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09/16/22 Conservatives reply to woke objections with a modest offering of facts that undo the woke narrative—and get nowhere. Here’s a better way. f you’re invited to a friend’s house for Thanksgiving Dinner, and his daughter shows up and starts talking about America’s genocide of Native Americans, what do you say? Or if you’re in a discussion of classical education with other parents from your neighborhood and someone comments that classical education has a curriculum that lacks diversity and flirts with white privilege, how do you respond? These are standard woke gestures, commonplace and unsurprising. The language is always the [More]
09/12/22   Evangelist Franklin Graham reacted this week to shocking survey data showing more than one-third of senior pastors purportedly believe “good people” can earn their way to heaven, with Graham lambasting some of the findings as “false teaching.”   Read More: ‘What a lie’: Franklin Graham reacts to shocking survey of Christian pastors
09/05/22   It was a distinct privilege to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ this summer in London, where my father first preached in 1954. Thousands came to hear the Word of God, and His Spirit worked to bring hun-dreds to saving faith. We praise God! While in England, I was invited to appear on the TV program “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” broadcast by the BBC to a large audience. I have been with Piers in the past when he was with another network, and he certainly can ask some penetrating questions. Among the topics we discussed was a [More]
I am pleased to announce that my new book is NOW available as of Aug. 18, 2022 on Amazon!   Here is a description from the back of the book:   Does God Work with Israel and the Church at the Same Time?   Is There a Connection between the Rapture and the Second Coming?   In the first part of Pretrib, Dr. Alan Kurschner makes the case that God has worked with both Israel and the church at the same time in the past, and he continues to do so at this time, and he will work with both at [More]
Black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) is a nutrient-rich flowering herb that has its origins in Southeastern Asia. It is used in ancient Egypt, Greece, Middle East and Africa as a spice and food preservative.   Various traditional health systems use black cumin seed for different airway disorders like asthma, cough and bronchitis, chronic headache and back pain, skin disorders like eczema, neurological and mental illness, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, diabetes, paralysis, digestive tract-related disorders like diarrhea, inflammatory conditions, infertility and various infectious diseases due to bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral infections. (Related: Black cumin: Healing people for thousands of years.)   Due to its faster [More]
08/14/22   Nearly 40 years after his death, acting legend Steve McQueen is still often referred to as the “King of Cool.” His style and movies have proved to be timeless hits in each generation, but one story about McQueen slipped through the cracks – his salvation. His rags-to-riches life story still fascinates fans, new and old. But one chapter of that story is rarely shared. Now there’s a powerful new film about his life and what finally led him to choose Christ.   Read More: The Untold Story of Steve McQueen: How the ‘King of Cool’ Met the ‘King of [More]
07/03/22   What he thought would be a coming-of-age experience for his kids proved to be a spiritual lesson for him.   The John Muir Trail is a 211-mile footpath through the high country of California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains. It starts in Yosemite National Park and ends atop the 14,505-foot summit of Mount Whitney, the tallest mountain in the lower 48 United States.   For many hikers, the JMT, as it’s called, is the adventure of a lifetime, a challenging but rewarding trek through some of America’s most iconic mountain landscapes. Completing all 211 miles usually takes about a month.   My [More]
07/03/22 “With a lot of compromise going on in certain churches this article is a reminder that we must remain true to Biblical principals and beliefs in this increasingly sinful world.” Admin In a day when, around the world, church conferences and organizations long recognized as Christian routinely are abandoning the biblical teachings on marriage and adopting same-sex procedures for their ministers and congregations, the Presbyterian Church in Ireland is standing fast.   According to a Newsletter report the church’s outgoing moderator has stated “We will not rewrite” the Bible on issues of abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, transgenderism and more, whether the [More]
On Friday, June 24, 2022, the internet erupted with the news that, after forty-nine blood-stained years, the constitutional “right” to an abortion had been overturned by the Supreme Court. (By the way, this doesn’t mean abortion is banned in the US, just that each state now has the right to decide the issue.) Many people openly rejoiced and celebrated, others spewed vitriolic hate and called for violence. But there’s a large group in the middle—those who are confused by lies from the media and social media influencers about what all this really means and how they should think and feel about it. [More]
Jeff & Erica – More Adults Dropping Dead Of SADS – Hideous Walensky Announces Open Season On Infants, Toddlers With BioWeapon Shots – Parents Already Injecting Their Children, Many Funerals Just Ahead – More Human Injury Reports Listen here
1944. That was the first year Gallup asked Americans the question about faith in God. Those were times when a majority of people trusted the God of the Bible.   From 1953 to 1967 for example, 98 percent of U.S. adults believed in God. Fast forward to 2022 when only 81 percent of Americans say they believe in God according to a new Gallup poll.   The survey released Friday shows the steady decline over the years of American adults who believe in God.   Why are more people losing faith, and is it possible to slow down the decline?   In [More]
06/17/22 The American pastor who was falsely charged by the Turkish regime of terrorism and espionage gave a frank account of his ordeal in a video interview with WND, confessing that his first year in prison “broke” him, to the point of losing his will to live. “In the midst of my weakness and brokenness I had to learn to stand,” he said. After returning to the United States after 25 years in Turkey, he noticed a dramatic rise in hostility toward Christians that appears only to be increasing. And he warns American followers of Jesus they may not be [More]
06/17/22   I was waiting to order at my family’s go-to pizza place. A man wearing a “World’s Best Daddy” T-shirt stepped into line behind me, a cell phone pressed to his ear.   “Honey, the line is really long,” the man said into his phone. “I’m going to go somewhere else.”   He listened for a moment, then said, “You’re right—22 hours of labor deserves your favorite pizza. I’ll bring it back to the hospital as soon as I can.” He sighed and hung up.   Read More: Someone Cares: After You | Guideposts
06/15/22 Living in faith every day isn’t easy. The more troubles rained down on me, the more I realized I didn’t understand how God reveals himself to us. So one evening, with my husband out on a driving job and some beans simmering in my favorite pot, I opened my Bible. I wanted to know God better, so I could serve him better.   “Make a joyful shout to the Lord,” I read in Psalms. “Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with singing.”   Joy was not easy to come by these days. My husband and I had thought things were looking [More]
06/12/22 Is this what you had in mind, America? Mass shootings one after another… Government paralyzed, not by disagreements, but by hate… The ongoing loss of constitutional rights… Inflation… Stagnation… Despondency, especially among the young… Millions caught in a seemingly unbreakable cycle of poverty. Is this what you had in mind, America, when you said God had no place in public schools, or when you made local movie theaters a cesspool of illicit sex and explicit satanism? Was this the intent when you made the local mall something like a carnival fun house with music and imagery from the pit [More]
06/08/22   “Before dismissing what you are about to read as fantasy be aware that this exact scenario has been seen in dreams and visions given to people by God. America is now a very corrupt, wicked and ungodly country in many ways and the idea of God’s judgement falling on us as described in this article is certainly not unreasonable. Just look at ancient Israel in the OT and how many times God allowed them to be conquered by their enemies when they became wicked and apostate, why should we think that it won’t happen to us.” Admin   [More]
06/05/22 “Some food for thought regarding current events and the rainbow.” Admin “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). Every authentic Christian (and Torah-faithful Jew) knows that the rainbow belongs to God, not the “gays.” But how many realize that the hijacking of the rainbow by the LGBT movement is a leading sign of the immanency of the last days Antichrist kingdom? Cloaking itself in God’s rainbow represents far more than just arrogant disregard for God teachings in the Bible, it is living proof that Lucifer himself is the spiritual head of the triumphal “pride” celebrations [More]
06/02/22   Franklin Graham has a big name to live up to, and he’s certainly in the business of making waves in the Christian community.   The president of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Graham recently published an article in Decision Magazine titled “The Eternal Peril of Progressive Christianity,” and it has people buzzing.   In the article, Graham laid out — in no uncertain terms — how dangerous he believes the progressive Christian movement to be, saying that it is not the gospel at all and “results in nothing but spiritual confusion and chaos.”   He began with one of [More]
05/28/22 If you are confused, dismayed, even frightened by the vast turmoil in the world right now, then perhaps you don’t understand the true nature of the battle that is raging all around us. Ukraine and possibly Taiwan are just a loud scuffle, compared to the the battles that are raging in the spiritual and supernatural realms that surround all of us.   What is the real battle? Satan and his servants – which today includes the governmental leaders of many nations, a lot of the so-called elites within these nations, corporate titans and billionaires – are waging a high-stakes [More]
05/24/22   The disciples asked Jesus a question that many of us have wondered about: “Lord, will those who are saved be few?” (Luke 13:23). We’ve all wondered how many people will be saved and how many lost. We know that in the end there will be a multitude of the redeemed from every tribe and nation that no one can number (Revelation 7:9). But we also know that this multitude represents only a fraction of the human race. We would like to know more specific numbers and perhaps percentages.   Jesus did not answer this question directly, rather He [More]
I was feeling great.   Looking out the jet airliner’s window, I marveled at the sparkling emerald waters of the Mediterranean. It was August, 1978, and my family and I were on our way to a long-awaited two-week vacation in the Holy Land. I smiled at Gloria, my wife, who was engrossed in a book, and reached over and wrapped my arm around Paige, our eight-year-old daughter.   We had just completed a four-day crusade in Taiwan that had been successful beyond our wildest dreams. For me, the experience represented a spiritual milestone. More than 100,000 people had attended the [More]
04/18/22 The fact that 2020 was a year of “great shaking” for America was not a surprise to Jonathan Cahn, the Messianic Jewish rabbi and author of many New York Times bestsellers, beginning with “The Harbinger.” In his first book, Cahn showed how nine signs of judgment and warning in the last days of ancient Israel are strikingly similar to the events of Sept. 11, 2001. In a sequel, “Harbinger II: The Return,” he demonstrated that the uncanny pattern had continued. One of nine “harbingers” was that a nation’s attempt to undo judgment apart from returning to God would be [More]
04/07/22   On Wednesday, the American Bible Society released its annual “State of the Bible” report with startling results. The group found an “unprecedented” drop in the number of Americans who read the Bible, a discovery they called “startling, disheartening, and disruptive.” The survey consisted of 2,598 U.S. adults who were asked about the frequency in which they read the Bible, as well as other questions about their beliefs. The group defined “Bible users” as those who read the Bible “at least 3-4 times each year on their own, outside of a church setting” — not an exceptionally high bar.   Read [More]
04/07/22   God keeps sending us warnings, but most of the population does not want to listen.  Earlier today, I learned about a stunning experience that Chris Reed just had, and I knew that I had to share it with all of you.  By the end of this article, I think that you will understand why.  So many of the things that he was just specifically shown are things that I have been warning about for years.  And I believe that many of the things which he saw will soon come to pass. Chris Reed was not always a famous [More]
04/07/22   A trendy, new hashtag tempts Christians to look wise in the world’s eyes. “There are 293,026 posts on Instagram utilizing the hashtag #deconstruction,” reported apologetics writer Alisa Childers earlier this year. “The vast majority are from people who’ve deconverted from Christianity, become progressive Christians, embraced same-sex marriage and relationships, rejected core historic doctrines of the faith, or are on a mission to crush the white Christian patriarchy.”   The deconstruction movement recruits from the ranks of Christian celebrities, musicians, and young, impressionable evangelicals. “Deconstruction is not sound. Deconstruction will ultimately lead to destruction itself,” said Dr. Owen Strachan, Senior Fellow with FRC’s [More]
03/25/22   Archaeologist Dr. Scott Stripling and a team of international scholars held a press conference on Thursday in Houston, Texas, unveiling what he claims is the earliest proto-alphabetic Hebrew text — including the name of God, “YHWH” — ever discovered in ancient Israel. It was found at Mount Ebal, known from Deuteronomy 11:29 as a place of curses. If the Late Bronze Age (circa 1200 BCE) date is verified, this tiny, 2-centimeter x 2 centimeter folded-lead “curse tablet” may be one of the greatest archaeological discoveries ever. It would be the first attested use of the name of God [More]
Join host Stephen Strang as he interviews Jonathan Chan, regarding the prophetic fulfillment of “the great falling away” and the activation of the “Act’s” church. Listen