Lucas cuenta la historia aquí. Jesús asciende al cielo después de 40 días y Matías reemplaza a Judas . El espíritu santo llega a Jerusalén , después de lo cual los discípulos comienzan a proclamar el evangelio con gran denuedo y fecundidad. A pesar de los numerosos arrestos y el aumento de la persecución, el evangelio continúa propagándose por Judea y Samaria. Después de que los apóstoles encuentran problemas con Saulo , finalmente se convierte a la fe después de experimentar un encuentro personal con Cristo en su camino a Damasco. Cambia su nombre a Pablo y comienza a proclamar
“La vida de Jesús” es una historia contada por sus amigos más cercanos. Está adaptada del libro de Juan, en la Biblia. Descubre cómo Jesús cambió el curso de la historia a través de esta película acerca de su vida. Jesucristo nació hace más de 2.000 años. Su vida y su muerte cambiaron el mundo para siempre. Todavía tiene un impacto eterno en la vida de muchos con sus enseñanzas y milagros radicales. Su poderoso mensaje sigue transformando vidas, como las más de 2.300 millones de personas cuya vida ha sido ya impactada por Jesús en todo el mundo. The devil is trying to wiggle his way into your relationships, health, and finances — every part of your life that you count dear. How do you block his insidious attacks? In this refreshingly transparent series Ten Steps To Block the Devil From Your Life, Rick Renner teaches 10 ways to block the devil from gaining a foothold in your affairs, and he candidly shares how these steps have worked in his own life.
The Ten Commandments (1923) full movie | It was the second most popular film of 1923 in the United States and Canada. The film’s box-office returns held the Paramount revenue record for 25 years. The film is divided in two parts: The first tells the Biblical story of Moses leading the children of Israel out of Egypt to Mount Sinai. The second part is about two brothers. After hearing the story of Moses, the two sons of a devout Christian mother go their own ways, while the atheist brother’s breaking of the Ten Commandments leads to tragedy.
“This movie pre-supposes a pre-trib rapture but there are other views that have the church still here after the anti-christ arises. Only time will tell which view is right.” Admin Two news broadcasters, through investigation, find that they were left behind after the biblical rapture. Director: Peter Gerretson Writers: Peter Lalonde, Paul Lalonde Stars: Leigh Lewis, Richard Nester, Sam Bornstein
“This movie pre-supposes a pre-trib rapture but there are other views that have the church still here after the anti-christ arises. Only time will tell which view is right.” Admin In this sequel to Apocalypse (1998), Thorold Stone, a police officer in search for answers, joins a rebel group of Christians to thwart the Antichrist’s plan to use virtual reality to solidify its power. Director: André van Heerden Writers: Paul Lalonde, Peter Lalonde Stars: Jeff Fahey, Nick Mancuso, Tony Nappo
“Some comments I’ve read say this is like an updated version of A Christmas Carol by Dickens so view it as such.” Admin In the film, a devout individual’s faith is tested when a series of inexplicable and miraculous events begin to unfold around them. As they grapple with the profound implications of these occurrences, they become the focal point of a growing movement that challenges their beliefs and tests their resolve. Along the way, they encounter a mix of fervent supporters and skeptical detractors, each with their own motives and agendas. As the stakes rise and their personal and
A teenage girl’s birthday wish for a horse leads her to stay with her estranged grandfather, a gruff horse trainer, where they both learn about forgiveness and grace.
Imagine uncovering the ruins of Noah’s Ark in our time; the prophetic implications would be monumental! With that being said, today Noah’s Ark has been discovered. What is the evidence behind this belief? Where was Noah’s Ark discovered? What does its discovery mean for us today? Join Rick Renner and his team as they explore the ruins of what is believed to be Noah’s Ark! Enjoy the beautiful landscapes surrounding the Ararat Mountains and see with your own eyes where the world restarted; learn about the evidence behind Noah’s Ark and the decades of research surrounding it; and let yourself
[More] But even better than GPS, we have the Holy Spirit inside and He is the best GPS that ever existed. If you feel you’ve gotten off track and lost your way, the Holy Spirit knows exactly how to help you re-calculate to get back on track again. Do you need to recalculate? God doesn’t want you wandering aimlessly — He wants you on course and focused on what He has asked you to do. And with the help of the Holy Spirit, you can learn how to get back on track and stay on track.
08/29/24 In today’s “depraved” America there are “corrupt politicians, dishonest journalists and media outlets, broken social institutions, immoral religious leaders, unconstitutional government programs and policies,” and more, according to a new report on the nation’s beliefs. “The depth of the depravity is shocking,” explains the American Worldview Inventory No. 4 from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. “The deterioration of this once-great nation begs the fundamental question: How did we get here? What happened to so quickly introduce new philosophies of life and ways of living that radically depart from the historical Judeo-Christian moorings and consensus
[More] Many people who regularly attend church admit they have never experienced the presence of God. Why is that? Is there something we can do in order to enter into God’s powerful presence? Yes, there is! God wants YOU to encounter His powerful presence in worship — and that’s what you’ll discover in this life-changing five-part series. Join Rick Renner as he explores what the chief desire of the Holy Spirit is in the life of every believer in this life-changing program! Many people who regularly attend church admit they have never experienced the presence of God. Why is that? Is there something we can do in order to enter into God’s powerful presence? Yes, there is! God wants YOU to encounter His powerful presence in worship — and that’s what you’ll discover in this life-changing five-part series.
Dove Review Her mother is an alcoholic. Her father, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, is afflicted with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. So, it’s safe to say that Michelle is at an extreme disadvantage even before she gets out of bed in the morning. Of course, there also are mornings where Michelle doesn’t even have a bed, owing to a brief spell of homelessness. but she’s got a praying grandmother and prayer gives her a fighting chance. To say Michelle, a teenager in the Denver area, is a Diamond in the Rough is to put it mildly. There’s all kind of rough
Come and see the most photo-realistic and Biblically accurate film about Noah’s Flood ever produced! From the Director of Genesis: Paradise Lost, Sevenfold Films and Genesis Apologetics present The Ark and the Darkness. Geology, paleontology, the fossil record, ancient history, volcanism, earth science—all of these scientific fields converge on one simple truth: Noah’s Flood actually happened. Join our team of scientists from Answers in Genesis and Liberty University as we reveal the truth about Noah’s Flood. This movie was filmed at the Answers in Genesis “Ark Encounter” (full-sized replica of Noah’s Ark) in Kentucky and at Liberty University Bible Museum. Experts include: Dr. John
When anger turns a rockstar rebellious he ends up in jail but in a moment of divine intervention all charges are dropped. Given a second chance, he becomes a preacher but his desire to share a message of forgiveness is tested at every turn. Director: Jeffrey A. Smith Writer: Jeffrey A. Smith Stars: Emma Myers, Max Ehrich, Katelyn Nacon, J. Alphonse Nicholson
When the economy collapses, widespread rioting and looting create an apocalyptic environment leaving a 21 year old lovesick girl struggling to care for her four younger siblings in a stretch of woods on the outskirts of their burning town. Rated PG-13 for violence. Not for young children. Directed by: Paul Munger Starring: Kevin Sorbo, Julia Denton, Mollee Gray The Reliant (2019)
Última y menos conocida entrega de la serie Mark IV de películas apocalípticas fundamentalistas. A punto de ser ejecutado por las fuerzas del Anticristo, el guerrillero cristiano fundamentalista David es rescatado por Connie, una agente del Anticristo que se hace pasar por agente doble de la organización Believers’ Underground. Connie espera engañar a David para que la lleve a la base oculta de los disidentes. Mientras tanto, el Armagedón y la Segunda Venida se acercan.
Tercera entrada de la serie Mark IV de películas de apocalipsis fundamentalistas. El guerrillero cristiano fundamentalista David ayuda a los disidentes condenados a escapar, intenta subvertir la Marca computarizada de la Bestia y, en general, intenta sobrevivir mientras se desarrolla la profecía en el ascenso del Anticristo a la cima de su poder y el comienzo de la guerra de Dios contra el hombre pecador. Director: Donald W. Thompson Writers: Donald W. Thompson, Russell S. Doughten Jr. Starring: William Wellman Jr., Susan Plumb, Patty Dunning
What is the true meaning of righteousness? You will discover that this biblical term refers to your relationship with the Father. Learn how to apply it to your daily life. This series will also show you how to become righteous, how to receive righteousness, and how to walk in it daily. You will discover that righteousness is not an external thing; it is something you receive in your spirit at the new birth. These truths will eliminate condemnation and cause you to revel in the precious gift of righteousness. Listen here
Are you struggling with fear of the future? Do you constantly see yourself in defeat? If so, your conscience is showing its face. Every person has a conscience, but not everyone knows how it operates. Because of that, anxiety and guilt are taking over many people’s lives. But happiness and success are God’s best for you, and His Word can show you how to live in freedom. In his Who Told You That You Were Naked? teaching, Andrew uncovers the lies you’ve believed and shares truths for overcoming them once and for all. You will understand your conscience and where it came
Have you been taught that God is love but seen in the Bible that He is at times a God of wrath? Do you sometimes deal with confusion, wondering which version of God you’re dealing with on any given day? Misinterpretation of the Bible has propagated a wrong impression of God, which makes it difficult to have a vibrant relationship with Him. Andrew’s teaching Who God Is and Who We Are will move you beyond knowing about God to knowing His true nature and character. As you get a revelation of who God is, you will understand who you are
Are you seeking the truth about Christianity? Many people believe that acknowledging God’s existence or recognizing Jesus as the Son of God makes them a Christian. However, true Christianity goes beyond mere acknowledgment. Join Andrew Wommack as he dives into important scriptures that shed light on the biblical basis for salvation and dispel common misconceptions. In a world saturated with opinions, this resource is a must-have for anyone wanting to know the truth. Listen here
We all base our lives on some moral standard, but is it truth? Most people won’t let the Bible get in the way of what they believe. In our struggle against lies, we need to turn to the Bible—God’s revealed truth to us. This is a supernatural book upon which you can base your life. When you do so, you will live in victory! With Andrew’s latest teaching, What Is Truth?, you will learn how to build a solid foundation for your faith and to evaluate what you hear through the filter of the Word. In this transformational message, you’ll
Join Dr. Brian Thomas as we invite you to witness the wonders of creation and the evidence for the Genesis Flood as you’ve never seen them before.
Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis presents evidence that confirms the biblical account of creation and offers defensible answers to some of the most provocative and controversial questions of faith and science. How did life begin? Where did humans come from? Was Noah’s Flood real? How old is the earth? In each dynamic 22-minute episode, host Markus Lloyd guides the viewer on a memorable journey through some of the most fascinating topics in creation science. Through interviews with the leading creation scientists, insights from cutting-edge research, and on-location investigations, Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis presents evidence that supports a biblical viewpoint
Do you struggle with how to accomplish what God has called you to be? What if you could have insight into the revelations that shaped Andrew’s life and ministry? God is no respecter of persons, and if you are willing to receive His grace, there is no limit on how far the Lord can take you. In Andrew’s teaching Twenty Revelations That Will Change Your Life, learn how the Holy Spirit can impart life-changing revelation knowledge through God’s Word. In this eye-opening message, you’ll learn: ?• About God’s unconditional love ?• How to be a living sacrifice ?• The importance