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Heat rose in waves from the road in front of me. I patted my horse, Patches. “I know, I’m hot too,” I said. “Maybe I shouldn’t have taken you out for a ride today.” Squinting against the glaring sun, I scanned the Montana sky for any sign of reprieve. The sky stretched blue and clear to the far horizon. I gave Patches as much slack in the reins as I could. Steady drops of sweat rolled down the middle of my back. My mouth dried until my lips cracked. I didn’t think I could keep going, but we could not [More]
Even if my daughter was 21, I was anxious over her taking her first road trip all on her own. I’d gone to the mall to distract myself. Still, my mind was on Dana. The trip had gone well, but she was making the long drive home this afternoon. I wished she was home already. I wandered through a department store and felt a command: Pray for her. Pray for her now. I stopped short, letting people walk around me while I concentrated on Dana. God, watch over her while she’s at the wheel. Let her know you’re with her. [More]
We were only an hour into our 3,000-mile, cross-country trek to my family reunion in North Carolina. Already, bored voices from the backseat of our old, un-air-conditioned Dodge Dart were pleading: “Are we there yet?” Driving wasn’t the fastest route to our destination, but it was the cheapest. My husband, Jeff, and I had planned this trip for months, mapping it from our home in eastern Washington, highlighting campgrounds along the way. I couldn’t wait to catch up with relatives and show off Christy, our newest addition at 18 months old. At least she wasn’t crying in her car seat—yet. [More]
We lounged on inner tubes, floating lazily down the river. It was August and some coworkers had invited me along on a weekend getaway, tubing Wisconsin’s Apple River. The river’s a hugely popular tubing spot. Already, only a few minutes after we’d entered the water, other tubers were joining our flotilla. At least 20 of us drifted in the gentle current, our tubes lashed together with thick twine. We talked, ate and drank, and watched the wooded banks glide by. Read More Survival Stories: Heavenly Angel on the Rapids – Guideposts.
The past several decades, we have seen a dramatic decline in doctrinal and biblical preaching. We have gone from theology to therapy in the pulpits. In the past decade, we went from therapy to motivational speaking instead of preaching. In addition to this, whole churches and movements have oriented themselves to a distorted understanding of the gospel by espousing a “hypergrace” approach that trickles down to not only what they preach but who they allow to minister and teach. (I was told there is even a new television station devoted to this view of “grace.”) Read More 8 Signs of [More]
The pursuit of personal achievement and financial gain can often create a destructive gap in your family life. Parenting requires a delicate balance of both. If you only make time for the highlights of your child’s life, then you will have upset the balance … forcing you to always make adjustments just to keep from toppling over. That kind of lifestyle leads to an unsatisfying experience for everybody involved. Hey, we know you gotta make money. It’s a fact of life. In some cases, however, we can get so focused on the bottom line that the pursuit of money becomes [More]
For Mother’s Day, our tiny church had helped me prepare something special. “A gift to celebrate the mothers in the congregation,” I explained to the small but full house of worshippers. I said a silent prayer we had enough with the 10 baskets we’d filled up with a porcelain dove, Bible verse, lotions and perfume. “Would the moms come to the altar, please?” One by one, women rose and made their way up to me. I nervously counted heads. One, two, three… Eleven? My heart dropped. Maybe I miscounted. I hadn’t. Eleven mothers, ten gifts! “Lord,” I whispered, “we need [More]
Wildflowers as tall as wild grass dotted the countryside. Fortunately I hadn’t seen another car—or house—for miles, so I admired Massachusetts’ rolling meadows without distraction. I had just enough time to get to the Christian coffee house, where I was helping make a Father’s Day brunch. It wouldn’t happen without the supplies piled into my white Ford Galaxie: sausage, bacon and croissants, paper plates, cups and favors for the dads. via Guardian Angels Help Woman with Broken Car on Father’s Day – Guideposts.
Five a.m. Time to get up. I run our family’s 150-year-old farm pretty much on my own, so I had to get up early to get a day’s work done. Feed the animals. Check to see that all are healthy. Then to church, since it was a Sunday. Helping hands, I thought, seated in my pew. So much to do. If you can hear me up there, Lord, I sure could use some help. Following church, I hurried home and wolfed down breakfast. The farm is 188 acres. I grow wheat, soybeans, corn and alfalfa hay, and today was the [More]
Faith Life Church In this series bro. Keith discusses  how to tap into Gods abundant provision for our every need  
Faith Life Church James 1:2-3 “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.” Faith and patience go together, but patience is not just passive waiting. It is cheerfully enduring the passage of time and the contradictory circumstances and everything that is telling you it’s not working and it’s not going to happen—because you already know by faith how it’s going to turn out. You’ve heard from Him. In this series, you will learn that while other people are crying and falling apart, you can respond differently. When you count it all [More]
“River flooded again,” my husband said, staring out the window. The quaint little brook that ran alongside our property was one of the reasons we’d bought this house. Problem was, when it stormed, tree branches got carried on the current, clogged up the river and flooded our yard. Daryl and I put on old clothes and grabbed a couple of rakes from the garage. “Let’s split up,” he said. “I’ll start at one end and you start at the other.” I wish Kyle were here, I thought, walking along the water, bending down every few feet to fish a branch [More]
One of the best things about having George Miller as a neighbor and a friend was his dad’s bakery. So when he asked if I wanted to take a walk there on a broiling hot Saturday morning in July 1931, I jumped at the chance. The bakery was three stories high, and George and I planned to explore the whole place top to bottom. “Hi, Dad!” George called when we went inside. “I’ve got Don with me!” Mr. Miller waved to us from behind the counter. “You boys want cookies?” he said. “Oven fresh.” We eagerly accepted his offer, then [More]
I couldn’t see without my glasses, so when I reached into my purse to swap my prescription sunglasses out for my regular glasses and found the case empty, my mouth went dry. My husband, Peter, and I had been all over doing errands. They could be anywhere! We searched the van first with no luck. “Maybe they dropped out of the case at that last store?” I said. My good sport of a husband spun the wheel into a U-turn. Read More Heavenly Angel Helps Woman Find Lost Glasses – Guideposts.
http://www.dongossett.com/radio.html Evangelist, author Don Gossett shares in this radio program how praising God can bring His blessings into your life. This is part 1 of 2. Please visit Bro. Don’s website where you can hear more of his radio programs which will greatly encourage your faith and strengthen your walk with Jesus.
http://www.dongossett.com/radio.html Evangelist, author Don Gossett shares in this radio program how praising God can bring His blessings into your life. This is part 2 of 2. Please visit Bro. Don’s website where you can hear more of his radio programs which will greatly encourage your faith and strengthen your walk with Jesus.
For proof that the Bible is true visit http://proofthebibleistrue.com http://www.dongossett.com/radio.html Watch as Evangelist, author Don Gossett conducts a…
http://www.dongossett.com/radio.html Watch as Evangelist, author Don Gossett conducts a crusade in Myanmar with God performing miracles to confirm His word. This is part 2 of a 2 part video. Please visit Bro Don’s website where you can hear his radio programs which will greatly encourage your faith and strengthen your walk with Jesus.
http://www.dongossett.com/radio.html Evangelist, author Don Gossett shares in this radio program how choosing to do things God’s way can bring about victory. This is part 1 of a 2 part video. Please visit Bro. Don’s website where you can hear more of his radio programs which will greatly encourage your faith and strengthen your walk with Jesus.
http://www.dongossett.com/radio.html Evangelist, author Don Gossett shares in this radio program how choosing to do things God’s way can bring about victory. This is part 2 of a 2 part video. Please visit Bro. Don’s website where you can hear more of his radio programs which will greatly encourage your faith and strengthen your walk with Jesus.
http://www.dongossett.com/radio.html Evangelist, author Don Gossett shares in this radio program how confessing God’s word over your lifes situations can bri…
http://www.dongossett.com/radio.html Evangelist, author Don Gossett shares in this radio program how confessing God’s word over your lifes situations can bri…
For proof that the Bible is true visit http://proofthebibleistrue.com http://www.dongossett.com/radio.html Evangelist, author Don Gossett shares in this radi…
For proof that the Bible is true visit http://proofthebibleistrue.com http://www.dongossett.com/radio.html Evangelist, author Don Gossett shares in this radi…
http://www.dongossett.com/radio.html Evangelist, author Don Gossett shares in this radio program how praying large prayers can bring supernatural results in any situation using real life miracle healing testimonies. Please visit Bro. Don’s website where you can hear more of his radio programs which will greatly encourage your faith and strengthen your walk with Jesus.
http://www.dongossett.com/radio.html Evangelist, author Don Gossett shares in this radio program how praying large prayers can bring supernatural results in any situation using real life miracle healing testimonies. Please visit Bro. Don’s website where you can hear more of his radio programs which will greatly encourage your faith and strengthen your walk with Jesus.
My first scuba dive was a magical one. A beginner’s excursion in Barbados. The bright and colorful fish twirled around me, the sun appeared as just a glimmer of light 40 feet above my head. But after about 30 minutes, I felt woozy. I reached out and grabbed the air gage. I watched as the needle settled on zero. No oxygen at all! Read More Heavenly Angel Rescues Scuba Diver – Guideposts.