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Chris Ashcraft is a Christian educator employed as a high school science teacher at Cedar Park Christian Schools. He currently provides instruction in Biology, Chemistry, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Health and Biotechnology.
Biblical archaeology is an important creation science discipline that substantiates the Bible as a valid historical document, and the Biblical chronology as accurate time-line. Each year new discoveries are made, and creationists are encouraged to keep themselves informed of progress in this field. The study of Biblical Archaeology is also an important aid to the correct understanding of the Bible, since it gives a description of the lands of the Bible and of social customs, civil and religious, of the biblical characters. Biblical Archaeology (read more on the Creation Wiki) http://creationwiki.org/Biblical_Arch…
Videos dealing with physics, mathematics and creation.  
Biblical Apologetics videos
Intelligent design-based seminars from educational programs that we have organized in the Seattle area. Intelligent Design (ID) theory holds that; “certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.” ID theorists draw exclusively upon empirical evidence to support the existence of a creative intelligence or designer. ID purports that design can be detected without any understanding of who the designer is or why the agent acted, or even how the phenomenon in question was actually produced. Read more on our Creation Wiki http://creationwiki.org/Intelligent_design  
Biblical catastrophism-based seminars from educational programs that we have organized in the Seattle area, et. al. Catastrophism is the theory that massive catastrophes occurred in earth’s past, substantially altering the Earth and its life via mountain uplift, rapid deposition, and mass extinctions. According to creation scientists such an event did occur according to the Biblical account of the Global Flood in the time of Noah. Read more on our Creation Wiki http://creationwiki.org/Catastrophism    
Worldview may be defined as an outlook on life, or a view of the world derived from a philosophical axiom or presupposition. There are two basic worldviews, each with its own underlying assumptions. One system of thought has natural processes alone as its basis, the other, creation by God. These worldviews are becoming increasingly polarized due to the increased emphasis on teaching evolution in public schools with the exclusion of any opposing viewpoint. Also contributing is the generally one-sided approach taken by the popular media, which marginalizes other viewpoints. Read more on our Creation Wiki http://creationwiki.org/Worldview  
Geology-based seminars from educational programs that we have organized in the Seattle area, et. al. Creation geology is the study of geology founded on the presupposition that the Biblical flood described in the book of Genesis was a real and historical event of global magnitude, and is therefore also known as flood geology. Creation geologists seek primarily to show that Earth’s geologic features are best interpreted within the scope of this Biblical cataclysm; including sedimentary strata, fossilization, fossil fuels, submarine canyons, plate tectonics, salt domes and frozen mammoths. Read more on our CreationWiki http://creationwiki.org/Flood_geology  
Seminars on the fossil record and/or dinosaurs from educational events we have organized in the Seattle area. Evolutionists hold that this record represents a history of life on Earth over hundreds of millions of years, and used as evidence to support that organisms have evolved from simple to more complex forms. However, most creationists believe that the vast majority of the fossils are instead the remains of plant and animals that died during the Biblical global flood Read more about Fossils and Dinosaurs on our Creation Wiki http://creationwiki.org/Fossil_record http://creationwiki.org/Dinosaur  
Evolution-based seminars from educational programs that we have organized in the Seattle area, et. al. The Theory of Evolution is the leading atheistic explanation for the existence of life on Earth through purely random, natural processes. It is the theory that all the living things in the world have arisen from a single ancestral cell, which spontaneously formed from inorganic molecules. Read more on our Creation Wiki http://creationwiki.org/Theory_of_evolution  
A collection of multimedia presentations from our educational programs in the Seattle area (and others). Creation Biology is the study of biological processes and organisms, while operating under the assumption that God created life on Earth. The discipline is premised on the idea that God created a finite number of discrete created kinds or baramin. While these forms of life have the ability to vary and even undergo speciation, they cannot arise spontaneously from non-life, cannot interbreed outside of their kind, and cannot increase in genetic complexity. Read more on our Creation Wiki http://creationwiki.org/Biology  
Creation astronomy-based seminars from educational programs that we have organized in the Seattle area. Astronomy is the scientific study of matter in outer space with the goal of determining or measuring properties of distant objects, such as distances, positions, dimensions, distribution, magnitudes, motion, composition, physical condition, energy, evolution, and the causes of their various phenomena. Creation Astronomy differs only in that it attempts to explain stellar phenomena from the presupposition that celestial bodies were created by God. Most creationists also draw from religious texts like the Bible for insight. Read more about Creation Astronomy on our Creation Wiki. http://creationwiki.org/Astronomy  
Age of the Earth based seminars from educational programs that we have organized in the Seattle area, et. al. The age of the Earth and/or universe is perhaps one of the most significant conflicts that exists between the Bible and secular science assertions. If the Bible can be taken as historically accurate, then the creation was a very recent event, and the fossil record is instead due to the Biblical flood of Noah. Read more about the Age of the Earth at our Creation Wiki http://creationwiki.org/Geochronology