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Those who work with persecuted Christians realize we have a lot to learn from them. One of the lessons recently impressed on my mind by the underground church in China is their tenacity to carry out the task of global evangelism. At a recent gathering of mission leaders, mission teachers, and missionaries I heard a presentation by a Korean missionary who works with the underground church in China to prepare missionaries who will be sent out by the Chinese underground church. His main role is to help train Chinese missionaries who will be sent cross-culturally within China and also into [More]
“Great article on glyphosate (Roundup) and how it strips vital nutrients from crops thus making our food calorie dense and nutrient deficient, a sure prescription for health disaster.”  Admin It is high time to change the debate from the safety of engineering food to the pesticides that are inside the food. The technology is essentially about spraying a weed killer on the crops and the herbicide RoundUp is an integral part of the technology –the engineered crops are called RoundUp Ready. Farmers everywhere have been assured complete safety, higher yields and savings of herbicide. When these promises don’t quite pan [More]
Capsaicin found in chili peppers is known to promotes fat burning and increase metabolism, but researchers are now showing evidence that they kill cancer cells and may even extend lifespan. Past research suggested that spicing food with chilies can lower blood pressure in people with that condition, reduce blood cholesterol and ease the tendency for dangerous blood clots to form. Researchers in Korea recently published evidence that suggests the mechanisms behind why capsaicin may aid weight loss. Spicing up your daily diet with some red pepper can also curb appetite, especially for those who don’t normally eat the popular spice, [More]
Just a few ounces of nuts is all it takes to improve glycemic control and exert beneficial effects on cardiovascular and other markers of health. The protective effects on metabolism could be explained by the ability of nuts to regulate inflammation and oxidation. The last two decades have seen a proliferation of evidence linking tree nut consumption with a range of health outcomes. Almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts are all examples of tree nuts. Read More  Going Nuts Over Nuts: They Lower All-Cause Mortality Rates And Dramatically Improve Glycemic Control.
During a recent trip to train persecuted believers in the Southern part of Mindanao Island, one of the most difficult places to be a Christian in the Philippines, I started the morning by chatting with brother Jun before breakfast. “How was your night, Jun?” (This is about as deep as my questions get before coffee.) With a smile, he said, “It was good.” As I began to stir my gritty instant coffee, I probed further, trying to understand his daily life: “What time do you normally go to bed?” “Around 10:30.” “That’s good,” I said, celebrating the rapport that we [More]
“Please pray for pastor Abedini.”  Admin Imprisoned supporters in Iran of the Muslim terror army Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, are threatening the life of American pastor Saeed Abedini, who has been detained since September 2012 because of his Christian faith. Abedini has told his family members he fears for his life after he was told the ISIS prisoners plan to murder him because of his Christian faith, according to the American Center for Law and Justice. ISIS, which has grown to an estimated 10,000 fighters, has been sweeping across Iraq, imposing Islamic religious law, killing Christians and other [More]
“Sadly, since the government and big pharma are practically joined at the hip the chance that any serious consideration will be given to natural remedies is virtually nill.”  Admin Coffee, fermented soy, homeopathic spider venom and vitamin C, may all hold promise as anti-Ebola virus therapies, despite the common belief that nothing can stop this lethal virus from spreading uncontrollably worldwide. Fear of infection with the Ebola virus is becoming as contagious as the virus itself, with mainstream media outlets like CNN reporting, ‘Ebola outbreak could have ‘catastrophic’ consequences.’ Given the prevailing mortality statistics, perhaps the fear is, at least [More]
The chemical triclosan has been linked to cancer-cell growth and disrupted development in animals. Regulators are reviewing whether it’s safe to put in soap, cutting boards and toys. Consumer companies are phasing it out. Minnesota voted in May to ban it in many products. At the same time, millions of Americans are putting it in their mouths every day, by way of a top-selling toothpaste that uses the antibacterial chemical to head off gum disease — Colgate-Palmolive Co.’s Total. Total is safe, Colgate says, citing the rigorous Food and Drug Administration process that led to the toothpaste’s 1997 approval as [More]
Actor Jim Caviezel never imagined the physical and spiritual battles he would have to endure when he took the role of the Son of God in Mel Gibson’s 2004 blockbuster “The Passion of the Christ.” Appearing at the Rock Church in San Diego, Caviezel told the congregation he was wounded during a whipping scene and struck by lightning during the final take. “The whip went over, and I had a 14-inch gash on my back. I went right down like in a football game when you get the wind knocked out of you. I saw God,” Caviezel said. Caviezel tried [More]
According to a senior health fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, the world has no strategic plan to contain the worst Ebola outbreak in history while scientists are saying an outbreak on U.S. soil would require sweeping measures. Total quarantine of cities or sections of infected cities and restrictions on air travel could be expected. “We’re now in a perfect storm,” Laurie Garrett said in a CFR conference call Thursday in which she described the United Nations World Health Organization as “bankrupt” and drowning in debt. “There is no strategic plan for how this epidemic will be brought under [More]
“A great message in this story. As Jesus said, “Work while it is light for the night comes when no man can work.”  Admin Bill and John were near the docks in southern England when they saw the Romanian flag hanging from the stern of a ship. It was during the years of Romania’s hard-line Communist rule. With little conversation, they recognized the mission field before them, untied their cases of Bibles and went aboard. They stepped into the mess room where the ship’s entire thirty-five-man crew was gathered. Bill and John explained why they had come and began to [More]
Magnesium is an essential mineral for staying healthy and is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Multiple health benefits of magnesium include transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification, energy production, and the formation of healthy bones and teeth. Findings published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicated that for every 50 mg per day increase in intake of the mineral, the risk of cancer was modestly reduced by 7%. A notable study of more than 4,600 Americans, begun in 1985, found the risk of developing metabolic syndrome over the next 15 years was [More]
Super low in calories, naturally fat-free and having more potassium than four bananas, coconut water is one of the best electrolyte hydrators in the world. It’s Mother Nature’s sports drink and it is just as effective (or more effective) than any carbo-electrolyte drink on the market. Coconut water has fewer calories, less sodium, and more potassium than any sports drink. Ounce per ounce, most unflavored coconut water contains 5.45 calories, 1.3 grams sugar, 61 milligrams (mg) of potassium, and 5.45 mg of sodium compared to Gatorade, which has 6.25 calories, 1.75 grams of sugar, 3.75 mg of potassium, and 13.75 [More]
Steph Macleod, 33, is a singer songwriter who lives near Edinburgh. Nine years ago he was an alcoholic and a drug addict and sleeping rough on the streets. He now has a wife and three children and is a born-again Christian. He shares his story of how he came to be free of addiction. How did you get into alcohol and drugs? I was a very talented classical guitarist. I went to music school and studied classical guitar at Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. My parents had split up when I was 15, and it was a horrible [More]
“These timid pastors are doing zilch to motivate their congregations to have some kind of impact on our rapidly decaying society.  I guess it’s just easier to preach ear tickling sermons that won’t offend anyone … sad.”  Admin Many theologically conservative pastors agree the Bible speaks to key issues of the day, but research indicates only a handful of them say they will speak to it. On Thursday, George Barna – research expert and founder of The Barna Group – shared with American Family Radio’s “Today’s Issues” about new information he’s compiling at American Culture and Faith Institute over the [More]
“The Bible does tell us there will pestilences in the last days and this has turned into the biggest outbreak of Ebola ever. Lets hope it gets contained.”  Admin The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Emory University Hospital is expected to receive a patient infected with the deadly Ebola virus within the next several days, the university announced Thursday. It’s unclear when exactly the patient will arrive, according to a statement from Emory. The Clifton Road hospital has a specially built isolation unit to treat patients exposed to certain serious infectious diseases. Set up in collaboration with the Atlanta-based U.S. Centers for Disease [More]
I am not an alarmist, nor am I a prophet. But as I listen to and read a cross-section of materials emanating from the Western (primarily American) church I am aware that there are those who recognize a trend toward the persecution of Christians in the West. The form of the persecution will be different perhaps than other parts of the world. At some point it may converge with global persecution and take on more violent forms. In the premier issue of the Journal of Lutheran Mission are papers and responses from a Summit on Lutheran Missions held in San [More]
A Charlotte native is the second U.S. citizen to test positive for the Ebola virus in Liberia. According to Samaritan’s Purse, Nancy Writebol was working with a joint SIM/Samaritan’s Purse team, treating Ebola patients at the Case Management Center in Monrovia. Writebol is the organization’s Personnel Coordinator in the area. SIM is currently managing ELWA hospital in Monrovia. Since the Ebola outbreak in March, SIM and Samaritan’s Purse have been working together with those diagnosed. Writebol and her husband David are employed by SIM and have been working in Monrovia, Liberia since August of last year. The couple have two [More]
In January the U.S.-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that the next plane could bring a pandemic. At the time, they were referring to highly contagious strains of deadly flu virus, but in reality any killer virus could travel around the globe in less than a day. In March we warned that the deadly Ebola virus, which kills upwards of 85% of its victims, was spreading at an alarming pace in West Africa. It was so serious that governments in the region had locked down their borders. The following month in April, officials in the U.S. and Canada [More]
There is much talk about Christ’s soon Second Coming. But we know that Jesus will not return for a church without spot or wrinkle unless the falling away comes first… I wrote those words about 18 months ago in an article in which I asked the question: “Is the Great Falling Away Already Underway?” I was deeply concerned then that we could be witnessing the first fruits of the Great Falling Away about which the apostle Paul prophesies in 1 Thess. 2:3. I was concerned that we were at least seeing a shadow of the Great Apostasy. A couple of [More]
At 18 months old, my son wakes up every morning with a mission: To eat, have fun and be shown love. At age 30, I wake up everyday with multiple missions. Not only am I raising my 18-month-old alongside my beautiful wife, but I am also working my full-time job, maintaining the personal property (house/ cars) and making sure my family stays safe and comfortable. I have no problem with these duties, as they are what I am called to do as a husband and father. Your mission might be very similar to mine. Maybe you have a boy or [More]
Shortly after I was healed from a life-threatening disease and baptized in the Holy Spirit, I was asked to minister in a Pentecostal church. There I was introduced to a dimension of worship that I had never experienced before. Sitting on the platform in my studied dignity as a former Methodist professor, observing the worship service that was so different from that to which I was accustomed, I was fascinated by all that was going on around me. Though their worship expression seemed disorderly—almost irreverent—in comparison with Methodist tradition, I could tell these people deeply loved the Lord and were [More]
Attention all only-organic eaters: I’d like to have your attention in particular as you might have read this title and thought, “I bet whatever ingredient it is isn’t in my fridge! I’m the healthiest eater I know!” With all due respect, you might be mistaken as the ingredient I’m about to address appears in a plethora of organic products. A few months ago, I was scanning the ingredients label on my carton of almond milk and came across a word that I still haven’t the slightest clue how to pronounce: Read More  This Cancer-Causing Ingredient Probably Sits in Your Fridge.
Alzheimer’s disease, a severe form of dementia, affects an estimated 5.2 million Americans, according to 2013 statistics.1 One in nine seniors over the age of 65 has Alzheimer’s, and the disease is now thought to be the third leading cause of death in the US, right behind heart disease and cancer. A growing body of research suggests there’s a powerful connection between your diet and your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, via similar pathways that cause type 2 diabetes. Contrary to popular belief, your brain does not require glucose, and actually functions better burning alternative fuels, especially ketones, which your [More]
You’ve heard the advice before: stay out of the sun or use plenty of sunscreen to block cancer-causing ultraviolet (UV) rays. But while it’s true that excessive sun exposure resulting in sunburn may increase ayour risk of skin cancer, it’s a fallacy to believe that sun exposure should be avoided altogether. The key is to find the right balance, where you’re exposing plenty of skin to the sun’s rays, but not staying out to the point of getting burned. Sun exposure can only be therapeutic when it’s done in appropriate and measured timeframes. Excessive sun exposure provides no benefit and [More]
Although the U.S. FDA has attempted to create a spice scare, the history of cinnamon use spans thousands of years among disparate cultures, rendering FDA claims as nothing more than a ham-fisted desire to assert severe regulatory control over this natural product. The fact is: quality cinnamon, such as organic Ceylon, is one of the most diverse and inexpensive ways to boost your overall health. Taken moderately it is far safer than what the FDA continues to approve on a daily basis as over-the-counter drug consumption for adults and children. Cinnamon is a fantastic source of fiber, flavanols, calcium, iron, [More]
Most people don’t associate fruits with testosterone production, however there are many which boost the hormone in the human body. Fructose is not a problem when it comes to most of these fruits and nature provides the perfect balance of compounds to benefit our health. Read More  Natural Health News and Wellness Tips: 7 Fruits Which Boost Healthy Testosterone Production.