As children of God and members of the Body of Christ, we carry authority that Jesus died on the Cross to give us. We are even called “the salt of the earth.” Jesus has given us the power to bring prosperity to anything we lay our hands on and to bring healing to ourselves and others through His name. In Rick’s new series You Are the Salt of the Earth, you will learn how to exercise this gift effectively!
Some great songs from the Cathedral Quartet The Lord promises to satisfy us with long life and salvation, so we can rest assured, aging is not something to dread! If you’re not satisfied with your life, your life is not over! God will speak to you and use you at any age. So don’t throw in the towel; learn how to live a long, satisfying life with Rick’s new series How To Flourish in Your Senior Years.
Great Gospel music singing by the ever popular Tennessee Ernie Ford with hymns such as His Eye Is On The Sparrow, Just A Closer Walk With Thee, Take My Hand Precious Lord and more.
22 songs by Dallas Holm and Praise with lyrics featuring Rise Again, Here We Are, He Knew Me Then and more. Very popular in the contemporary Christian music scene back in the 70’s and 80’s.
Features 19 songs performed by Janet including Something Got A Hold Of Me, Lead Me To The Rock and more. In this fascinating 5-part series, Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?, Rick Renner dissects these notions using Scripture and his knowledge of the Greek language, explaining that in the midst of some of our hardest seasons, the Lord’s strength and power shine through, and He always makes things work together for our good. The world today feels — crazy. From the high cost of living to wars and rumors of wars. It is easy to get overwhelmed by the news or personal circumstances. Every day, you encounter numerous opportunities for life to rob your peace! God’s intention for your life is not sadness, stress and fear. He has given us the tools to be an island of peace and stability amongst a sea of turmoil. Discover what these tools are in Rick Renner’s new series, How To Have Peace in Troubled Times.
A collection of well known hymns sung beautifully by Shelia with backup by the Kings singers. You can hear more of Shelia’s songs on her Youtube channel.
Bought a CD of this album many years ago and have enjoyed listening to it for a long time. Great harmonizing and lyrics.
Nice version of this song done by Jimmie Rodgers the famous pop singer of the 1950’s.
God’s Word can be trusted with everything it speaks about—from how and why we were made, to how the universe was formed, to how we can know God and receive all He has planned for us. That’s why ICR scientists have spent more than 50 years researching scientific evidence that refutes evolutionary philosophy and confirms the Bible’s account of a recent and special creation. We regularly receive testimonies from around the world about how ICR’s cutting-edge work has impacted thousands of people with God’s creation truth.
When a tenderhearted orphan is left with her hermit grandfather, he must turn from his past to make a future for them. But when she is taken to live in the city, she learns to trust God’s plan to make everything right in His time. Starring Tim Kaiser, Emily Dunphey, Ron Koontz, Mike T Tremblay, Carolyn Pemberton Hoover Tune in with the Sons of Issachar to discover the truth about AI, aliens, and the Anti-Christ agenda with Alan DiDio in his book, Summoning the Demon. In this 10-part series, The Sons of Issachar, Rick Renner talks with several friends and partners in the ministry about Scripture and books that will strengthen your spiritual life. Join these special guests for a series full of valuable spiritual wisdom for the times we’re living in that you won’t soon forget!
Spiritual warfare may come against you, but you have been equipped for the fight! You were created to receive the explosive power of God and to drive out the devil when he tries to penetrate any area of your life. When you learn to wield your God-given weapons, you will surely make it to the other side of any battle victorious! In his newest series, WEAPONS!, Rick Renner shares how to overcome attacks from Satan through biblical perspectives and personal examples.
The Seekers perform Kumbaya at their 25th Anniversary Reunion Concert Melbourne 1993. God has given the gift of prophecy as a way to edify the Body of Christ. But in these last days, it is important to discern the voices around you. With the help of the Holy Spirit, you can recognize real prophets from false prophets. Many people claim to be prophets today. Some are, and some are not. And a lot of attention has been given to the subject of prophetic ministry on social media and the Internet that has caused confusion. But in this informative series, Rick Renner and Joseph Z push back the confusion to bring clarity
Reseña de Dove ¡Qué historia tan notable, tan bien interpretada y relevante! Esta película sobre la persecución de los cristianos rusos que imprimieron Biblias clandestinas durante el régimen comunista soviético es una producción de calidad con una buena historia, actuaciones sólidas y escenas que conmoverán al espectador. Al principio se afirma que es una historia ficticia basada en experiencias reales de creyentes cristianos en la Unión Soviética durante los días del régimen comunista. La KGB tiene que aprobar los sermones del pastor Aleksandr, cuyo hijo Dmitri está en prisión por ser rebelde. Más tarde, cuando es liberado, se convierte al
Dove Review What a remarkable, well-acted relevant story! This movie about the persecution of Russian Christians who printed underground Bibles during the Soviet’s Communist reign is a quality production with a good story, solid acting, and scenes which will move the viewer. It is stated at the beginning that it is a fictional story based on real-life experiences of Christian believers in the Soviet Union during the days of Communist rule. The KGB has to approve the sermons of Pastor Aleksandr, whose son Dmitri is in prison for being a rebel. Later when he is released he becomes a Christian
«Hallie» presenta la historia de una familia tras la muerte de la madre desde la perspectiva de una pequeña con un corazón inmenso. Escenas divertidas dan paso a hechos emotivos, en este drama familiar que muestra cómo superar la desgracia y redescubrir lo preciosa que es la vida. Dirección: Jeremy White, Kendra White Guión: Eric Henninger, Jeremy White, Kendra White Reparto principal: Rachel Eggleston, David Chisum, Cameron Goodman In this fifteen-part series, Christmas – The Rest of the Story, Rick Renner dives deep into the parts of the Christmas story that most people have never heard. Rick says, “I’ve studied this story for decades, and I found fabulous treasures no one ever shared with me. In this series, we explore the Bible, history, historical writings, and so much more, so we can really understand all the events that took place surrounding the birth of Jesus!”
5 teachings on thankfulness and more.
There are 8 videos in this playlist on 8 different subjects – What Is Repentance, How To Stay In Faith, Press Forward, It’s Time To Press Ahead, In The Last Days Perilous Times Will Come, The Holy Spirit Our Intercessor, Trinational Grace and Guidance Of The Holy Spirit
This one-hour biblical drama recounts the thrilling story of the Old Testament prophet, Samuel. Samuel was called by God from a young age to speak God’s will to his people. Later, he would lead the Israelites in a decisive battle against the Philistines and would reluctantly appoint Israel’s first king. When King Saul disobeyed God, Samuel condemned him and secretly appointed David as King, setting off an epic struggle for power in the kingdom. Directed by Robert Savo Starring Makram Khoury, Jack Cohen, Aman Dibsi, Iyad Shetty, Aiman Nahas, Mahmoud Kinnan
It is a time when Rome rules the world with the power of life and death in its hands. The Roman province of Palestine is a bubbling cauldron of discontent. Onto this greater canvas Luke narrates the miraculous story of the man who changed the world. The Savior is a fresh portrayal of the life of Jesus with dialogue taken directly from the Gospel of Luke. It follows Jesus from his upbringing to his death and resurrection. The project was filmed entirely in Israel and Palestine using local actors, giving it a look and feel of authenticity. It has been translated
Dove Review The Power of the Resurrection does a commendable job in sharing the inspiring story of the influence of Jesus on the disciples, particularly Simon Peter. From the opening sequence, with Peter witnessing to a young man while in jail, to the ending when he preaches a powerful sermon after being filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, this is a remarkable film. As one follower of Jesus is taken from the cell, a young man cries and Peter, to quiet him down and calm him, begins to tell his story of walking with Jesus. “Loud and boastful I was,”
Dove Review This is a true-to-the-Bible movie about John the Revelator who receives the Revelation of Jesus Christ while serving time on the isle of Patmos. He serves hard time, breaking rock at a quarry yet he receives a holy visitation. The riders of the horses appear and these scenes are handled extremely well. This is a well-made movie which gives the viewer a good idea of things that are supposed come to pass in the future. We see the rider going forth to conquer, war, famine and the resulting death. John’s vision of the elders casting their crowns at