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Come and see the most photo-realistic and Biblically accurate film about Noah’s Flood ever produced! From the Director of Genesis: Paradise Lost, Sevenfold Films and Genesis Apologetics present The Ark and the Darkness. Geology, paleontology, the fossil record, ancient history, volcanism, earth science—all of these scientific fields converge on one simple truth: Noah’s Flood actually happened. Join our team of scientists from Answers in Genesis and Liberty University as we reveal the truth about Noah’s Flood. This movie was filmed at the Answers in Genesis “Ark Encounter” (full-sized replica of Noah’s Ark) in Kentucky and at Liberty University Bible Museum. Experts include: Dr. John [More]
“A group retraces the steps of an expedition carried out in the early 1900’s to the site of a massive volcanic eruption and finding evidence that confirms the Flood.” Admin The most powerful eruption of the 20th century. The explorer who led 4 expeditions in the early 1900’s. Powerful evidence for the worldwide flood, and Biblical history. It all comes together in one story of a volcano thirty times larger than Mount St. Helens! Executive Producer: Dr. Dan Biddle Written, Directed, & Produced by Pat Roy Featuring: Dr. David Shormann, Kenny Cole, John Boriak, Joel Farrington, Tommy McMinn, Ashley Cole [More]
According to modern geology, our world is over four and a half billion years old, and its geological features have been sculpted over vast eons of time.Everyone knows that planet earth is unimaginably ancient. It s common knowledge that geological forces have acted slowly over millions of years to form the rocks beneath our feet. But what if what everyone “knows is wrong”? This remarkable programme takes the viewer on a visual odyssey of discovery like no other. Shot on location across Britain, it takes in some of the most spectacular countryside, beautiful coastlines and awe inspiring landscapes these islands [More]
This documentary takes you a fascinating journey and give you a firm grasp of God’s sovereign hand behind the preservation of the Bible and the unfolding of history. This documentary is divided into three sections and is perfect for Sunday school, home school or private study. In Part One, Joel Lampe, a leading expert, shares behind-the-scene details on the 19,000 pieces that make up Dead Sea Scrolls collection. Discover the science, geography and history behind what many have called the greatest archaeological discovery of all time. In Part Two, Dr. Frank Seekins provides fascinating insights into the ancient Hebrew language. [More]
From simple cells in the seas to fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and eventually humans; this we are told has been the evolutionary tree of life. So how does this theory fit in with all we see around us? After thousands of years of observable evidence and advances in biological research, do Darwin’s evolutionary ideas measure-up to the discoveries of modern science today? In this program you will learn about the navigation techniques and defense mechanisms of marine life, the complex behavior of birds, the differences between apes, monkeys and humans, “ape-men” missing link hoaxes, and how some of the [More]
A documentary that traces the evidence for biblical authority and reliability.
The battle of Jericho is one of the bloodiest episodes of the Old Testament. It’s a fantastic tale of victory through faith but is there any truth behind story? Archaeologist, Dr Bryant Wood, believes the physical evidence indicates the biblical account is true. In the biblical version of events, Joshua and his men lay siege on the fortified city for seven days. On the seventh day, they blow their trumpets and its walls come crashing down. The Israelites raze the city, killing every man, woman and child. Today, the city of Jericho lays claim as one of the oldest cities [More]
“Excellent interview with the author on his 12 yr. investigation into the Exodus. Great reviews for the DVD.”  Admin IS IT really possible that one of the most significant events in history left no trace in the archaeological record? That’s the consensus of Egyptologists, who contend that the 400-year sojourn of the Hebrews never happened because there is no evidence. Could the national history of Israel, as well as the foundation for Judeo-Christian morality, actually be a work of fiction? Filmmaker Tim Mahoney experienced what he calls “a crisis of faith” and decided to find out for himself. The result [More]
Awesome video documenting the marvels of God’s handiwork throughout nature!
A response to Discovery Channel’s THE LOST TOMB OF JESUS. (produced by Avatar and Titanic director James Cameron). The same scholars who were interviewed in this documentary are interviewed here. Many of them express their dismay over how they were taken out of context to make it appear that they think the supposed lost tomb of Jesus was authentic. What explanation can be given for the empty tomb of Jesus of Nazareth? The New Testament records the first-century event: The disciples of Jesus reported that he was risen from the dead, while Roman soldiers were paid to claim his followers [More]
Proof of Bible History – Jericho Unearthed Witness Archaeologists Caught In Lies as the Truth of the Bible is Unearthed! ‘Fair Use’ Notice – Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. It is being made available in an effort to advance the understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, and for the purposes of historical debate. It is believed that this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of [More]