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Once a year, Rick Renner devotes a week of programs to answering questions that viewers have sent to him. With Denise by his side to add her wisdom and insight, Rick answers many of those questions — even difficult ones that many are afraid to tackle.
As the Renner family wraps up their Thanksgiving program, learn about the sacrifice it takes to have a grateful attitude, regardless of your feelings.
Running the Bases Movie When a small-town baseball coach gets an offer to coach at a large school, he uproots his family and leaves the only home he’s ever known. But as a man of faith, he soon faces opposition to his coaching style from the bitter superintendent. Directed by Marty Roberts, Jimmy Womble Starring Brett Varvel, Gigi Orsillo, Todd Terry, Cameron Arnett
There are topics on the 10 min. video list that aren’t on this one so you’ll want to check them both out. Click any link to watch the video. Pere Jacques Marquette Earthquakes, Pirates & Jamaican Revival Ballad of the French Fleet French & Indian War The Moravian Missionaries The Wesleys & Whitefield-Great Awakening Revival Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party-Part 1 Boston Tea Party-Part 2 Lexington and Concord Battle of Bunker Hill Henry Knox Battle of Brookklyn Heights and the story of Nathan Hale Thomas Paine Battle of Trenton and Princeton Battle of Saratoga Valley Forge Smallpox and Dr. Benjamin [More]
There are topics on the 30 min. video list that aren’t on this one so you’ll want to check them both out. Click any link to watch the video. New England Saved From French Naval Attack by a Hurricane Washington Protected from Four Bullets Shot in Coat Boston Tea Party – Jefferson to Propose Day of Fasting Battles of Lexington & Concord Pushed Back the British Battle of Bunker Hill Colonel Knox’s Logistical Miracle Battle of Brooklyn Heights -Miraculous Fog Enables Escape Battles of Trenton & Princeton-Washington Gained Victory Battle of Saratoga-British Troops Surrender Valley Forge -Survival of American Army [More]
Enjoy the wonders of creation with beautiful 4k imagery and peaceful music!
After losing everything and consumed by thoughts of revenge, a man must find the strength to take ‘The First Step’ away from darkness and back to his friends and faith in God, in a powerful tale of redemption and forgiveness. Director: Jerry Loncon Writers: Brandon Newman and Jerry Loncon Starrring: Chad Illa-Petersen, Josmery Mulvahill, Anthony Taylor Jr, Lakin Longoria
Once Upon a Time in Mongolia is a delightful story of faith, hope and love. After her Mom passes away, Mya discovers an old photograph that sets her on a journey to find her long lost father in the deserts of Mongolia. What she finds there will change her life forever.
THROUGH A MOTHER’S EYES is a story of pain, blood and great loss. It is that rare kind of movie that will take you deep into a mother’s heart! It is a story that will take you on a personal journey with Debbie and Steve Miller as they give birth to their son Michael, who died in her womb. You will walk with her as she faces the death of her special son and as she endures the pain, suffering and fear that accompanied unbelievable health problems. You will be caught in the midst of this story and wonder how [More]
Life is tough for overworked single mother Tessa Rigsby. After she intervenes in a neighbors domestic fight, rookie cop Mike Coleman handles the situation. Soon after, Mike and Tessa develop an unexpected relationship of love and support, but like much of her past, Tessa’s circumstances put her happiness at risk
“As Hollywood is apt to do there are some noticeable departures from the Biblical narrative which I won’t get into since you can read the Bible version for yourself so take this for its entertainment value and not as a faithful retelling of the Biblical account. *** May not be suitable for young children ***.” Admin Hebrew leader Lot (Stewart Granger) leads his people to a fertile valley adjacent to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, hotbeds of vice and corruption ruled by the merciless Queen Bera (Anouk Aimée). When Lot orders a dam to be busted in order to [More]
Rick reads The Apostles Creed, Psalm 23 and Psalm 91.
Almost 100 videos dealing with creation science, apologetics, culture and more.
Videos exploring various scientific phenomena and demonstrating various scientific experiments.
This playlist is a collection of videos about evolution. Biological evolution is the supposed process by which the first cell evolved into the diversity of life we see today. Natural selection and mutations are considered its driving force; however, evolution has never been observed despite numerous protestations to the contrary. Natural selection and mutations cannot add the information necessary to change one kind of organism into another. And it doesn’t take a science degree to understand why molecules-to-man evolution is impossible.
This playlist is a collection of videos about the tower of Babel. The tower of Babel (2242–2206 BC) was a post-flood rebellion against God by Noah’s descendants. Though the Babel account is related in a mere nine verses (Genesis 11:1–9), the resulting judgment of this rebellion accounts for the variety of languages and people groups seen in our world today.
This playlist is a collection of videos about the big bang. The big bang is a naturalistic story about the origin and development of the universe (e.g. a cosmology), beginning with a “singularity” when all mass, energy, and space was contained in a much smaller volume than the universe today. It is riddled with problems, supported by numerous unobserved assumptions, and, most importantly, contradicts the biblical teaching of creation.
The Ice Age was a period of several hundred years that began within a short time following the global Flood of Noah’s Day. During this time, global temperatures cooled and glaciers covered one-third of Earth’s surface. The Flood’s after-effects, such as warmer oceans and cooler air temperatures, created the necessary conditions.
On an early fall morning, Ana Wakefield drives to practice in her junior year of college basketball. But in a moment, her entire life changes with a devastating hit and run. Ana is left with a traumatic brain injury, partial paralysis, and other major injuries. Guided by her faith and family, Ana must beat the odds time and time again, as she seeks to rebuild her life.
Five of Pastor Renner’s favorite programs from this past year.
https://renner.org Rick Renner, his wife Denise, and their three sons have lived a faith-filled adventure, pioneering a major work in the heart of the former Soviet Union beginning in 1991. In the 10-part series Unlikely, you’ll learn how “unlikely” Rick and his family were to be used in such a spectacular way in a foreign land. If you feel “unlikely” to be used for God’s purposes — this remarkable story will thrill your heart and give you the boost you need to know that God really wants to use you in a spectacular way too!
Creation Basics is a short (5 minute) video show that tackles common topics, questions and objections surrounding the ability to take Genesis 1-11 as the plainly written historical account it is. It is designed to allow the average lay-Christian to learn on a daily basis to better defend their faith, build their confidence and share the gospel more effectively. Hosted by Calvin Smith (Executive Director and Speaker for AiG Canada).
CT (Critical Thinking) Scan is a short (5 minute) video show designed to provide Christian students of all ages with an intellectual toolkit to navigate secular education and culture with a God-honouring, Bible first approach. Subjects like logic, critical thinking and apologetics are applied to a variety of topics, including how to handle brand-new information that may attempt to challenge the Christian faith. Hosted by Patricia Engler (AiG Canada Youth Outreach Coordinator and Speaker).
Our online video catalogue, demonstrating the content and purpose of each AiG resource in a visual format that features the dynamic artwork and/or information within each one more comprehensively than a still image and description.
Feature videos provide in-depth information regarding essential aspects of the creation/evolution debate and the development of a biblical worldview. Hosted by Calvin Smith.
Dinosaurs were created by God on day six of creation, approximately 6,000 years ago. Dinosaurs were originally vegetarian. During the global flood, many were buried and fossilized, but two of each kind survived on Noah’s ark. Dinosaurs eventually died out due to human activity, climate changes, or other factors.
As we know, Genesis is the foundational seedbed of all Christian doctrines. Hear Dr. Boot (founder of the Ezra Institute of Cultural Christianity) apply that truth as he expounds on a variety of hot topics and critical cultural issues, with an historical Genesis as a catalyst for understanding and dealing with them biblically.