or order a physical copy) of the powerful book, But don’t just take my word for it—check out the evidence for yourself. I challenge you, in honor of Darwin’s birthday, to challenge yourself to read Replacing Darwin and consider its claims. For creationists—here’s your challenge. You still have time to order copies of Replacing Darwin from our
Remembering a faithful believer and recognizing his impact on CMI’s ministry. …read more Source:
What can we know about the origin of the universe? How do the Gospels affirm the dominion mandate for research? What can we learn about the Ice Age from the newest Discovery Center film? And how can we answer attacks on the Bible? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the February 2020 issue of Acts & Facts! …read more Source:
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, guest host Jonathan Witt sits down with molecular biologist Douglas Axe at the recent Dallas Science and Faith Conference. Axe, author of Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed, had his research on protein folds published in the Journal of Molecular Biology, work showing that random mutations are not up to the task of building fundamentally new protein folds from old, a finding that poses a major challenge to modern evolutionary theory. After all, if evolution can’t build something as basic as a new protein fold, how