By Ken Ham You asked—we delivered! Children love Kids Answers—a unique magazine just for them, included for free with your Answers magazine subscription. Well, parents and their children have been asking us to make it bigger with even more activities, fun animal facts, and apologetics content. So we doubled the size of the kids magazine! Designed for children ages 7–11, it’s a wonderful, powerful resource that honors God as Creator and helps your little ones build a biblical worldview. Now when children pull out Kids Answers magazine, they’ll find 16 pages of content, including activities, teaching with Peter Schriemer of
By Ken Ham “Spectacular!” “Stunning!” “Awesome!” “Unique!” Those are just some of the words people use to describe all the lights and programs at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter. Our Christmas programs, ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum and ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter, have been very popular this year. Thousands of families have come to see the breathtaking lights (hundreds of thousands of them), enjoy a spin on our synthetic ice rink, or sing Christmas carols with Steve Hess & Southern Salvation. Don’t miss your opportunity to enjoy these special events—they end December 30 (closed Christmas Eve and Christmas
By Dr. Jerry Bergman Attempts to apply Darwinian eugenics were part of the Nazi effort to produce a superior race in Germany. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Brian Miller Today’s ID the Future is Part 3 of a conversation between Rice University chemist/inventor James Tour and Brian Miller, research coordinator for Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture. In this concluding portion of their conversation, Miller fields questions Tour pulls from his mailbag. They cover everything from how simple can a cell get and still survive and reproduce to questions of design detection, bouncing cosmologies, the possibility of alien life, and the similarities between computers and cells in how they process information. The interview is borrowed, with permission, from Tour’s Science and Faith podcast, available here.
By Ken Ham I posted an item recently on Facebook about a video posted by Phil Vischer, the creator of VeggieTales. In that video, he showed a photo of me and a Creation Museum exhibit as an example of what he claimed were those “rejecting mainstream science.” After my post, Phil Vischer responded on Twitter. Many of his followers responded to his tweet with personal attacks on me, with many committing the epithet fallacy (where the arguer uses biased, and often emotional, language to persuade people rather than using logic). As examples of this, consider the four following examples: Read
By Dr. Jerry Bergman Over 100 innocent people were murdered to prove a theory that turned out to be not only wrong but based on an erroneous secular philosophy, namely Darwinism. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Christian researchers understand the need for a revision of the standard Egyptian chronology. If Christians are working from the same premise though, why are there such huge differences of opinion? …read more Source:
A book review of Unbelievable: 7 myths about the history and future of science and religion by Michael Newton Keas. Debunks many science-related historical myths that demean the Christian faith. …read more Source:
By Brian Miller Today’s ID the Future is Part 2 of an extended interview between synthetic organic chemist James Tour and physicist/engineer Brian Miller. Here the conversation turns to the challenge and necessity of quickly evolving error-correction mechanisms in origin-of-life scenarios and the way origin-of-life researchers slip information and design into their origin-of-life work in the lab. Miller also makes a case for the research benefits of studying cells from a design perspective. Source …read more Source: id the future
By Ken Ham How does God’s Word instruct us to train children? What are the roles of parents in their kids’ education? How should Christians view public schools? How can we train our children to face the secular giants of our day? I cover these questions and much more in my new book, Will They Stand: Parenting Kids to Face the Giants, that was just released. Throughout the book, I also weave my personal testimony concerning how my parents trained us from God‘s Word and how that led to the formation of the Answers in Genesis ministry (and the building
It seems as though a traditional Christmas complete with carol singing, Christmas Eve service and large family gatherings will not be permitted this year in many parts of the UK as governments continue to struggle with how to combat the virus. However, what appears to be the ‘traditional’ is perhaps not as old as we might think. Many of the ‘traditional’ elements are from the Victorian times – Christmas trees, carolling and of course Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’. This is what we mean by a Dickensian Christmas and it ain’t happening this year. Perhaps we are now in
By Brian Miller Today’s ID the Future features Part 1 of an extended interview that first appeared on a podcast show hosted by distinguished Rice University synthetic organic chemist James M. Tour. As he typically does, since it’s the Science & Faith podcast, Dr. Tour begins his show by asking his guest for a statement of faith. Miller, a Christian, gives his, and then they dive into origin-of-life science. In a surprisingly accessible discussion given the depth of the material, the pair cover a range of issues—thermodynamics and the origin of the first cell, entropy, free energy, order and disorder,
By Brandon Clay The top articles published (or republished) in 2020 on sorted by pageviews reveals an interesting content trend from the year. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Is the Bible so clearly an old-earth book that a young-earth reading is absurd? …read more Source:
By Ken Ham A few weeks ago we announced the largest matching gift challenge in AiG history—$3.5 million! Well, history has been made again. We are thrilled to announce that a few supporters joined together to increase our matching gift challenge to $4 million! We are so thankful for the generosity of so many who are challenging others to join them in supporting this vital ministry for our time. This is a great blessing to us, and we are so thankful for the generosity of so many who are challenging others to join them in supporting this vital ministry for
In increasingly unsettled times, we have the answer! …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Destinations magazine, published by the American Bus Association (ABA), recently released their “Best of the Best” winners for 2020. Well, listed as a winner in the “adventure” category in the US was the Ark Encounter! They described the Ark Encounter this way, Your imagination will kick into overdrive as your bus approaches this full-size replica of Noah’s Ark. Walk through state-of-the-art exhibits that tell the biblical account of the flood, experience special events in the Answers Center, visit Ararat Ridge Zoo, enjoy a meal at Emzara’s Kitchen (a buffet that has been converted into a cafeteria-style restaurant
By Dr. Terry Mortenson William Lane Craig has done much good for the church, but he has strayed far from the truth on the question of origins. …read more Source: AIG Daily
A reader asks: Are only the ‘red letters’ inspired? We respond! …read more Source:
By Paul F. Taylor What mysterious quality makes a creature alive at one moment but is absent the instant the creature dies? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham What happens when man becomes his own god? It’s exactly what is described in this article: the devaluing of human life, as certain individuals set themselves up as their own gods to decide who lives and who dies. Reporting on a sad court decision in the Netherlands, the article I linked to above states, “In other words, we are heading towards a summary, legal, and formal execution.” What do they mean by this? Well, “doctors are now allowed to introduce a sedative without the knowledge of their patients and without their consent before euthanizing them, if there
By Cornelius G. Hunter On this ID the Future Cornelius Hunter continues discussing determinism, which he describes as a “bizarre position” held “with great confidence” by scientists such as the German physicist Sabine Hossenfelder. It’s bizarre, says Hunter, because if it’s true, then the universe’s initial conditions and the laws of nature produced the particular works of Beethoven and Shakespeare willy nilly. If it’s true, then all one says or thinks — right or wrong, true or false — was determined some 13.8 billion years ago. But if that’s the case, then there are no reasonable grounds for concluding that
By Ken Ham Our free Christmas events—ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum and ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter—are in full swing in N. Kentucky. Visitors are loving the incredibly beautiful outdoor light displays, the Glice® (synthetic ice) skating rink, Christmas carols, and more. These Christmas events are taking place on select nights now through December 30. (See our website for details; closed Christmas Eve and Day.) Be sure to plan a visit with the whole family. Many activities are free. At ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum, enjoy our spectacular garden of lights, our very popular synthetic ice rink (families have been
By Troy Lacey The historical background of Hanukkah, how Jesus celebrated the “Feast of Dedication,” and how Christ revealed himself as the light of the world …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Michael Behe On this ID the Future, Michael Behe responds to the attacks on … his mousetrap. Behe used the common mousetrap to illustrate the idea of irreducible complexity, showing how various mechanical contrivances need all of their main parts to function, and to show how irreducible complexity poses a major challenge to Darwinism’s idea of gradual, step-by-step evolution of some biological machines. Most of the attacks on Behe’s argument have focused on the irreducibly complex biological systems he spotlighted, such as the outboard motor known as the bacterial flagellum. But some of his critics fixated on the mousetrap
By Ken Ham They’re going . . . going . . . almost gone! To help sustain the AiG ministry during this difficult year, we brought back our Ark Encounter lifetime boarding passes for a limited time—through December 31, 2020. So if you’ve been considering purchasing one for you or your family, make sure you get yours today! A lifetime boarding pass gives you unlimited admission to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum for your lifetime, along with free parking. A lifetime boarding pass gives you unlimited admission to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum for your lifetime, along with
By Patricia Engler A brave millennial recounts her mission around the globe to investigate how Christian students survive secular university. …read more Source: AIG Daily