1 When it was determined that we should sail for Italy, they delivered Paul and certain other prisoners to a centurion named Julius, of the Augustan band. 2 Embarking in a ship of Adramyttium, which was about to sail to places on the coast of Asia, we put to sea, Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica being with us. 3 The next day, we touched at Sidon. Julius treated Paul kindly and gave him permission to go to his friends and refresh himself. 4 Putting to sea from there, we sailed under the lee of Cyprus, because the winds were contrary. 5 When we had
What is the true meaning of righteousness? You will discover that this biblical term refers to your relationship with the Father. Learn how to apply it to your daily life. This series will also show you how to become righteous, how to receive righteousness, and how to walk in it daily. You will discover that righteousness is not an external thing; it is something you receive in your spirit at the new birth. These truths will eliminate condemnation and cause you to revel in the precious gift of righteousness. Listen here
Are you struggling with fear of the future? Do you constantly see yourself in defeat? If so, your conscience is showing its face. Every person has a conscience, but not everyone knows how it operates. Because of that, anxiety and guilt are taking over many people’s lives. But happiness and success are God’s best for you, and His Word can show you how to live in freedom. In his Who Told You That You Were Naked? teaching, Andrew uncovers the lies you’ve believed and shares truths for overcoming them once and for all. You will understand your conscience and where it came
Have you been taught that God is love but seen in the Bible that He is at times a God of wrath? Do you sometimes deal with confusion, wondering which version of God you’re dealing with on any given day? Misinterpretation of the Bible has propagated a wrong impression of God, which makes it difficult to have a vibrant relationship with Him. Andrew’s teaching Who God Is and Who We Are will move you beyond knowing about God to knowing His true nature and character. As you get a revelation of who God is, you will understand who you are
Are you seeking the truth about Christianity? Many people believe that acknowledging God’s existence or recognizing Jesus as the Son of God makes them a Christian. However, true Christianity goes beyond mere acknowledgment. Join Andrew Wommack as he dives into important scriptures that shed light on the biblical basis for salvation and dispel common misconceptions. In a world saturated with opinions, this resource is a must-have for anyone wanting to know the truth. Listen here
We all base our lives on some moral standard, but is it truth? Most people won’t let the Bible get in the way of what they believe. In our struggle against lies, we need to turn to the Bible—God’s revealed truth to us. This is a supernatural book upon which you can base your life. When you do so, you will live in victory! With Andrew’s latest teaching, What Is Truth?, you will learn how to build a solid foundation for your faith and to evaluate what you hear through the filter of the Word. In this transformational message, you’ll
Do you struggle with how to accomplish what God has called you to be? What if you could have insight into the revelations that shaped Andrew’s life and ministry? God is no respecter of persons, and if you are willing to receive His grace, there is no limit on how far the Lord can take you. In Andrew’s teaching Twenty Revelations That Will Change Your Life, learn how the Holy Spirit can impart life-changing revelation knowledge through God’s Word. In this eye-opening message, you’ll learn: ?• About God’s unconditional love ?• How to be a living sacrifice ?• The importance
Through His spoken Word, God created the earth and everything in it, put the heaven into place, and formed man. Most importantly, His Word became flesh, and Jesus (God in the flesh) was born. His Word is the most powerful thing on earth and in heaven. It is the absolute and infallible truth. His Word never changes, and He never breaks His Word. In this five-part series, Andrew addresses the impact this has in our lives. He explains how God Himself is limited by His own words; the difference between God’s responsibility and ours; the role the devil plays, if
Do you wonder if God is mad at you because of sin or unrighteousness? Through Jesus, He has forgiven your sins and taken them away. God isn’t against us because His war with mankind is over. There is peace on earth and goodwill from God to man. In Andrew’s teaching The War Is Over, learn that sin has been dealt with and that God is for you, not against you. In this insightful message, you’ll learn: ?•?That Jesus took it all ?•?About God’s covenant of peace ?•?Sin was dealt with once for all time ?•?Your spirit is perfected forever Listen
What is God really like? Is He the God of judgment found in the Old Testament or the God of mercy and grace found in the New? Do you have a hard time understanding the heart behind God’s actions in the Old Testament? This teaching settles these issues once and for all so you can draw closer to God like never before. With Andrew’s teaching The True Nature of God, you will learn who God really is and discover His unconditional love for you. In this transformational message, you’ll learn: – Who God really is, – The difference between Old
Andrew talks about the resurrection of Jesus and how that makes Christianity valid and different from all other religions. He goes on to talk about the resurrection of believers and our glorified bodies. For the believer death is actually better than this life because of the resurrection and the promise of heaven. Listen here
The Holy Spirit is more than an experience. He is the one who will come alongside every believer and help. This in-depth teaching will help you answer the question: Just who is the Holy Spirit? If you have been lacking in power, and you know there should be more to your Christian walk, if you’ve wondered what these gifts of the Holy Spirit are all about, or if you’re confused about the whole experience, then it’s time to open up your heart. This series will help you understand what—or Who—you have been missing. Listen here
What Jesus accomplished on the cross is far more than the avoidance of hell. This teaching will change the way you see the cross and will help you more fully understand what Jesus did on the cross. Listen here
There are spiritual dynamics involved in partnering with the Gospel that most people don’t realize. Learn how true partnership will change your life once you understand its biblical purpose and God’s heart toward it. Listen here
What you imagine may be more important than you realize. Ultimately, what you imagine determines what you believe, and how you believe determines how you receive. Having a positive imagination is what the Bible calls hope! And hope is what faith is based upon. Let Andrew share with you the true potential of your imagination in his latest book, The Power of Imagination! You’ve probably heard Andrew quote Proverbs 23:7a, which says, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Now let him show you how to think properly so you can be all that God created you
In Andrew’s teaching, The Old Man Is Dead: Goodbye and Good Riddance!, you’ll discover that God no longer looks at you and sees a sinner; He only sees the new nature that Jesus provided by grace at the cross. In this teaching, learn how to ditch your sin nature and embrace your new nature in Christ. In this foundational message, you’ll learn: • The difference between your sin nature and your born-again nature, • What Jesus provided for you when He died on the cross, • How to leave your old self behind, • How to yield yourself to God,
Enjoy this compilation and summary of the sixteen most requested and important revelations God has given Andrew. Some have even called these the CliffsNotes versions of the his messages. This series addresses specific topics in abbreviated formats, making it easier to see how these truths are related and dependent upon one another. Put them into practice, and live the balanced Christian walk God intended for you. Your finances, relationships, health, happiness, and prayer life will never be the same. Listen here
Many Christians use the word “gospel” but don’t know what it means. Today, it is almost a religious cliché. However, in Paul’s day, using the term made a radical statement. It was a way of referring to the grace of God, the free gift that allows us to obtain right standing with Him (Romans 1:16). Let Andrew Wommack guide you through Paul’s lessons on grace and teach you how to experience freedom and walk in New Testament grace! In Andrew’s Romans: Paul’s Masterpiece on Grace teaching, you’ll: – Understand the difference between Old Testament law and New Testament grace. Receive
The book of Proverbs was written for two groups of people—those who know they need wisdom and those who don’t. Whichever category you fall into, the road map to a blessed life is the same: choose wisdom, follow God, and you’ll be blessed. In this in-depth, verse-by-verse teaching, Andrew shares personal insights from the foundational principles, divine guidance, and sound counsel contained in the book of Proverbs. Get ahold of Andrew’s teaching on Proverbs for the timeless wisdom you need to live a life of blessing! Listen here
Many Christians strive to achieve happiness. Few, however, have understood, much less followed, what the Bible says to get there. Needless to say, they aren’t “happy” with the end result. Listen as Andrew shares twenty secrets from Paul’s letter to the Philippians that are sure to get you on the path to happiness. Listen here
The book of Romans is Paul’s greatest masterpiece on the doctrine of grace. Nowhere else in Scripture is the mystery of God’s grace revealed more thoroughly or more simply. This series helps the listener discover the book of Romans’ liberating truths, which have literally changed the world. Listen here
In what or in whom do you trust? Most believers would say their faith is in God. Yet, when faced with difficult financial times, fear grips their hearts, and they fall apart like a two-dollar suitcase. That shouldn’t be! This two-part teaching will help you overcome those fears and keep your trust in the right place. Listen here
How would your life change if you committed yourself to God’s Word? The Word of God is the most essential thing you need in your life, both spiritually and physically. Learn how to let God’s Word change your life for the better through Andrew’s teaching Plain as Dirt. Dirt may seem plain and ordinary, but from it, miracles are brought forth. From this life-changing teaching, you’ll discover: -Valuable insights into how to study the Bible -How to plant God’s Word in your heart -That God’s Word is an incorruptible seed that can bring forth miracles in your life -How to
Are you living a surrendered life for Christ? A surrendered life is one where you truly begin to live and not merely exist. It’s a life where your focus isn’t on yourself but on giving your life away each day for God and others. Be encouraged by this verse-by-verse study of Paul’s letter to his partners and discover the fulfillment of living a surrendered life. Listen here
Paul reveals that we are already blessed with all spiritual blessings, and inside us, we already have the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. What more do we need? Listen here
Divine health and prosperity are better than divine healing and provision. If you live in divine health and prosperity, you won’t need a miracle to get healed or to pay your bills. If you can’t see the difference between the two, that may be one reason you only visit God’s best instead of truly living in it. Listen here
These three questions are the most important questions you will ever ask yourself. Most people have probably never written them down, but I guarantee you that every single person has pondered these in their heart and mind at some point in their life. The answers to these questions will absolutely determine what your life will become. So, it’s important to answer them correctly. Listen here