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By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, host Eric Anderson talks with scientist and fellow engineer Rob Stadler about a recent origin-of-life paper and how the authors paint themselves into a corner. The context for the paper is this: Decades of research have undermined the three great hopes for a purely naturalistic origin of life — scenarios starting with some sort of metabolism, scenarios starting with some kind of membrane, and scenarios starting with RNA. All three are necessary for cellular life; none seems able to have come ahead of the others. So now some recent work [More]
Christian parents can ‘fire-proof’ their children’s spiritual foundations and leave a lasting legacy by honestly answering their questions and defending the Bible as God’s inerrant Word. …read more Source: creation.com     
What’s the story behind ICR’s new President? What milestone are we celebrating this month at the ICR Discovery Center? How do comets affirm recent creation? Did someone really find Noah’s Ark? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the September 2020 issue of Acts & Facts! …read more Source: icr.org     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Jorn Dyerberg, the Danish biologist and co-discoverer of the role of omega-3 fatty acids in human health and nutrition, talks with Brian Miller about finding irreducible complexity in cells 40 years ago. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future     
By Ken Ham In the latest assault on biblical morality, progressive advocates push for normalizing “polyamorous parenting, a direct affront to God and his Word. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Labor Day is just around the corner, and to celebrate we’re offering a special Our online bookstore team decided to offer a discount of at least 25% on all of the books I have written, co-written, and/or edited, along with my DVDs. Consider adding these book titles to your library: One Race, One Blood Glass House Gospel Reset Or consider filling your children’s bookshelves with gospel-centered biblical worldview books: The Door of Salvation One Blood for Kids Ken Ham Rhyming Books Or if you’re looking to grow your DVD library, consider these: Gospel Reset Answering Atheists: Genesis, [More]
Peak District National Park was established in 1951 as Great Britain’s first national park. Now that upland park is experiencing another historic highlight—the rare bearded vulture has arrived there to roost.1 The only other British sighting of a Bearded Vulture occurred back in 2016 in Monmouthshire.2 This bird of prey has a commanding presence—it’s huge and hairy-lookin… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham “Who do you say that I am?” That question Jesus asked Peter in Matthew 16:15 is the most important question anyone can answer. And from cover to cover, the Bible answers that question with the truth that Jesus Christ is the eternal God and the Creator, who became a man to die on the cross in our place. But a biblical Christology (the doctrine of the person of Jesus), like so many other essential doctrines, is slipping from our churches. Such a belief has been condemned as heresy by the church for centuries because it runs contrary [More]
By Ken Ham A jaw-dropping 89.1%* of doctors in Belgium support the intentional killing of infants with disabilities after they have been born (i.e., an “after-birth abortion”), according to a recent study. When asked, almost 9 in 10 Belgian doctors working with unborn children agreed that “in the event of a serious (non-lethal) neonatal condition, administering drugs with the explicit intention to end neonatal life is acceptable.” Now, what constitutes a “serious (non-lethal) neonatal condition” was not spelled out in the study. It’s truly a culture of death! As shocking and horrifying as this may seem, it is the next [More]
By Simon Turpin How would first-century Jewish people have viewed the ending of the Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)? Did they think it was a complete account? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Though music sets a tone for worship, God’s Word should be the main focus in our church services. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, we bring you the second half of John West’s documentary The Magician’s Twin: C. S. Lewis and the Case Against Scientism. Lewis wrote with great concern about scientism’s totalitarian potential, but never more prophetically than in That Hideous Strength, published 75 years ago this month, in which scientists forget the limits of their discipline, cast off ethical restraints, and assume control of public policy. According to Lewis, science steps dangerously outside its bounds when it assumes it has all knowledge, especially moral knowledge. Your browser does not support playing Audio, [More]
By John G. West On this episode of ID the Future, we recognize the 75th anniversary this month of the publication of C. S. Lewis’s prophetic science fiction novel That Hideous Strength, with the first slightly abridged part of John West’s documentary The Magician’s Twin: C. S. Lewis and the Case Against Scientism. Several scholars were interviewed for the film, including Jay Richards, Angus Menuge, Victor Reppert, John West, and Michael Aeschliman. Scientism is the idea that science is the ultimate path to knowledge and wisdom — the only sure path — and that the spiritual realm is a mirage. [More]
By Ken Ham On March 14, 2020, our friends at Sight & Sound Theatres were set to premiere a brand-new show three years in the making—Queen Esther. Based on pre-sales, over 800,000 people were expected to watch this show over its premiere season. Of course, we all know what happened in March. Sadly, Queen Esther missed its debut. But this incredible show is back on and not only can you go and see it in person in Lancaster, PA (Noah is showing in Branson, MO), but you can enjoy this spectacular live show from your own home this Labor Day [More]
If humans evolved from animals, ‘sin’ predates Adam by millennia, undermining the case for moral imperatives and restraints on human behaviour today. …read more Source: creation.com     
A high-tech virtual reality experience called the “Truth Traveler” has just opened at the Ark Encounter, featuring its first VR show, A Flood of Reality. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham We’re very excited that the World’s Largest Christian Music Festival is coming to the Ark Encounter next year, August 2 – September 10, 2021, south of Cincinnati. In a partnership with Abraham Productions, we’re bringing over 80 well-known Gospel music artists and groups to the Ark Encounter to perform over 40 days and nights in our 2,500-seat Answers Center. Here are just a few of the artists that will be performing during “40 Days and 40 Nights of Gospel Music at the Ark”: The Hoppers The Isaacs Lynda Randle Booth Brothers Karen Peck and New River Ernie [More]
By Ken Ham Each year we host Deaf Days, which include one day at the Ark Encounter and one day at the Creation Museum in N. Kentucky. Deaf guests can see the Bible come to life as they tour the three decks of exhibits in the life-size Ark and walk through biblical history at the Creation Museum. They’ll also enjoy ASL presentations and more, Saturday, October 10, 2020, at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown and Sunday, October 11, 2020, at the Creation Museum in Petersburg. On Deaf Days, Deaf volunteers and interpreters will be available to assist guests throughout the [More]
The 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial pitted evolution and creation against each other in the courtroom. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham “Love has no age.” That phrase, along with three “partying face” emojis and a photo of an individual dressed in a rainbow suit and matching umbrella, was recently tweeted from the Drag Queen Story Hour UK Twitter account, according to screenshots captured before the tweet was reportedly deleted and the account locked. “Love has no age”—now what does that mean? Well, considering that Drag Queen Story Hours are directed at children and encouraging them to accept others “no matter how different they are,” it would seem that the phrase means exactly what you’d think it means: pedophilia [More]
By Ken Ham The Bible records an incredible miracle where God split the Red Sea in two, leading the Israelite nation to freedom and drowning their Egyptian oppressors. Did this event really happen? Was it a spectacular miracle or the result of natural forces on a shallow lake or marsh? Filmmaker Tim Mahoney dives deep into these questions in the epic conclusion to The Red Sea Miracle in part two of the You can find The Red Sea Miracle: Part II at AnswersBookstore.com or you can rent or buy the film (as well as others in the Patterns of Evidence [More]
By Howard Glicksman On this episode of ID the Future, physician Howard Glicksman explains the hugely complex blood flow systems required to keep us clear-headed and alive even while doing everything from gymnastics to simply getting up in the morning. There are various methods the heart and blood vessels use to keep the body properly supplied. It’s also about hormones and nervous-system signaling. Does Darwinism provide a satisfactory explanation for such an intricately coordinated system? Dr. Glicksman argues that it does not, and that a far better explanation is intelligent design. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade [More]
By Ken Ham Most Fridays and Saturdays at the Ark Encounter this summer, my good friend Buddy Davis and I put on a special kids’ program for families—for “kids of all ages,” as we say. Buddy sings, I speak on dinosaurs, the gospel, and more, and then Buddy and I joke around with each other. Kids, teens, and their parents love it (and with space for 2,500 people in the Answers Center, there’s plenty of room for social distancing). Kids love Buddy’s laid-back style of presenting biblical truth and singing. And you can now enjoy teaching from Buddy on Answers [More]
By Ken Ham Our world is hurting. Coronavirus fears, record unemployment, anxiety about the future, and more seem to be driving a spike in “adverse mental health conditions, substance use, and suicidal ideation,” according to a new study of American adults from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Reportedly, 25.5% of Americans, ages 18-24, “seriously considered suicide” in June and 74.9% “reported having at least one mental or behavioral health condition during June.” The only ultimate answer is the eternal hope, peace, and joy that comes through the gospel of Jesus Christ and believing the Word of God. What is [More]
By Avery Foley Corrected study admits “the results demonstrated no advantage of surgery” for transgender individuals – but the positive effects of the gospel are known. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
There is a wealth of evidence for biblical events in Egypt-if you know where to look! …read more Source: creation.com     
By Howard Glicksman Physician Howard Glicksman talks with host Ray Bohlin about the amazing control systems involved in something we’re all familiar with: blood pressure in this classic ID the Future episode. It’s a system requiring adjustment at every point along the way, from blood volume to blood pumping velocity to pressure out in the blood vessels. And it has to be able to act fast in order to keep us alive — which leads to some hard questions for Mr. Darwin. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download [More]