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What is ICR’s vision for the next chapter of creation ministry? Why do mosquitoes attack humans? How did we celebrate the first anniversary of the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History? Was leviathan a legend or a real creature? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the October 2020 issue of Acts & Facts! Full versions of… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Michael Denton On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid reads an excerpt from the new book The Miracle of the Cell by Michael Denton. Denton, a biochemist from Perth, Australia, and senior fellow of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, introduces the wonders of the cell as “the universal constructor set of life.” The diversity of cells — their variety of form, function, and locomotion — is beyond describing, with some cells almost seeming sentient, even ingenious. As Denton notes, our growing knowledge of the cell’s staggering sophistication has provoked the name “the third infinity.” And [More]
By Ken Ham The Grand Canyon is so much more than an incredibly beautiful attraction, a natural wonder, or a world-renowned geologic marvel—it’s a monument to catastrophe and the truth of God’s Word. Of course, you won’t read that on any of the signs scattered throughout the park. But you can discover the truth about Grand Canyon on a fantastic backpacking trip with our friends at Canyon Ministries of Arizona. They have a passion for helping believers and even skeptics enjoy the great beauty of the Canyon while discovering how it points to the truth of God’s Word, specifically the [More]
By Jason W. Landless The deluge poems of Mesopotamia are soaked in a moral and theological framework that is not just different from Genesis but utterly hostile to it. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Frost Smith What is critical race theory, how is it permeating the church, what does the Bible say about it, and what is the biblical response to racism in the church? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham It’s increasingly common to meet people of different religions in the workplace, on the street, at school or university, or even living next door to us. So how do we reach Muslims, Judaists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and atheists with the message of the gospel? Well, get equipped to do just that with Answers in Genesis-UK/Europe’s upcoming virtual conference, “World Religions and Cults,” on October 31, 2020. You’ll get practical answers from a former Jehovah’s Witnes, a former Mormon (our very own Roger Patterson), Bodie Hodge (coeditor, with Roger Patterson, of the World Religions and Cults series), Simon [More]
By Bodie Hodge In this chapter, we’ll examine the fascinating answers to questions about what happened on the plain of Shinar. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
In its September 21 issue, the Journal of Theoretical Biology published a major peer-reviewed article on fine-tuning in biology that favorably discusses intelligent design. The article explicitly cites work by Discovery Institute Fellows such as Stephen Meyer, Günter Bechly, Ann Gauger, Douglas Axe, and Robert J. Marks. The article is co-authored by Steinar Thorvaldsen and Ola Hössjer. Hössjer is a professor of mathematical statistics at Stockholm University who is favorable to intelligent design. This is a big deal for the mainstreaming of ID. The Journal of Theoretical Biology is a top peer-reviewed science journal. According to CiteScore, it is the [More]
By Ken Ham Psalm 19 begins with the phrase, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” Truly the heavens are an awe-inspiring declaration of the grandeur, majesty, power, and handiwork of the omnipotent Creator—who simply spoke and then countless stars and galaxies leapt into place. Well, you can discover more about the heavens and how they declare the glory of God in These new videos, produced by Awesome Science Media, feature in-depth discussion on six topics, including asteroids and comets, searching for alien life, amazing stars, the law of gravity, the space race, [More]
By Ken Ham Climate change, extinction, plastic pollution—these are some of the big environmental issues of our day. As believers, we have a responsibility to exercise biblical dominion over creation (Genesis 1:27). But how do we do that practically? Well, our upcoming issue of the award-winning You’ll discover biblical answers to questions about looming extinctions, plastic pollution, and how we as Christians should approach caring for God’s creation. You’ll also meet modern homesteaders, discover the simple yet controversial answer to why mountains are high and oceans are low, dive into the question, “Should we cancel Darwin?” and so much more. [More]
By Ken Ham It’s a big question for many people: “Which Christian college should I attend?” The majority of Christian colleges have abandoned biblical authority and instead have added man’s ideas into Scripture. These schools can do much more harm than good to a young person’s faith (sometimes even more harm than an atheistic, secular school). So how can you find a solid Christian college that takes a stand on Genesis and biblical authority? All the colleges featured at the expo are schools that take a stand on biblical authority, a literal six-day creation, the age of the earth, and [More]
By James Tour On this episode of ID the Future, Rice University synthetic organic chemist and inventor James M. Tour continues his conversation with Stephen C. Meyer, director of the Center for Science and Culture. In this third of three episodes featuring the two researchers, Tour draws from questions sent in by listeners of his own podcast. These include questions about the multiverse, quantum cosmology, the possibility — and theological implications — of life on other planets, the Big Bang, and what intelligent design thinking has to say about viruses and bacteria. The episode is excerpted from an extended interview [More]
By James Tour On this episode of ID the Future, James M. Tour and Stephen C. Meyer begin a discussion about the hard problems facing researchers trying to discover how the first life could have come about naturalistically. Meyer is the director of the Center for Science and Culture; Tour is a world-renowned synthetic organic chemist with over 700 research publications and multiple major recognitions, including TheBestSchools.org naming him one of the 50 most influential scientists in the world today. Though he doesn’t sign on to ID theory, he says he’s sympathetic with the idea, and certainly not impressed with [More]
By James Tour On this episode of ID the Future, James M. Tour and Stephen C. Meyer begin a discussion about the hard problems facing researchers trying to discover how the first life could have come about naturalistically. Meyer is the director of the Center for Science and Culture; Tour is a world-renowned synthetic organic chemist with over 700 research publications and multiple major recognitions, including TheBestSchools.org naming him one of the 50 most influential scientists in the world today. Though he doesn’t sign on to ID theory, he says he’s sympathetic with the idea, and certainly not impressed with [More]
By Ken Ham I am so excited to announce that our long-anticipated and stunning Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit at the Creation Museum is now open! Creation Museum visitors will be astounded by the quality of this exhibit (you’ll get just a glimpse of the quality in the photos below)—and the teaching is so powerful! Creation Museum visitors will be astounded by the quality of this exhibit—and the teaching is so powerful! As …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Ken Ham In just a few weeks, we are welcoming Deaf guests from across America to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum for Deaf Days, October 10–11, 2020, here in N. Kentucky. This event features ASL interpreters, special presentations in ASL, and a Deaf-led worship service. This event features ASL interpreters, special presentations in ASL, and a Deaf-led worship service. Deaf Days takes place at the Ark Encounter on Saturday, October 10, and the Creation Museum Sunday, October 11. At the Ark Encounter, AiG’s Avery Foley will be speaking on a very timely topic, “Gay ‘Marriage’ and God’s Word.” [More]
By Richard Weikart [Edited] On this episode of ID the Future, historian Richard Weikart continues his conversation with host Michael Keas about “scientific” racism. The evil of racism was nothing new when Darwin and his evolutionary theory came on the scene, but according to Weikart, racist thinking, increased “by orders of magnitude” under the influence of Darwinism and evolutionary thinking, and became mainstream science. The idea of a Malthusian “struggle for existence” meant there must be winners and losers in the fight for population survival, and Darwin believed that the best, and inevitable, outcome would be that the supposedly superior [More]
God’s holiness, as seen at the Fall, at the Crucifixion, and at the last great Judgment. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Mark Looy In an effort to “cancel” historical racists, culture has missed one of the most influential racists of all time. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Public school aims to undermine God-ordained family with the “Black Lives Matter” organization propaganda and the group’s Marxist-inspired curriculum in Buffalo, NY. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
A reader asks: Could God inspire error? And: do people continue to sin in Hell? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham In just a few days, our brand-new Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit—a stunning pro-life exhibit (I believe it will be the most powerful such exhibit in the world)—opens at the Creation Museum. We are so excited for our guests to see this incredible celebration of life. This exhibit is the latest in a series of upgrades and new exhibits that have come to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter this year. (For example, we completely upgraded our Creation Museum planetarium last spring and recently opened a brand-new virtual reality experience at the Ark Encounter.) If you don’t [More]
While out on ministry CMI’s speakers are regularly approached by parents, teens or young people in the church on gay marriage and climate change. These are massive cultural topics in the media today and there is pressure to conform, lest we be labelled as climate change deniers or ‘homophobes’. There is no question that the pressure is mounting on the church, and especially on our young people at school or university. …read more Source: creation.com     
Ministering to the poor with biblical creation …read more Source: creation.com     
By Richard Weikart On this episode of ID the Future, historian and Cal State Stanislaus emeritus professor Richard Weikart speaks with host Michael Keas about the dark history of “scientific” racism. Racism, of course, long pre-dated Darwinism, but as Weikart argues, Darwin and Darwinian evolutionary theory greatly fueled racist thinking in the late nineteenth century and even down to the present. Weikart notes that Darwin himself was “intensely racist,” writing (The Descent of Man, 1871) that “at some time the civilized races of man will exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races.” Darwin didn’t merely predict this; he [More]
By Ken Ham According to a recent survey, 24% of so-called evangelical Christians in the U.S. agree “gender identity is a matter of choice.” Of this same group, 20% disagree that “sex outside of traditional marriage is a sin” and 18% agree with this statement, “the Bible’s condemnation of homosexual behavior doesn’t apply today” (and 10% aren’t sure!). What does this survey tell us? Well, apparently Christians are very confused when it comes to sexuality and biblical morality! So many people in our churches are biblically illiterate! This conference will focus on biblical and practical answers to issues regarding sexuality. [More]
By Dr. Gordon Wilson Ugly, worthless, annoying—does our opinion of some creatures reflect the Creator’s care or do we need an attitude adjustment? …read more Source: AIG Daily