Learning to eat correctly can make all the difference in the quality of a person’s life. Eat wrong — and you’ll be too skinny or too fat and unhealthy. Eat right — and you’ll be healthy and strong! The same is true spiritually. But do you know the essentials you need in your spiritual diet, so you’ll be in good spiritual condition and able to run a long and productive race in your life? In this simple and practical 5-part series, What You Need in Your Spiritual Diet, Rick covers five essential ingredients you need in order to be
[More] We are living in a world filled with uncertainty and fear. As an end-time generation, we are facing things that we never dreamed we would face and previous generations have not ever had to deal with before. Sometimes it seems like darkness has been unleashed — and as a result, many people have been gripped with fear. But you don’t have to give in to fear. Like the apostle Paul and his spiritual son Timothy, you, too, can conquer fear and speak faith to yourself no matter what circumstances you may be facing. Many people fear fiery experiences, but there is a good fire that we all need to keep burning in our lives. Fire sent from the enemy is destructive, but God-sent fire is needed to make us stronger, purer, and ready for what God wants to do in and through our lives. Remember, the Bible says God is a consuming fire — and we need His fire to remain spiritually ablaze in us and to burn red-hot as we do our part to fulfill His great plan! If you are seeking important answers for your life, then you need a revelation from God about what you should do next. Do you know how to receive that divine revelation? The Holy Spirit has all the answers you need, and in this powerful 5-part series, Rick Renner will show you how to open a window to another realm so you can receive the divine revelation and the answers you are seeking for your life. “Christ’s Message to the Church in Ephesus” is a classic teaching by Rick Renner. In his characteristically thorough and engaging teaching style, Rick delves deep into the revelation that Jesus Christ gave to the Ephesian church. Presenting these truths within the cultural and historical context of New Testament times, Rick examines each of Jesus messages that were directed both to the pastoral leadership and to the congregation itself. Everyone loves sweets — like candy, cookies, and other goodies. But the Bible says we are to “taste and see that the Lord is good.” One taste of the Lord’s goodness and you’ll learn that there’s nothing sweeter in the world than Jesus and the benefits He has provided for His children. As a child of God, you truly can partake of each of these divine blessings from the moment you are saved. Don’t miss the opportunity to see just how good the Lord is and what good things He has in store for you in this powerful teaching
[More] Join Rick today as he brings clarity and insight to two of the important fivefold ministry gifts — the apostle and the prophet. These days a lot of people are being called apostles or prophets, but are real apostles and prophets still alive, well, and operating in the Body of Christ? As you dive into these 15 lessons, discover the true purpose Jesus had for giving these fivefold ministry gifts to the Church and recognize what His expectation is for them today. What kind of future awaits sinning leaders and believers as well? Today Rick Renner will tackle this challenging subject. Join Rick Renner today as he discusses the promises that Christ makes to any believer who refuses to relinquish his or her victory! “Christs Message to the Church in Smyrna” is a sobering, eye-opening message for the Church today. In this classic teaching, Rick Renner shares encouraging Bible truths against the backdrop of intense suffering by believers in Early Church history — with application for our lives today. Supernatural signs are supposed to follow those who believe, and God wants these supernatural signs to follow you. But exactly what are the signs? How do you ignite the supernatural in your life? How often are these signs supposed to follow you and what does that really mean? In this five-part series, These Signs Shall Follow Them That Believe, Rick clearly shows the supernatural signs Jesus said will follow those who believe and how to activate them in your life. You can navigate any storm if you have the right equipment to sail through it. What is the equipment and how do you get it? Join Rick Renner today for the answer to this important question. Are we really living in the last days? How can we know for sure? The Holy Spirit prophesied with pinpoint accuracy what would take place at the very end of the age just before Christ returns. In this in-depth, 15-part series, Rick Renner shines a spiritual searchlight on 25 characteristics of a last-days society described by Paul in Second Timothy 3. Many people know what they’re supposed to do, but at times, the path to get there is like crossing the raging waters of the Jordan River at flood stage: They just don’t know how to get from where they are to where they need to be. In the series The Point of No Return, Rick takes you into the life of Joshua to learn how he stepped across the Jordan into the Promised Land — a land flowing with milk and honey. And God has a fabulous future waiting for you too. But to get there, you must make
[More] As long as you seek to live in God’s will, obey His Word, and drive back the forces of darkness, the devil will do his best to oppose and thwart the plan God wishes to accomplish through you. Most of us have already come face to face with the enemy at some point in life. It is certain that we will face him again in the future. That’s why God has given us spiritual weapons. What you learn by listening to this series will keep the devil on the run! From time to time, strife tries to get into all our relationships. And when it wiggles its way into our lives, it’s ugly and messy. Strife is an evil force that can divide people, cause heartaches, and destroy precious relationships. But you don’t have to be a victim to strife any longer! You really can permanently shut the door to strife. In this powerful series, you’ll learn how to slam the door to strife forever. It will change your life! In this series, Rick deals spiritually and practically with the various kinds of negative forces that come to steal your joy and victory. God never intended for the devil to win a single victory in your life. If you know how the enemy operates, including the negative forces and schemes he tries to use against you, you can resist those forces and overcome each one of them. Are you shocked to see how far society is drifting from what was once held precious in terms of morality and faith? We are indeed living in messy times. But 2,000 years ago at the very beginning of the Church Age, the Holy Spirit foretold that a very strange season would emerge both in society and in the Church as we approached the last days. We are living in that season now. Thats why it is so important to learn how to think right — to use your mind, to stay sensitive to the Lord, and to keep your
[More] Rick Renner and special guest Tony Cooke discuss Tony’s book Miracles and the Supernatural Throughout Church History. Drawing from Tony’s documented research, they’ll take you around the world and show you how God’s Spirit has moved mightily upon the earth since the Day of Pentecost.