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Jamie Hopkins, an art student and aspiring rock star, turns to criminal activity to make a little extra cash. He gets a job working at a doctor’s office simply to steal drugs, and soon, his girlfriend, Carol, discovers that violence is the result of trying to con drug dealers. After a life-changing experience, the couple is set on different paths, yet they cannot seem to stay apart.
After being abandoned by his mother and losing his father to suicide, 17-year-old Sean Purchase hits rock bottom. When a fatal accident takes the life of another, Sean goes on the run from a broken family, a back-stabbing friend, the law, and even his greatest hope. God has a plan for his life, but it will take a miracle for Sean to see it.
Les Manning, a wealthy Texas oilman, has been running from God his whole life. But after a confrontation with his only daughter and a straight-talking rancher, he comes to grips with the fact that something needs to change.
Jim Vaus, a U.S. Army electronics expert, becomes involved with gangsters. His wife, Alice, begs him to quit, but he’s become too useful, discovering wiretaps, setting up alarm systems, and even saving a mobster’s life by diffusing a time bomb. Gang member Tony urges Jim to invent a device to tap lines carrying race results and delay them so they could make big money on post-race betting. But after a fellow mobster kills Tony, Alice persuades Jim to attend a tent meeting held by evangelist Billy Graham to hear about the hope of Jesus Christ.
11/20/24   Our family needed to come together more than ever that fall. I decided to have Thanksgiving at my house.   I hadn’t fixed a formal dinner in months, and I had a full set of white stoneware in my china cabinet just begging to be used: plates, salad plates, cups and saucers, creamer, sugar bowl, butter dish—the works. A week in advance, I made out my grocery list, including ingredients for my special fruit punch. It had been my granddaughter’s favorite.   Amanda, 20 years old, had lost her life in a car accident in the spring. She [More]
Humans have always been intrigued by the celestial objects beyond our world and wondered: What are they? Where did they come from? And what do they say about where we come from? The Universe: A Journey Through God’s Grand Design takes viewers on a journey through time and space, exploring how some of the greatest discoveries in astronomy were made by scientists of faith seeking to understand the exquisite order of God’s universe. Episode 1: Ancient Astronomy  Episode 2: A Golden Age  Episode 3: Into the Stars  Episode 4: Pushing Forward
Science, Scripture, & Salvation is a podcast that we hope will encourage you in your Christian faith by showing how scientific evidence supports the Bible, particularly the Genesis account. When we see that the first and most foundational book of the Bible can be trusted in all matters—including science—it builds confidence in the rest of the inspired Word all the way to Revelation.
11/2/24 Tucker Carlson opened up in an interview about a terrifying demonic attack he once experienced in the night. The interview clip, which previewed Thursday on X, was a teaser for the investigative documentary “Christianities?: Journey to the Heart of the Faith.” Read/Watch
https://renner.org The Bible tells us it’s God’s desire to bless everyone — He wants to answer your prayers! So what should you do if you find yourself wondering why you haven’t received your answer? Rick and Denise explain the reasons why in their newest series, What To Do if Answers to Your Prayers Are Delayed or Hindered.
A wonderful version of this song done by the Seekers featuring the marvelous voice of Judith Durham. Enjoy!
A show featuring discussions on a variety topics about what is going on in America. Hosted by Andrew Wommack and others.
Join us for a powerful gathering of Christian leaders, organizations, and believers who share a common vision: preserving America’s cherished liberties. Let the dawn’s early light continue to shine on American freedom and be inspired to renew your patriotic strength and perseverance. Thursday Sept 12   7:00 p.m. – Worship 8:05 p.m. – Andrew Wommack 8:10 p.m. – Bishop E.W. Jackson 8:30 p.m. – Kristie McCrary Friday Sept 13  8:00 a.m. – Worship 9:00 a.m. – Bill Federer 10:10 a.m. – Luke Ball 11:00 a.m. – Pastor Che Ahn Friday, Sept. 13  7:00 p.m. – Worship 7:35 p.m. – Rick Green [More]
10/18/24 Do you have a loved one who has wandered away from their faith, leaving you feeling helpless and heartbroken? In this powerful podcast, Karen Wheaton shares a personal testimony regarding her daughter who walked away from the faith and family to go into a prodigal living but saw her restored to the faith through persistent intercession, prayer, and faith. In this message, you will learn powerful prayer strategies to bring back the lost sheep and restore faith in those who have strayed. Join us as we explore the power of prayer in bringing back prodigal daughters and sons, and [More]
10/18/24 “Some very good news for a change.” Admin Thousands of students from the University of Mississippi lifted their voices in worship and praise to Jesus and made public declarations of faith during a massive campus event, a ministry to college students reports. The Unite US tour hit “Ole Miss” during its latest campus stop on its mission to share the Gospel with students across the country. The ministry reports nearly 6,600 students packed out the Sandy and John Black Pavilion Oct 10th to worship, pray, and to hear the Gospel. Read More
Gregory Peck & Susan Hayward Star in David and Bathsheba. Dove Review “David and Bathsheba” features a strong performance by Gregory Peck as King David. The movie features several elements of David’s story taken from 11 Samuel, with the use of some artistic license by the filmmakers. For example, in the biblical text David’s son dies after the prophet Nathan confronts David about his sin with the married Bathsheba, and how David was at fault for the murder of her husband Uriah. In the film, the child dies first and then David is confronted by the prophet. David is portrayed [More]
This dramatic story focuses on the hurt and pain of two families, a family whose daughter Sharon, already battling cancer, is hit while riding her bike, and on the man who hit her, Benjamin Stills. Casper Van Dien gives a strong performance as Benjamin Stills, and the rest of the acting is solid too, including that of Monte Markham, who plays Jack Cromer, the owner of the law firm that Benjamin works for. This gripping story features some strong plot elements, including Benjamin’s boss funneling funds to the Cayman Islands to keep them from his estranged wife, and his boss [More]
Dove Review This movie shows the power of the “Good Book”, the Bible. As it is passed from one person to another we see the remarkable hope that it offers various people during some of life’s most difficult moments. A young boy, Daniel, accidentally sets his home on fire and runs away due to the shame he feels as his parents and sibling search for him. He is angry at first and wants nothing to do with the Good Book but he changes and he soon experiences a very happy moment. The other stories in the movie include a young [More]
“This movie pre-supposes a pre-trib rapture but there are other rapture views which have the church still here after the Anti-Christ arises namely pre-wrath and post-trib.” The Biblical prophecy of Armegeddon begins when the Rapture instantly takes all believers in Christ from the Earth. A reporter left behind learns that the Anti-Christ will soon take power.
Dove Review “The 12 Biggest Lies” focuses on the topic of truth, and the logic of the experts who exhort viewers is hard to argue with. Hosted by Kevin Sorbo, this documentary makes it crystal clear that some things are true whether a person agrees or not. The film opens with the example that kids are often devastated when they learn they have been lied to. We are also given a Francis Bacon quote: “People prefer to believe what they prefer to be true.” Another powerful quote is by Winston Churchill: “Truth is precious.” Or, as Michael Spence, Dean of [More]
Tyler Doherty is an extraordinary eight-year-old boy armed with strong faith and courage as he faces his daily battle against cancer. Surrounded by a loving family and community, Tyler’s prayers take the form of letters he sends to his ultimate pen pal, God, on a daily basis. These letters find their way into the hands of Tyler’s postman, Brady, who is at a crossroads in his life searching for meaning. Brady at first is confused over what to do, but his decision ultimately is a testament to the power of Tyler’s shining spirit, bravery and grace. Inspired by a true [More]
“Dove comment: Grace of the Father is the Parable of the Prodigal Son, minus the jealous older brother who is just as misguided as the son who gets a premature inheritance and squanders it. It’s what Jesus’s parable from Luke 15:11-32 might look like if it took place on a farm in North Dakota before taking a left turn to Florida and a sharp right to Las Vegas.” Luke Mackenzie suffers the loss of his wife, Kelley who is killed in an automobile accident on a slick county road during a winter snow storm. Within a matter of days, the [More]
The Book of Jude is one of the most ignored books of the New Testament – yet it is filled with powerful information that is especially vital in these late hours of the age. In this new 20-part series, Rick Renner takes you on a deep dive into every word and very in the book of Jude. Verse by verse, hidden treasures in the Greek language – and so many deep nuances – are interpreted in the RIV with footnotes and commentary – so you can explore the riches in this powerful epistle.
10/04/24 “An incredible miracle story!” Admin “Move it, lady!” an angry man shouted from his pickup truck, swerving to narrowly avoid a collision with my car. “You’re gonna get someone killed!” yelled another driver, racing by. I jiggled my keys in the ignition again. Come on old girl, you can start, I thought.  Just give me enough to get to the shoulder. The engine revved, then seized and died. Kaput. Why did my little sedan have to break down here? In the middle lane of rush hour traffic on Durango Drive, a busy road in Las Vegas. There was a gas station at the [More]
10/04/24   “There is a video embeded in the article of a CBN news program which goes into this subject as well. Please remember to pray for such persecuted Christians as these and others around the world.” Admin   A persecution watchdog is sounding the alarm about the grim and dire conditions for Christians inside North Korea.   The hermit nation has long been one of the most diabolical Christian persecutors, but a new report from Christian Solidarity Worldwide, “North Korea: We Cannot Look Away,” underscores the true gravity of the deteriorating conditions inside the hermit nation.   The document [More]
The story of Abraham, Lot and Sodom & Gomorrah with Hollywood actors.
Versión animada de la vida de Jesús.