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https://renner.org How do you get from where you are to where God wants you to be? Sometimes before you can get into the right place, you have to get “unstuck” from where you are. When you finally move to the place God has assigned for you, you will find supernatural blessings are awaiting you. To experience God’s best, you have to know how to identify it and then be willing to get into alignment with it.
https://renner.org This five-part series will put you on the path to discover the will of God for your life. It’s really not so hard to find once you get into the place where it can be revealed to you. But what is that special place that aligns your mind and spirit so that you can clearly hear the reason God brought you into the world? In this series you will learn the steps you need to take to get into a place where you can perceive God’s will and actually see it and know how to implement it.
https://renner.org n this five-part series Partnering With Jesus and Working With God, Rick Renner opens the Scriptures to show us practical ways and biblical examples of how to partner with Jesus and work with God to advance the Gospel and see supernatural results in your life.
https://renner.org In this series, Rick Renner teaches you about the ten different kinds of fuel you need to stay spiritually ablaze for years to come. As you learn about these fuels, you will discover how to throw them into the fire in your heart so you can keep burning spiritually. With the help of this powerful series, you can keep your inner man burning like a spiritual inferno!
https://renner.org In this fabulous five-part series, Rick Renner will help you get ready to step onto the stage of faith and to deal with all the voices that may try to push you off your confession of faith. You need to make sure you show them how faith really works and give them a performance so unforgettable that it will encourage those spectators to get off their seats and onto the stage of faith for themselves!
https://renner.org For years Rick has taught on the subject of spiritual warfare from a balanced, biblical perspective. In this new series, he takes this subject one step deeper to unfold the true definition of oppression, its origin and visible effects, and how to permanently walk free of this affliction.Nearly every person has experienced oppression or knows someone who is struggling with it right now. Based on the example of Jesus’ own ministry and His words on the subject, the information in this series can set you or a loved one on a path to freedom forever.
https://renner.org People all over the world have read the bestselling daily devotionals Sparkling Gems From the Greek. Now, for the first time ever, Rick Renner dives deep into these books to extract and share his ten favorite gems.
https://renner.org God has dispatched angels — servants of fire — to assist and help believers. Joseph Z and Rick Renner sat down to delve into the subject of angelic ministry that is available to the Church — and YOU — and how to activate their service in the life of every believer.
https://renner.org Joseph Z and Rick Renner sat down to discuss God’s plan to use the Church and obedient believers to break hell’s economy in these last days. Hell’s economy is represented in every world system where the dark god of this world has ruled, but God wants to use the Church — and He wants to use YOU — to break the devil’s grip on the world’s systems that are around you.
https://renner.org In this new, 5-part series, Rick Renner clearly shows there is truly more to you than meets the eye. Your human spirit was reborn when you got saved, and deep inside you is the Spirit of God and all of His power. But how do you get that power to work in your mind, will, emotions, and body?
Pergamum was possibly the darkest pagan city in the First Century when Gospel preachers first arrived there. But armed with the power of the Holy Spirit, they penetrated that spiritual darkness, and the Church was born in the power of the Holy Spirit. In the series Take a Tour With Rick: Pergamum, Rick Renner walks you through the entire site of Pergamum. With permission from local authorities, every door was opened to Rick and his film crew to give you the most in-depth and all-inclusive tour of this once-formidable city. This is truly a one-of-a-kind tour of Pergamum — and [More]
https://renner.org Have you desired to lay your hands on the sick and see them be healed? Have you tried to do it but felt disappointed with the results? If that describes you, then we have good news! Many years ago, Rick and Denise Renner felt the same way. So Rick dove into the Gospel to discover how Jesus healed the sick. From that time on, the Renners have seen multitudes of people healed, and now Rick is sharing what they learned in this valuable series How To Heal the Sick.
https://renner.org Join Rick today as he teaches about rest and how to let the peace of God rule your heart to bring tranquility to your soul. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE. Don’t waste another minute carrying around all that worry, anxiety, and stress. You were never meant to carry any of it! Get ready to toss all that excess baggage and live the carefree life you were created for! In this journal, renowned Bible teacher Rick Renner shares 30 teachings, expounding from his thorough knowledge of the Greek language, to help you take hold of [More]
https://renner.org If you will listen carefully and really apply the truths you learn in this series, it is likely that if youve been sick, you will find yourself getting physically well — either immediately or over a period of time. There is an answer for you. The very answer you seek just might be discovered in this remarkable series!
https://renner.org Do you know how to partner with the Holy Spirit and work with God? Do you know what to do to make the Holy Spirit feel comfortable in your heart — and how to throw open the door for Him to do powerful work in your life? Dive into this valuable teaching that will help you establish the Holy Spirit as the premier Resident of your heart and the greatest Partner you can ever have!
https://renner.org Rick Renner says, “Years ago, there was a period of time when I was sick over and over again, and I asked God, ‘Why am I getting sick when Jesus purchased my healing on the cross?’ The answer I heard from God changed my life and helped me get healthy again.” By applying these important truths found in God’s Word, you can activate God’s healing power in your life.
https://renner.org What does the Bible really mean when it says God will “open the window of Heaven” over the lives of those who are givers? And how do you know if the window of God is closed or open over your life? Rick Renner says, “Years ago, I didn’t understand how vital it was that I sowed into the Kingdom of God, and as a result, Denise and I lived sad financial lives. But a day came when the Holy Spirit showed me the powerful results that take place when you become a regular giver. The day Denise and I [More]
https://renner.org When you begin to take steps to make your dream a reality, God will place other people in your life to assist you. You need to know as you pursue your dream that you’ll encounter dream thieves that will try to steal the dream from your heart. And in this ten-part series, Dream Thieves, Rick will show you how to identify these dream thieves and how to overcome each of them.
https://renner.org In this series, you’ll learn the deceptive sequence of sin and how this seduction can lure even levelheaded people into making wrong choices. You’ll learn exactly what your God-given role is to bring them back to sober thinking and rescue them from their potentially disastrous choices.
https://renner.org If you are seeking important answers for your life, then you need a revelation from God about what you should do next. Do you know how to receive that divine revelation? The Holy Spirit has all the answers you need, and in this powerful 5-part series, Rick Renner will show you how to open a window to another realm so you can receive the divine revelation and the answers you are seeking for your life.
https://renner.org Every week churches around the world quote The Apostles’ Creed — but they often don’t stop to really think about what they’re saying or what the words mean. So for many years, Rick wanted to teach every single point in The Apostles’ Creed to help people understand these powerful truths. Finally, it’s done. Understanding the core beliefs of the Christian faith will help you emphatically know why you believe what you believe. So pull up a chair and partake of these powerful truths!
https://renner.org/ God has a specific, marvelous, and powerful plan for your life right now. There is nothing more thrilling than knowing you are chosen by God and doing exactly what He brought you into the world to do. If your heart is open and willing to follow Him, you are exactly the kind of person God is looking for to partner with, and this timely series gives you all the requirements necessary to say yes and fulfill your God-given destiny.
https://renner.org/ Is your thinking right or wrong? If you’ve figured out that some of your thinking is wrong, how do you fix it and start thinking healthy, right thoughts? What goes on inside your head determines what goes on in your life — so keeping your thinking straight is really, really important. Right thinking is vital to every area of your life. And in this installment of Rick’s study on the book of James, you’ll learn how to identify wrong thinking and start thinking healthy, powerful, and life-changing thoughts. Are you ready to get your “right-thinking cap” on?
https://renner.org/ In this crucial series Earnestly Contending for the Faith, Rick Renner teaches about what the Bible says will occur in the last days and how we are to respond to it. If your desire is to stay on track with God and to stay rooted in His Word, then this is a series you will need to hear again and again so you can get these truths deep into your heart.
https://renner.org/ Apostate. It’s not a word we hear often in our Sunday services. But in this series, The Apostate Church — Apostate Ministers and Apostate Believers, hidden truths are unpacked from the book of Jude that tell us many will become apostate at the end of the age as they veer from the truth. The Bible explicitly says this will occur, so we need to know how to never be counted among those who become apostate.
https://renner.org/ You’ll be glad you took time to dig deep into this powerful series with Rick. This teaching on the kinds of prayer that are in your spiritual tool box will change your prayer life and give you the results you need!
https://renner.org/ People often call or write to ask, “When will Rick take his next tour group to Ephesus? We want to go!” So many people have made this request, that Rick decided to bring Ephesus to you in this new series Take a Tour With Rick: Ephesus. After years of praying and planning, Rick finally went to Ephesus to film this personal tour for you — and he gives the entire tour through the eyes of the apostle Paul and Aquila and Priscilla as they saw Ephesus when they first arrived there to start the church at Ephesus.