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03/09/22   A survey stunningly has revealed that many Americans who may think of themselves as Christian actually follow a worldview called Syncretism – “a blending of multiple worldviews in which no single life philosophy is dominant” – and only a sparse 2% of parents of pre-teens actually possess a biblical worldview.   The results come from the American Worldview Inventory 2022 done by George Barna and the Cultural Research Center at Arizona State.   “It seems that most pre-teen parents are unaware – or certainly unfazed – by the contradiction between calling themselves ‘Christian,’ but living in ways that [More]
02/25/22 “Michaels latest blog post.” Admin Have you ever thought you had woken up from one nightmare only to find yourself in another? It’s an odd feeling, this notion of a dream within a dream, and although it might only take a fraction of a second for you to realize that you didn’t actually wake up and that you are still dreaming, it can be disorienting, to say the least. This morning the world is feeling much the same way, wherein we haven’t fully awoken from one nightmare, only to be plunged into another. There was no time to breathe, [More]
02/08/22   “You can see more visions of what’s to befall America in the last days here.” Admin   About that time, the Holy Spirit came upon me again. It seemed as if a wind were blowing on me, and I fell flat on my face on the platform. As I lay under the power of God, it seemed as if I were standing high on a plain somewhere in space, and I could see for miles and miles around me, just as one can stand on the great plains of the United States and gaze off into the distance [More]
02/08/22   This vision was given to the late Kenneth E. Hagin in 1963. It was shared with me by a friend with inside connections to old archives of teachings and prophecies never before published or made public. I believe it is now the time to share such prophecies for the hour of the manifestation of these things is upon us.     Yea, the hand of the Lord was upon me … the Spirit of God moved upon me … the voice of God spoke unto me and said, “Come up, come up hither son of man.”   I [More]
01/27/22 The docuseries referred to is located at the Liberty Anvil channel on YouTube and Rumble  Former Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas, one of the first conservatives to be canceled back in 2010-2012 (along with me as collateral damage), has started a docuseries profiling other Christian conservatives whom the left targeted. “For many years, a quiet crisis affecting millions of Americans has grown and gone without remedy,” he opens. “In the early 21st century, a militant secular Left captured America’s centers of wealth and power. Because of prejudice and hostility from monied and powerful left-wing interest groups, those who publicly opposed the Left often lost their careers, businesses, livelihoods [More]
01/23/22   “Please to remember to pray for persecuted Christians around the world.” Admin   Around the world, 16 Christians are killed each day, on average.   That’s nearly 500 Christians every month.   Men, women, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. Just because they follow Jesus.   What staggering and sobering statistics.   Our research for the 2022 Open Doors’ 2022 World Watch List—the most in-depth investigative report focusing on global Christian persecution available—reveals that from October 2020 to September 2021, the number of Christians abducted, arrested and killed increased sharply.   This year, the total number of martyrs increased from [More]
“It’s a great idea to spend some quiet time with God each day. Dwelling in His presence can refresh your spirit and calm your mind like nothing else. It’s also a time when God can speak to you regarding things He may want you to do or know. If you’re not doing this then try it, there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain.” Admin   One winter morning I sat cross-legged on the sofa in the TV room, as was my habit, a throw over my shoulders. We still called it the TV room, even though there was no TV in [More]
12/23/21 I just added a new post which contains a playlist of videos by Perry Stone which feature his latest prophetic updates and commentaries. Check it out here.
12/22/21 As we started the year with the theme, “Waking up the Church,” I want to end the year with some shocking quotes that one would think would help wake up the church! Consider this question: are you totally sure of the virgin birth? Did you know one well-known academic in the Christian world is only “reasonably confident” that Jesus was born of a virgin? This same person rejects a literal Adam and Eve, that Adam was made from dust, that Eve was made from Adam, that there was a literal tree of the knowledge of good and evil, a literal [More]
12/17/21 What Americans believe when it comes to matters of faith has been shifting for decades, and the latest National Public Opinion Reference Survey conducted by Pew Research Center seems to indicate that the pace of change is accelerating. Today, the percentage of Americans that identify as Christians is the lowest that it has ever been before, and the percentage of Americans that identify as “nones” is at a new all-time record high.  In fact, Pew is telling us that a whopping 29 percent of all Americans now identify as “nones”… Currently, about three-in-ten U.S. adults (29%) are religious “nones” [More]
Every summer growing up in Richmond, Virginia, my family picked the wild blackberries that grew in the woods near our house. The summer I was 15 years old, I plucked a perfectly ripe berry off a bush. All at once, I was struck by a profound sense of wonder at the very perfection of that little fruit. I marveled at its seemingly miraculous ability to grow from the earth and nourish me. I experienced the startling awareness that everything around me was balanced and correct. Each aspect had a purpose: the sky, the trees, me, even this tiny blackberry I [More]
The author of a new book is shining light on the persecuted Christians in Islamic countries around the world.   I recently sat down with Casey Chalk, a freelance writer and contributing editor with The New Oxford Review, to discuss why he wrote “The Persecuted: True Stories of Courageous Christians Living Their Faith in Muslim Lands.” Chalk described how his book explains how many Islamic countries from West Africa to Southeast Asia “have various soft and hard ways that they persecute and coerce Christian minority communities.” He told me how in Pakistan, for example, where there was the very famous Asia Bibi case, [More]
“On the same page below the video are 3 audios to listen to by Bill which deal with Hell and Witnessing. You can view more trip to Hell testimonial videos here. When witnessing most don’t like to talk about Hell but it’s a very real place many people are going to every day when they die. People need to know rejecting Jesus and forgiveness will ultimately send them to this horrible place. Send them to the link above so they can see what Hell is like.”  Admin   During my “23 Minutes in Hell” vision, my spirit body was able [More]
Remembering our role in evangelism can encourage us when sharing our faith. …read more Source: creation.com     
10/28/21   When troubles gang up on you, there are two possible attitudes to take. One is to become discouraged, even hopeless, and to give up. This attitude is, of course, disastrous.   For if you admit even to yourself that you do not have the ability to cope with things, your personal resources will not come into action. But what if you were confident that you could change things?   Confidence is a word we all use but many of us barely think about. I will say that the surest way to live confidently is to have what I call [More]
10/28/21 “The smallest things, at certain times, can mean the most.” Admin Our family moved to Orange, Texas, in 1976, when my husband, Jerry, got a job in a refinery as a pipe-fitter and welder. We left Dallas and moved into a small mobile home. When the job in Orange ended, we waited for the union to find Jerry more work. Months went by. Rent was due on the mobile home, and so were the payments on our home back in Dallas, to which we knew we’d eventually return.   At least we’ll have a nice dinner, I thought as I [More]
 10/21/21   Who can forget the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid? The United States men’s hockey team, made up of unpaid college kids, beat the heavily favored Soviet Union’s team, made up of professionals labeled as amateurs, in a thrilling final 4-3.   Americans were glued to their seats, watching on TV and cheering the young men who were facing the greatest challenge of their playing careers. The win is still considered one of the biggest upsets in sports history and garnered the team a gold medal. It was called the “Miracle on Ice.”   Who doesn’t love an underdog? [More]
10/12/21   “His video appears later on in the article.” Admin Is there a “prophetic sign” in the disastrous U.S. withdrawl from Afghanistan? Is there an ancient mystery, from 9/11 to the Taliban takeover, that presents a warning to America? Those are questions messianic rabbi and author Jonathan Cahn asks in a new video message. He points to a chapter in his bestselling book “The Harbinger” called “The Isaiah 9:10 Effect,” which shows how the events of 9/11 repeated a pattern seen in ancient Israel with astonishing precision. One of nine “harbingers,” he found, was that a nation’s attempt to [More]
10/05/21   “Michael is now writing frequently once more timely blog posts commenting on what is going on in the world and the church. Below is one of his latest posts. You can check out the latest 30 of them in his RSS feed here.” Admin   Basic It’s not complicated, it really isn’t, but we won’t allow ourselves to accept the reality of it because that would mean this entire upheaval we’ve been going through has to do with nothing more profound than power. It’s not about saving lives, or keeping you safe, or anything lofty and idealistic. It’s basic, [More]
10/03/21   Nearly everyone, religious or not, knows the story of how the Ten Commandments came to be.   The biblical book of Exodus, in chapter 19, lays out the scene: Moses and the Israelites, months after being freed from captivity in Egypt, arrived in the Sinai Desert. Moses was eventually called to the top of a mountain towering over the group’s camp, where God descended with fire, smoke and lightning. After being instructed to do so, Moses then gave God’s covenants to the people of Israel.   While the Ten Commandments have survived in their entirety, the exact location of “Mount Sinai” [More]
09/27/21   Cara Whitney had a busy life in Las Vegas. The successful radio personality and author, the wife of comedian Dan Whitney, better known as ‘Larry the Cable Guy,’ was also a mom of two. But when she decided a change of scenery was in order, she moved the family to a horse farm in Nebraska. There, Cara began to explore and deepen her relationship with God.   “As I was learning about God, I was working with my animals,” she told Guideposts. “I realized I could correlate a lot of what I was trying to figure out about God with that farm [More]
05/04/21   “I can relate to this. I graduated from college with a degree in geology and was preparing to go to graduate school on an assistantship. However that summer I had a strong feeling within that this was not what I should do so I contacted the university and told them I wasn’t coming.   Shortly thereafter I saw an ad for a computer school on TV and the thought of going into the field of data processing grabbed my attention. To make a long story short, I went to that school and eventually had a long career as [More]
08/19/21 “Please remember to pray for the Christians in Afghanistan who will most likely be undergoing much persecution.” Admin Pastors across Afghanistan are asking for urgent prayers after they spent two weeks watching the country fall into the hands of Islamist terrorists.   Josh Manley, a pastor of RAK Evangelical Church in the United Arab Emirates, said numerous church leaders across the country have reached out to him in recent days. He released an urgent call for prayer Monday in a blog post for the Christian ministry group 9Marks.   “As Taliban forces have swallowed up Afghanistan and even now [More]
08/16/21 Creation Today Ministry   Millennials and Gen Z are the least churched generation in American History. At a time when we need it MOST, why are we walking away from evangelism? Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ said, “Less than 2% of Christians actively share their faith.” According to Discipleship Pathway, 55% of those who attend church have not shared with someone how to become a Christian in the past six months.” Evangelism has become the new dirty word in Christianity. Why is it getting such a bad rap? If we have the Truth, why are we [More]
I subscribe to a free newsletter, Doctors House Call, written by Dr. Al Sears MD who is a holistic practitioner and big believer in natural therapies. Lots of free articles on his site to read. Here’s a bit about him with a signup link plus below that is a recent newsletter he emailed as a sample: Can a free natural health newsletter change your life? I think so and I invite you to see for yourself. Sign up for my free daily report, Doctor’s House Call. I’m Al Sears, MD, and I specialize in integrative, anti-aging medicine. I travel the [More]
06/24/21   If you’re a Christian, you already know you should be sharing your biblical faith with people of other faiths. Yet if you’re like most Christians, you lack the courage, confidence and skills to do so. That’s OK. Let’s change that.   Read More: 4 Ways You Can Start Spiritual Conversations — Charisma Magazine
06/16/21   Where all dogs are welcome, especially the ones that are broken and scared.   “This dog is not normal,” my friend and fellow veterinary technician Shannon said, studying a tiny bulldog mix puppy who’d been born at the clinic where we worked. We watched Rosalie try to find her balance. As soon as we put her on her feet, she would flip onto her back.   “Something’s definitely off,” I said. “But I’m going to figure out how to help her.”   Rosalie’s breeder thought the kindest thing would be euthanasia. No way, I thought. This eager puppy, [More]