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This emotion-touching drama shows how one first century Rabbi (Yehudah, played by Nick Mancuso – Revelation, Tribulation, Judgment) becomes a follower of Yeshua of Nazareth (Jesus Christ). Yehudah attempts to share the Good News of Jesus with his people, beginning with his own relatives. Now, one year has passed since the crucifixion of the carpenter’s son. Yehudah’s greatest challenge and earnest desire is to help his loved ones understand that the long awaited Messiah, the Son of David, walked among them. Through the Passover feast spoken of by Moses, Yehudah reveals the meaning behind the meal while his relatives slowly [More]
Raul as a youth, was a dangerous, violent person who was ready to explode at any moment. This video chronicles the miraculous transformation of a person who was on a road to destruction to a man of God. This is the personal testimony of Raul Ries and how God demonstrates His grace, His love and His mercy.
Italian made movie of the old testament story of Joseph and his brothers.
Hollywood epic about the story of Esther starring Richard Egan
Italian made film of the famous Bible story starring Orson Wells as King Saul