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By Ken Ham Every day we hear from individuals and families who have toured the Ark Encounter or Creation Museum in N. Kentucky, visited our websites, heard from one of our dynamic speakers, found us on social media, heard my daily radio program, or somehow connected with the Answers in Genesis ministry and biblical messages. We are so grateful to hear these stories and are encouraged by how God is using this ministry to change hearts and lives for eternity. I thought I would share with you two testimonies we received from recent guests to the Ark Encounter and Creation [More]
By John Lennox On this episode of ID the Future, host Robert Marks continues his conversation with Oxford University mathematician John Lennox about Lennox’s new book 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity. Lennox reviews mythology and science fiction writing stretching from the ancient poet Hesiod to the novelist Dan Brown and MIT physicist Max Tegmark. He says that artificial intelligence (AI) predictions down through the ages are all heavily dependent on theological and philosophical presuppositions. He and Marks also discuss AI’s cousin, transhumanism, its surprising history, and its potentially very dark future, including the risk of what C.S. [More]
By John Lennox On this episode of ID the Future, host Robert Marks interviews Oxford University mathematician John Lennox on Lennox’s new book 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity. It’s a wide-ranging discussion about AI’s advantages already being realized, in medicine, for example; AI’s supposed potential to achieve human-like consciousness; ethical issues that AI programmers will have to grapple with; effects that AI will have on the economy and individual workers; and the risks associated with living in an AI world where every movement is tracked. A key question as we move toward this future, says Lennox, is [More]
By Troy Lacey Scripture never established concubines or polygamy as an ordained institution, but it did establish marriage between one man and one woman. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
“This video is being shown tonight, 08/03/20  8:00 PM EST. Sounds great but you need to register and it will require a minimum donation of 5.00 dollars to watch. If you miss the live broadcast there will be a replay. This will be shown on the ZOOM platform so you will need a free ZOOM account, if you don’t already have one, to watch it.” Admin   When you realize all the information God has left us to confirm what the Bible says, you are provoked to share these truths and the implications of these truths with others. You need to [More]
By Ken Ham In May we launched our brand-new streaming platform, Answers.tv. On this high-quality video platform, you will find Answers in Genesis videos, live streams, science teaching, creationist nature programming, children’s teaching and adventure programs, music for all ages, conferences and much more…all in one place. We have almost 2,000 videos on the platform with new videos being uploaded all the time. And now the apps for Roku, smartphones, and Amazon Fire TV are available. Here’s where you can find apps for whatever devices you watch Answers TV on: Roku Devices and TVs Apple iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV [More]
Could the first three days of Creation Week have been longer than the last three? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham It’s coming! We’re so excited that our upcoming Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit is well under construction. After a delay due to the COVID-19 shutdown, this powerful pro-life and anti-abortion exhibit will be installed in the Creation Museum by late September. And here’s a sneak peek of this coming exhibit.
By Ken Ham Just when you think you’ve seen everything, you spy the headline, “Alien civilisations could move their star to avoid a cosmic disaster.” Yes, you read that right. According to new “research,” advanced alien civilizations could use machines to move their star over many millions of years—and if we look for it, we might be able to see it! This proposed alien machine would be a large structure that would orbit the sun, producing a gravitational pull that would drag the sun towards it. This proposed alien machine would be a large structure that would orbit the sun, [More]
By Ken Ham A new exhibit officially opened at the Ark Encounter with a dedication ceremony last week. Previously, this space had housed benches and a vending machine—now it features an exhibit that calls people to look back at the history of the AiG ministry and celebrates all that God has done—and to look forward to all that God is going to do in the future. After learning about the history of the ministry, guests are drawn into the future vision for exhibits and coming expansions through video presentations on …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
Michael Heiser has a reputation as an Evangelical semitic language scholar, but he departs from Evangelical doctrine in serious ways …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham As atheists continue to mock and deride Christianity, believers in Jesus should boldly believe the Word of God – our only sure foundation for an accurate worldview. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Robert Crowther interviews Sarah Chaffee, Education and Public Policy Program Officer for the Center for Science and Culture, on a recent survey conducted by the dogmatically pro-Darwin National Center for Science Education (NCSE), and published in Nature. The NCSE claims that the survey shows that science teachers “advocate evolution” even more now than in 2007. But as Crowther and Chaffe’s discussion suggests, the survey appears gamed to produce a pro-Darwinist outcome, so much so that even teachers who follow the Discovery Institute’s policy of promoting critical thinking skills by teaching [More]
By Ken Ham Last week I was interviewed on American Family Radio’s The Hamilton Corner program on very timely topics: how the Bible can be used to fight racism and prejudice, and how God’s Word also explains the origin of the various people groups. I encourage you to listen to this encouraging program that aired on almost 200 radio stations across America. The host of this program, Abraham Hamilton, heard me give a talk on the topic of racism over 10 years ago in Texas, and it had a profound impact on him. He invited me to join him on [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, host Jay Richards interviews historian of science Michael Keas about a new documentary claiming that Copernicus’s heliocentric model of the solar system “demoted” humans from the place of honor at the center of everything. Neil deGrasse Tyson champions this persistent myth in episode 8 of the new National Geographic series Cosmos: Possible Worlds. The reality is quite different. As Keas explains, in Copernicus’s day, the Earth was thought to be at the bottom of the universe, the “sump” where all the filth collected, while the starry heavens were considered the [More]
By Ken Ham If you visit the Ark Encounter, you’ll see exhibits that teach all humans are one race and thus we’re all one family. But that is obviously racist. And you will see lots of female staff here at the Ark, so obviously we’re anti-women. And you will also find exhibits that explain that the gospel message is for all human beings, and our burden is for all to be saved for eternity. So we are obviously anti-humanity. You just have to understand what all the exhibits really mean, even if they don’t seem to teach it. And all [More]
By Harry F. Sanders, III Gregor Mendel is perhaps one of the most well-known scientists in history. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Expand your DVD library with resources from Answers in Genesis that you can watch again and again or share with others during our “ Buy any three Answers magazine issues, Buddy Davis music CDs, or pocket guides, and get three of your choice of magazine issues, CDs, or pocket guides for free. We’re also having another sale, this one also running through the end of next month (August 31, 2020). Buy any three of the select Answers magazine issues, Buddy Davis music CDs, or pocket guides, and get three of your choice of magazine issues, CDs, or [More]
By Avery Foley New to homeschooling? Here are five quick tips to anyone beginning to homeschool, plus some bonus resources, that will help you get started. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid reads a recent article from Salvo magazine, “Bits and Bytes at the Bottom.” In the essay, systems engineer Ken Pedersen and Discovery Institute senior fellow Jonathan Witt begin by noting that scientific materialism sees reality as the result of accidental collisions and combinations of elementary particles–a worldview devoid of ultimate meaning and purpose. Many scientific materialists expressed confidence that any shortcomings in their paradigm would be shorn up by fresh discoveries soon enough, but as Pedersen and Witt explain, a funny thing happened on the way to the [More]
By Ken Ham How Do You Define Success? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Eric H. Anderson On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid concludes his conversation with Eric Anderson, one of the co-authors of the new Discovery Institute Press book Evolution and Intelligent Design in a Nutshell. Today they talk about Anderson’s second of two chapters in the book, where he explores the challenges of building a self-replicating 3D printer, and the light this sheds on the origin-of-life community’s search for their Holy Grail, a self-reproducing molecule that could have kickstarted the evolutionary process on the early earth. In their conversation, Anderson suggests that there are engineering principles involved in [More]
By Ken Ham A big part of the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum are our two zoos—Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark and Eden Animal Experience at the museum. Families love meeting animals, such as our kangaroos, zebroids (a zorse and a zonkey), coatis, sloths, camels, and getting a biblical perspective on each animal—including an understanding of what it means that God made “kinds” of land animals. And you can meet our zoo animals again and again for years to come with a lifetime boarding pass to the Ark Encounter. <img …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
A comprehensive critique of theistic evolution. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham If you’re an upper middle school or high school student, mark these dates on your calendar—November 5–7, 2020. Those three days, we’re hosting our annual Creation College Expo at the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky. Oh, and did I mention this event is free—and it includes free admission to the Ark Encounter? Many of the nation’s leading Christian colleges and universities—and only those who will sign AiG’s Tenets of Creation statement, holding to biblical creation and a young earth—are represented at this exciting event. Students in grades 7–12 can visit one-on-one with representatives from these schools, learn [More]
By Ken Ham Most Bible commentaries state that the site of the Garden of Eden was in the Middle East, but what does Scripture actually tell us? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham We work hard to ensure both the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum are friendly towards all our valued guests, no matter when they come to visit. But once each year here in Northern Kentucky, we host an event especially for those in the Deaf community. We’re thrilled each year to see hundreds of Deaf individuals come and learn about the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. Our annual Deaf Days are very popular, and we’re thrilled each year to see hundreds of Deaf individuals come and learn about the truth of God’s Word and the [More]