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This one-hour biblical drama recounts the thrilling story of the Old Testament prophet, Samuel. Samuel was called by God from a young age to speak God’s will to his people. Later, he would lead the Israelites in a decisive battle against the Philistines and would reluctantly appoint Israel’s first king. When King Saul disobeyed God, Samuel condemned him and secretly appointed David as King, setting off an epic struggle for power in the kingdom. Directed by Robert Savo Starring Makram Khoury, Jack Cohen, Aman Dibsi, Iyad Shetty, Aiman Nahas, Mahmoud Kinnan
It is a time when Rome rules the world with the power of life and death in its hands. The Roman province of Palestine is a bubbling cauldron of discontent. Onto this greater canvas Luke narrates the miraculous story of the man who changed the world. The Savior is a fresh portrayal of the life of Jesus with dialogue taken directly from the Gospel of Luke. It follows Jesus from his upbringing to his death and resurrection. The project was filmed entirely in Israel and Palestine using local actors, giving it a look and feel of authenticity. It has been translated [More]
Dove Review The Power of the Resurrection does a commendable job in sharing the inspiring story of the influence of Jesus on the disciples, particularly Simon Peter. From the opening sequence, with Peter witnessing to a young man while in jail, to the ending when he preaches a powerful sermon after being filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, this is a remarkable film. As one follower of Jesus is taken from the cell, a young man cries and Peter, to quiet him down and calm him, begins to tell his story of walking with Jesus. “Loud and boastful I was,” [More]
Gregory Peck & Susan Hayward Star in David and Bathsheba. Dove Review “David and Bathsheba” features a strong performance by Gregory Peck as King David. The movie features several elements of David’s story taken from 11 Samuel, with the use of some artistic license by the filmmakers. For example, in the biblical text David’s son dies after the prophet Nathan confronts David about his sin with the married Bathsheba, and how David was at fault for the murder of her husband Uriah. In the film, the child dies first and then David is confronted by the prophet. David is portrayed [More]
The story of Abraham, Lot and Sodom & Gomorrah with Hollywood actors.
The Ten Commandments (1923) full movie | It was the second most popular film of 1923 in the United States and Canada. The film’s box-office returns held the Paramount revenue record for 25 years. The film is divided in two parts: The first tells the Biblical story of Moses leading the children of Israel out of Egypt to Mount Sinai. The second part is about two brothers. After hearing the story of Moses, the two sons of a devout Christian mother go their own ways, while the atheist brother’s breaking of the Ten Commandments leads to tragedy.
Beginning at creation, it unfolds the story of WHY the Creator-Owner of the world sent a Savior into the world, WHO He is, and WHAT He did to rescue His rebel subjects from the kingdom of darkness and qualify them to live with Him forever in His kingdom of light. Adapted from the 15-episode KING of GLORY movie, this one-sitting epic connects the dots of the Old and New Testaments, revealing how everything points to the One whose birth split world history in two.
This powerful animated movie will encourage and inspire viewers to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ by telling the story of His life through the eyes of Apostle John.
The story of Samson and Delilah. Take this for it’s entertainment value and not necessarily as a really accurate portrayal of Samson’s character and nature.
Hi Everyone, we filmed ‘David and Goliath’ in North Africa and finished it in studios in London. Young David was the direct line to the Messiah so his battle with Goliath had huge implications.
“As Hollywood is apt to do there are some noticeable departures from the Biblical narrative which I won’t get into since you can read the Bible version for yourself so take this for its entertainment value and not as a faithful retelling of the Biblical account. *** May not be suitable for young children ***.” Admin Hebrew leader Lot (Stewart Granger) leads his people to a fertile valley adjacent to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, hotbeds of vice and corruption ruled by the merciless Queen Bera (Anouk Aimée). When Lot orders a dam to be busted in order to [More]
Solomon is crowned King of Israel and rules the land with love, peace and respect. While visiting the city, Solomon meets the beautiful Queen of Sheba and falls in love. When she returns to her homeland, Solomon falls into a deep depression, departing from his once idyllic world of peace and luxury while his kingdom threatens to collapse. Directors Roger Young Starring Ben Cross, Vivica A. Fox, Max von Sydow
? Storyline: The Christ Slayer follows the Passover story of Jesus (DJ Perry) from a unique viewpoint, as we follow the trials and tribulations of Longinus (Carl Weyant), the Roman soldier rumored to have put the spear to Jesus side on the cross. Share in his journey of self-discovery which unfolds along the road to Emmaus, as he encounters a mysterious stranger whose words and actions will awaken deeply buried feelings of forgiveness and faith in the broken soldier who’s destiny was to become a legend. The Christ Slayer – “The Christ Slayer” is part 3 of Collective Development Inc.’s [More]
Based on Henry van Dyke’s classic, The Story of the Other Wise Man, this fictional story set in Biblical times is told in gently comic terms. A Magi named Artaban (Martin Sheen) sees a sign in the heavens that he hopes will lead him and his faithful servant to the Messiah. Artaban takes with him three precious gifts to present to the Messiah. For 33 years Artaban pursues Jesus, only to miss Him at every turn. Along the way, Artaban uses his gifts to help people in dire need. He now has nothing to present to the Messiah when he [More]
Jeremiah tells the story of the prophet who abandons his family and the woman he loves in order to relay God’s message in Jerusalem.
Following the conquest of Babylon, the King of Persia gives a banquet for his people, but his wife, Vashti, refuses to attend. Ahasuerus disowns Vashti and goes in search of her replacement. In his harem, he meets the young girl Esther and falls in love with her. Esther then reveals to Ahasuerus that she is Jewish and asks him to show her people mercy because of a planned genocide of the Jews by the King’s right-hand man, Haman. In doing so, she saves the lives of many innocent people.
Epic 1961 movie on the life of Jesus with a star studded cast.
St. John in Exile – One of Jesus disciples, John has been punished in exile to the island of Patmos. He is all alone and has time to reflect and tell us about his life, faith and troubles. St. John in Exile (1986) Director: Dan Curtis Writer: Don Berrigan (play) Star: Dean Jones Genre: Drama Runtime: 1h 32min Country: USA Language: English
Based on a short story by Max Lucado, and set in Jerusalem at Christ’s time: Claudius (Robert Jobe) is a Roman guard who winds up amidst a cover up regarding Christ’s execution and the events following. He discovers religious leaders, Roman government, and his closest allies are collectively hiding something (like, the truth?). His pursuit of answers threatens his reputation and life. This movie is a story of a man’s quest for truth of which the discoveries lead to his own personal resurrection.
These Biblical leaders marked the path that Christianity would follow generation after generation. Their tales of sacrifice and struggle, tribulation and triumph will inspire the faithful everywhere. These wonderful accounts are brought to life on locations featuring the ancient cities and sacred sites treasured by pilgrims for nearly two thousand years. Abraham’s faith pleased God, and he became the founder of the Jewish nation. Abraham was respected by others, and he was courageous in defending his family at any cost. Sarah, his wife, became mother of a nation and ancestor of Jesus. She was a woman of faith and the [More]
Jesus never traveled far from His birthplace during His three-year ministry, yet, His life has changed the world. Beautifully filmed and dramatically reenacted, this video pilgrimage leads you from Christ’s birth to His resurrection. Experience your own personal journey with Christ as you walk through the Holy Land’s sites as they are today. See the actual places where Jesus ministered over 2,000 years ago. Witness firsthand the paths of Jesus’ travels, from Bethlehem to Nazareth, Jerusalem to the Sea of Galilee, from Capernaum to Jericho; His baptism at the Jordan River; His sermon on the Mount; and His final walk [More]
Hollywood version of the OT story of Ruth.  
A young slave girl, Anna, is rescued and adopted by Christians in the 2nd century Smyrna and befriended by their aged bishop, Polycarp. As Anna is taught by Polycarp and her new family, she struggles to reconcile her beliefs with those of the Christians. When the Roman proconsul demands that all citizens worship Caesar to show their allegiance to Rome, Polycarp and the Christians must find the courage to stand for their faith against the growing threat of persecution. Anna is forced to come to grips with the truth and choose whom she is willing to live – and die [More]
A Youth Pastor (Sean Astin) and his wife (Erin Bethea) take 5 teens on a weekend camping trip. A conflict results between two of them and creates tension in the camp. To try and resolve this, the Youth Pastor tells the teens the story of the Old Testament prophet, Hosea. At first the teens don’t want to hear it, but as he proceeds with the story, they become more interested. The story flashes back to Israel and shows Hosea’s great commitment to God and unconditional love for his wife. This movie offers real inspiration through the character of Hosea and [More]
In this drama we follow Saul the angry zealot to Paul the servant of Christ who will pay any price to bring his message to the world.