If you do not speak in tongues — or if you do speak in tongues — this series Speaking in Tongues: What Is It and Is It Really for Everyone? will be an eye-opener and a game-changer in your life.
https://renner.org In this 5-part series, The Ministry of the Holy Spirit for the New and Mature Believer, Rick Renner walks you through this in-depth teaching that Jesus gave the disciples — and us — about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Rick unlocks mysteries that will benefit anyone — including the new and the mature believer.
Beginning at creation, it unfolds the story of WHY the Creator-Owner of the world sent a Savior into the world, WHO He is, and WHAT He did to rescue His rebel subjects from the kingdom of darkness and qualify them to live with Him forever in His kingdom of light. Adapted from the 15-episode KING of GLORY movie, this one-sitting epic connects the dots of the Old and New Testaments, revealing how everything points to the One whose birth split world history in two.
‘This movie presupposes a pre-trib rapture but there are other rapture views which have Christians still here after the anti-christ arises. Only time will tell which view is correct.’ Admin Two weeks after the Rapture, those left behind must band together to form the Tribulation Force, preparing themselves for the worst seven years the planet will ever see in this exciting sequel to Left Behind. Starring: Kirk Cameron , Brad Johnson , Clarence Gilyard Jr , et al. Directed by: Bill Corcoran
https://rener.org Do you hunger to know what God wants to do with your life or what steps to take to fulfill the perfect will of God? Or maybe you need an answer from Heaven for a life-changing decision? You can learn to hear from Heaven to know God’s plan today with Rick Renner’s updated teaching series The Will of God — The Key to Your Success. Rick answers the hard questions about the often-misunderstood subject of hearing God’s voice and how you can know His will for your life. He shares from his own life how he discovered the will
“I thought I would post this worship service video from a church in S. Korea. I’m sure you will find it just as beautiful and touching as I have.” Admin Lord’s Day Worship Song in Sungrak Church.
“Some additional background on him: John Amos Comenius, was a Christian. He was a Moravian theologian, philosopher, educator, and writer who lived during the 17th century. Comenius was a member of the Moravian Church, which is a Protestant denomination that traces its origins to the teachings of Jan Hus in the 15th century. Comenius’s Christian faith deeply influenced his work, particularly in the field of education. He believed that education should be based on Christian principles and that it should serve to promote moral and spiritual development in addition to academic learning. Comenius is perhaps best known for his progressive
Amidst a distant relationship with his father (Kevin Sorbo) and losing his girlfriend to his best friend (Ben Davies) Nathan’s (Jason Burkey) brokenness leads him on a journey of rediscovering hope and a healing heart to love again. Director: Spenser Fritz Cast: Kevin Sorbo, Shelley Long, Jason Burkey, Ben Davies, Kelsey Sanders, Rachel Brooke Smith, Jack Ramey, Izzy Steel, Brooke Ellis, Caleb Emery
Dove Review From coursework to cuisine, there’s a seemingly ceaseless amount of things for Michelle to adjust to. Edinburgh is different than her home in China. And there’s new responsibility and independence as she attends university away from her family and friends. She wants to get good grades. She wants to have a nice relationship with her new boyfriend. But there are other factors: the partying that impacts her studies, and the realization that her new boyfriend may not be trustworthy. And she begins to have questions about belief and faith. Home Away From Home is Michelle’s story. It’s about her
Nathan “Hoops” Hanighan, una promesa del basquetbol decide abandonar todos sus sueños tras una “traición” entre su novia y su mejor amigo, provocando además de un corazón roto, un endurecimiento en su forma de ser. Siete años después, Nathan regresa a su ciudad natal para rehacer su vida desde cero, aunque eso signifique el tener que enfrentar lo que por tanto tiempo ha evitado. Director: Spenser Fritz Cast: Kevin Sorbo, Shelley Long, Jason Burkey, Ben Davies, Kelsey Sanders, Rachel Brooke Smith, Jack Ramey, Izzy Steel, Brooke Ellis, Caleb Emery
Las Vegas headliner Billy Rizzo is at the top of his game with fame and fortune until tragedy deals him a losing hand. Now homeless, fate, faith, and redemption intervene to help him regain the spotlight as he serves others. Director: John Michael Hightower, Jr. Cast: Rich Natole, Bruce Baum, Joelle Righetti, Sabrina Plaisance-Sia, Dick Hardwick, Caylin Sims, Rich Little, Lee Lyons, James Clark, John Michael Hightower, Jr.
Officer Shep (Ben Davies) sets out on a courageous mission to lay his life down and save his partner when Colton (Jason Burkey) a respected sheriff’s deputy begins to question his faith. Director: Kevin Rushing Cast: Jason Burkey, Ben Davies, Erin Bethea, Ben Graham
A police officer’s battle with addiction, depression and devastating loss; and the true story of how God changed his life forever.
https://renner.org Do you hunger to know what God wants to do with your life or what steps to take to fulfill the perfect will of God? Or maybe you need an answer from Heaven for a life-changing decision? You can learn to hear from Heaven to know God’s plan today with Rick Renner’s updated teaching series The Will of God — The Key to Your Success. Rick answers the hard questions about the often-misunderstood subject of hearing God’s voice and how you can know His will for your life. He shares from his own life how he discovered the will
https://renner.org In the series, “Take a Tour With Rick: Smyrna,” Rick Renner walks you through the expansive archaeological sites of ancient Smyrna, a city now known as Izmir, which sits on Turkey’s Aegean coast. This five-part documentary-style visual series is both a feast for the eyes and a wake-up call for the soul. Follow along as Rick explores the rich history of this formidable city and its application to our lives today as overcomers in Christ.
https://renner.org Do you want to walk in the cruel, hard, bitter works of the flesh — or do you want to mortify the deeds of the flesh and allow the Holy Spirit to produce His wonderful fruit in you? Order this series today so you can learn how to stop the death-permeated works of the flesh in your life and release the supernatural, life-giving fruit of the Spirit!
? Jesús hablando sobre la oración, el perdón y el ayuno.
? Jesús hablando sobre las señales del últimos días.
https://renner.org The events of Christ’s last days and hours reveal practical applications for your own life when you’re faced with disappointment, pain, and betrayal. Rick’s teachings guide you through an uncommon look into encounters along Christ’s journey — from Gethsemane to Golgotha to the Resurrection and beyond. This series will enable you to gain a more intimate glimpse into Jesus’ final hours and the great love for humanity that He unflinchingly displayed.
? Jesús relatando a los creyentes en Él sobre cómo ejercer su autoridad espiritual y recibir lo que necesitan.
Jesús nos dice que dejemos de buscar qué vestir y qué comer como lo hacen los incrédulos, sino que busquemos primero el reino de Dios y, si lo hacemos, Él nos proporcionará las cosas que necesitamos.
Luke, estudiante de último año de secundaria, sueña con ser un surfista profesional, pero sus padres quieren que se concentre en elegir una universidad. Cuando se abre un lugar en el equipo de surf local, ve su gran oportunidad de demostrarles que puede triunfar como surfista. Director: Lance Bachelder & Johnny Remo Escritor: Lance Bachelder, Johnny Remo, Daniel Backman Protagonizado: Justin Schwan, Kelsey Sanders, Raquel Gardner
Dave is a divorced alcoholic father who is unable to forgive himself for the terrible tragedy he caused that killed his younger sister. When all hope is lost and Dave cannot move forward anymore in life, forgiveness and redemption culminate, truly saving his life in every way.
“Even though this video was made in 1999 it still rings true for today with the world being in a far more chaotic state now than then.” Admim This classic documentary shows how news of the current day confirms the truth of God’s word concerning the prophecies of the return of Jesus Christ: an encouragement for all believers looking for His return.
Una granjera de Carolina de toda la vida, ahora de poco más de 20 años, Grace ha soñado toda su vida con el día en que el “Sr. Correcto” desliza un diamante de corte princesa en su dedo y jura amarla para siempre. ¡Esta noche puede ser esa noche ya que Stewart tiene algo especial planeado después de 15 meses juntos! Pero cuando las cosas no salen según lo planeado y el romance se desmorona a su alrededor, la lanza a una búsqueda, con la ayuda de su padre, para comprender lo que significa amar de verdad a otra persona.
En vísperas de la fecha prevista de parto de su bebé, Michael, un futuro padre, se queda varado fuera del estado con su esposa en labor de parto en casa. Presa del pánico ante la proximidad del nacimiento, Michael busca la ayuda del antiguo dueño de una gasolinera llamado Bob, un hombre misterioso con un pasado que pone a prueba la fe de Michael de una manera que nunca olvidará. Lleno de drama y personajes identificables, LOVE COVERS ALL desafiará e inspirará a los espectadores, jóvenes y mayores, a dejar atrás lo que queda atrás y avanzar hacia lo que
Una entrenadora recién salida de la universidad se hace cargo del programa de cross country en una escuela cristiana para niñas e intenta llevarlas a su primer título estatal. A medida que los corredores comienzan a entrenar, las 5 mejores chicas tratan por separado temas particulares relevantes para la vida adolescente. A medida que se desarrolla cada una de estas historias, también se desarrolla la sabiduría de la joven entrenadora mientras guía a las niñas por el camino de la vida. Escritor-Productor-Director: Dave Christiano Elenco: Allee Sutton-Hethcoat, Quinn Alexis, Lacy Hartselle, Margaret Tant