By Creation Moments Is it silly to speak of plants anticipating a good watering or is it naive to think of a plant anticipating spring? Scientists are learning that although plants do not have a nervous system, they do use electrical signals to respond to their surroundings – and sometimes they respond just like human beings! read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments Almost every creature seeks companionship with others. This universal, basic need gives us additional insight into the mind of the Creator. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments The first Good Friday was the day in which the hand of God was more evident on Earth than on any other day since the Great Flood. God’s hand was especially evident to those who knew the Old Testament Scriptures, while even the Roman centurion could see it. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments You are the pilot of a Boeing 767 airliner, bringing the great ship in for a landing. Approaching the airport, you extend the slat on the leading edge of each wing so that you have more lift as your speed slows. As the runway nears, you raise the nose of the plane to catch more air. In the final moments of landing, you bring the feathers, which act as air brakes, out of the wing to reduce your lift and settle easily onto the runway. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments As we learn more about God’s creation, we find that a number of things we learned in school aren’t really true, and never were. We learned in school that plants are plants and animals are animals, and there are always distinct differences between them. We also learned that complex things like eyes are found only in higher, more evolved creatures. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments The Norfolk Island Pine Tree is an example of God’s imaginative creativity. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
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By Creation Moments As modern science has learned more about molecular biology, it has also learned that life could not have arisen on Earth from non-life. This fact is so clear that even many evolutionists now admit this truth and are now looking to space for an answer to their problem. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments The exotic Venus flytrap is an insect-catching plant and a wonder of God’s engineering. For example, these meat-eating plants usually live in mineral-poor soils, but by catching their own lunch, they actually provide their own fertilizer. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments Life depends on what chemists call one of the most complex substances in the universe. This stuff refuses to act like other materials – and because it does, we are alive. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
A great conversation about the recently released Ray Comfort movie “Evolution vs. God”. If you haven’t seen the movie you can watch it HERE. …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation
By Creation Moments Few deserts are more inhospitable than the Sonoran Desert of North America. Life is so hard there that even the Couch’s Spadefoot toad must lie dormant for 11 out of 12 months. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments According to Genesis, the first men were even building cities, inventing musical instruments, crafting in bronze and iron, and keeping calendars. Calendars are among the very earliest forms of writing found by archaeologists today. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments There is a universe of difference between saying that man was created by God, in the image of God, and saying that man is nothing more than a hairless ape. And the fact that man is not covered with hair like the ape has led to a weird, new twist in the theory of evolution. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments A few years ago there was a lot of publicity about people who claimed that their house plants did better when they were talked to. Many experts thought that this was a silly idea since plants are very low, comparatively speaking, on the (imaginary) evolutionary scale. Research eventually proved that plants which were treated to music, especially classical music, did indeed seem healthier. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments You wouldn’t guess that a 36-hour-old infant would be able to teach grown scientists about the Creator – especially by making faces. But that is exactly what has happened! The Bible teaches that each of us is an individual, made by God, and known to Him even before we are born. However, those who have tried to promote the idea of chance and natural law have portrayed the newborn as a blank slate upon which experience writes. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments In 1912 Charles Dawson announced the discovery of Piltdown man to the world. Piltdown man was a half-human, half ape-like creature which was offered as proof that man was nothing more than a glorified ape. Today, everyone knows that Piltdown man was a fraud. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Click here to listen. Is the only good science peer-reviewed science? Are there other avenues to present important scientific work? On this episode of ID The Future, Professor of Mathematics Dr. Frank Tipler discusses the pros and cons of peer review and refereed journals. More than fifty peer-reviewed papers discussing intelligent design have been published, but critics of the theory still proclaim a lack of peer-reviewed work as an argument. Listen in as Tipler shows how things have changed with the peer review process and what we can do about it.
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By Creation Moments People who live in climates where there is ice and snow are used to seeing the activity of warm-blooded creatures even in winter. However, reptiles and amphibians, because they are cold-blooded, seem to disappear in the winter. But did you know that many kinds of insects continue to be active in the winter? read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments At the end of winter, when so many of us become weary of winter and look forward to spring, it might seem a little early to be talking about flowers blooming. You might like to know, however, that man is not the only one of God’s creatures who would like to welcome spring a little early. There are some 2,500 species of plants that actually generate heat when they flower, and many of them are heating up beneath northern snows. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments One of the most unusual arrangements that fish use to keep themselves clean is found on the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. That’s where fish known as the cleaner wrasse offer a cleaning service for other fish. Each cleaning station is made up of one male and a harem of females. Other fish come and wait in line for their turn to be cleaned. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments Christians are often portrayed as foolish and superstitious. Various writers and commentators talk about Christianity as an outdated, pre-scientific faith. Creationism has often been called pseudo or false science. But is it true that Christians are more given to superstition and pseudo-science than others in society? read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Click here to listen. On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Michael Denton discusses why he foresees the downfall of the mechanistic view in cell biology and the exhaustion of materialist researches into the origin of life. Conversely, Denton finds validity in Stephen Meyer’s The Signature in the Cell, and in the proposition that intelligence was at work in the origin of life, and well before. Dr. Denton has been a medical geneticist for over twenty years, a researcher on the mammalian eye, and is the author of two books, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis
By Creation Moments Evolutionary theory says that man only developed farming recently in his history. Besides going against common sense, this evolutionary idea is beginning to cause problems with the greatly inflated evolutionary dating system. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments Evolution has given people today the idea that there are “higher” and “lower” animals. As a result, many people have come to think, for example, that the so-called “lower” animals don’t feel pain. Some people even fault the Bible for using language which speaks of animals experiencing life as humans do. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
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