Many religions, including certain branches of so-called Christianity, believe that doing enough good deeds can earn acceptance by God. But do you know what makes true Christianity unique and set apart from these other belief systems? The empty tomb. God’s love for the world was so great that He sent Jesus not only to die in man’s place but also to rise again, conquering both sin and death. In The Resurrection Changes Everything, Andrew addresses the reality of the resurrection and explains why it is not only true but essential to your faith. Listen here Many people who regularly attend church admit they have never experienced the presence of God. Why is that? Is there something we can do in order to enter into God’s powerful presence? Yes, there is! God wants YOU to encounter His powerful presence in worship — and that’s what you’ll discover in this life-changing five-part series. How do you know if you’re moving in a kind of faith that will really change circumstances? Since there is a real faith and a fake faith, are you sure that you are operating in real faith? Fake faith won’t do much, but real faith moves mountains. And nothing is more important than making sure you have mountain-moving faith that produces results!
Is it difficult for you to figure out what God gives and doesn’t give? For example, do you wonder if God ever causes tragedy in a person’s life? Has someone ever told you that God has caused bad things to happen to you? And if bad things have happened to you, how can you resist them, overcome them, and get back on track again? All these questions are answered in this five-part series How To Determine What God Gives and Never Gives.
Welcome to God’s Club. Following his wife’s death, public high-school teacher Michael Evens (Stephen Baldwin) re-launches the Bible Club she originally founded. He has to deal with angry parents who are insisting on the separation of church and state and pushing for the end of the school s Bible club. Everything changes, however, when the parents witness their own children find faith and be saved. Directed by: Jared Cohn Starring: Stephen Baldwin, Corbin Bernsen, Lorenzo Lamas Title: God’s Club (2015)
Becca Adam’s has an ideal, young family. With all their lives ahead of them, Becca’s husband dies in a tragic accident. Now Becca must reconcile why bad things happen to good people and find the strength to resist her demons & rediscover her faith. Directed by: Waymon Boone Starring: Jenn Gotzon, Corbin Bernsen, Lorenzo Lamas, T.C. Stallings, Joseph Nasser Title: My Daddy is in Heaven (2017)
Based on the bestselling book WWJD? by Charles Sheldon. A moving and thought provoking story about a group of Americans – a singer, a newspaper editor, a pastor and a real estate mogul who vow to walk “in the steps of Jesus.” Every day and every decision becomes a turning point in their lives as they must ask themselves…”What Would Jesus Do?” Directed by: Thomas Makowski Starring: John Schneider, Country Music sensation Adam Gregory & Maxine Bahns WWJD: What Would Jesus Do? (2010)
Only a miracle can help baseball coach Arthur “Murph” Murphy (Dean Cain) and his losing minor league baseball team. As Murph sets out to recruit new talent for the team, he stumbles upon Mickey (Luke Schroder). Directed by: William Dear Starring: Luke Schroder, Dean Cain, George Canyon Title: A Mile in His Shoes (2011)
Struggling to keep his family together David (Niles Rivers) wavers between doing things God’s way and the temptation to handle things himself when he cant afford treatment for his daughters rare cancer. Have you desired to lay your hands on the sick and see them be healed? Have you tried to do it but felt disappointed with the results? If that describes you, then we have good news! Many years ago, Rick and Denise Renner felt the same way. So Rick dove into the Gospel to discover how Jesus healed the sick. From that time on, the Renners have seen multitudes of people healed, and now Rick is sharing what they learned in this valuable series How To Heal the Sick.
Un hombre que enfrenta algunas dificultades busca el propósito y el significado de la vida. Directors: Jason Campbell, Ryan Crossey, Timothy E. Goodwin Escritor: Robert Stark Protagonizado : Dean Cain, Timothy E. Goodwin, Michael Sigler
Una madre lucha por mantener las cosas bajo control mientras su hija muere de cáncer, su padre del que está separada regresa repentinamente y su fe en Dios se pone a prueba. Gloria a Dios! Protagonizada: Jacqueline Hickel, Savannah Rae Linz, Bill Suplee
La pequeña Rebekah está fascinada por el hombre que sus vecinos llaman Jesús y quiere escuchar todo lo que tiene que decir. Pero su madre, Sarah, quiere que Rebekah se mantenga alejada del hombre que algunos llaman Maestro y otros tildan de hereje. Sarah ha oído rumores de que algunas facciones desean dañar a Jesús de Nazaret. Pero Rebeca es persistente y un día lleva a Jesús a casa para que conozca a su madre y a su abuelo, un acto sencillo que cambiará sus vidas para siempre.
An inner-city drug dealer joins the Army, only to clash with a hard-headed Christian determined to share his faith.
Tras un brutal asalto, una mujer tiene en sus manos el destino de su agresor. Protagonizada por Golden Brooks, Thomas Mikal Ford (Martin), Eric Orlando Street
When conflict, rebellion, and resentment overwhelm their family, Charlie and Alice are forced to rethink their parenting strategy. In the process, they realize how critical intentionality and focus are when shaping and molding young lives. FamilyLifes first feature film explores the challenges and joys that come with raising children. LIKE ARROWS casts a powerful vision for parents, reminding us that nothing is more important for any family than to have God and His Word directing our lives.
There are many tools of prayer to use to get the results you desire when you pray. It’s important to know that there are different kinds of prayer available and which ones you need to get the job done without frustration and failure. Like tools in a tool box, “one prayer does not fit all.” That’s why God has provided different kinds of prayers for different situations.
De repente, una niña se ve obligada a dejar su feliz orfanato y mudarse a una institución mucho más dura, donde el director siente inmediatamente aversión por ella. Mantiene el ánimo en alto durante su vida solitaria esperando con ansias un tradicional regalo navideño, y cuando llega la festividad, sucede algo inesperado.
Obispo T.K. Wilson, su esposa y sus dos hijos son una familia respetable en su comunidad. Sin embargo, los niños Wilson están luchando contra las tentaciones y su hijo Dante tiene pensamientos distintos a hacerse cargo de la iglesia de su padre.
Starring Dean Cain. A family loses a child, but Faith keeps them together. The daughter Hope comes back to be with the family to help them get through the transition of losing her, but only her sister can see her, and talk to her. It’s a Christian film.
A man who is in the midst of a spiritual crisis embarks on a journey that will forever change him. Rick Renner personally interviewed Tony Cooke about his new book, The End of Spectator Church. Rick says, “When I first read this book, I knew it would be an important book to offer on my TV program. I can’t think of a better book to equip and prepare the Body of Christ to get out of the bleachers and onto the playing field, because the stakes are eternal!” Many people claim to be prophets today. Some are, and some are not. And a lot of attention has been given to the subject of prophetic ministry on social media and the Internet that has caused confusion. But in this informative series, Rick Renner and Joseph Z push back the confusion to bring clarity to the Body of Christ on this vital subject.
A troubled home A new school Two sisters that are trying to survive a bad situation in a disconnected, self-centered world. One struggles to find her place as her father has died, her mother has moved on, and she becomes the victim of bullying while the other strives to hold onto her faith and hope in God.
Follows the path of three different people and the challenges that life throws at each of them. In the end, they are all brought together by one common Destiny. How did believers in the First Century survive the intense persecution that was waged against them? What kind of persecution did they endure? And how does all of this relate to Christians today? In this series, Take a Tour With Rick: Thyatira and Sardis, Rick Renner walks you through the ancient ruins of Thyatira and Sardis and opens history and the Scripture to you in a way that makes it come alive. In this fabulous ten-part series, Rick Renner unwraps all the intricacies of what the Bible means when it declares that you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. God put forth His best work when you were born again — then He placed His greatest treasure deep inside you!