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12/24/23 A wild ride through outer and inner space in search of the Savior of mankind Decades ago as a young person, I liked to visit the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., where one exhibit featured a nine-minute film that played continuously in a loop. I would stand there, in awe, watching it over and over again.   Narrated by MIT physics professor Philip Morrison, the short movie takes viewers on a virtual high-speed voyage into outer space, zooming away from earth another order of magnitude (10 times farther) every 10 seconds, thus traversing through our solar [More]
12/24/23 Retired wrestling star Hulk Hogan shared some good news with the world Wednesday. The 70-year-old, whose real name is Terry Bollea, announced on social media that he had been baptized at Indian Rocks Baptist Church in Largo, Florida. The accompanying video showed a pastor lowering the celebrity — who wore all white, including T-shirt, pants and his trademark head scarf, as well as a large silver cross — into the water. After Hogan was raised upright, he wrapped the pastor in a bear hug in his still-imposing, muscular arms — the same arms that slammed many an opponent violently to the mat [More]
12/20/23 “”Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path” Psalm 119:105″ Admin There are so many neat creatures to photograph at the Georgia Aquarium. In an earlier post, I wrote about the cute Southern sea otters. The otter I photographed appeared like he was praying and thanking Jesus for his food. I did a little research on photographing the sea creatures through the aquarium glass. I could not use a flash because the flash would show in the photo. My camera had to be perpendicular to the glass and my lens hood needed to be on the [More]
12/20/23   What souvenirs do you bring back from vacation?   I like to stuff my suitcase with sweets from whatever place I’ve visited–who could say no to coconut-peanut butter from Maui or milk chocolates from Brussels!   But, recently, I’ve started doing something else. If I see a church while on vacation, I go in and pray, for both the people I’m vacationing with and those back home. In fact, one of my nicest memories from my recent trip to Hawaii was stumbling upon a beautiful church in L?hain?. Prayer surrounded by palm trees? Sign me up!   I’m sure I’m [More]
12/08/23   “The article details other mass baptisms that have taken place recently and how this may be a harbinger of a coming revival which we most certainly need.” Admin   Upstate Church in South Carolina baptized 141 people on Sunday across its six campus locations.   That number significantly topped its previous high of 35.   “We have never seen anything like this in our church,” Upstate Church senior pastor Wayne Bray told the Baptist Press. “To think that 141 people followed the Lord in baptism is truly unimaginable for me.”   “Of the total, 86 had confirmed in advance [More]
12/08/23 Everybody knows the story of Santa Claus, but who was the real Santa? To answer that question, Mark Wilson travels not to the North Pole, but to Turkey and Italy to uncover the truth behind the legend. Watch here
12/07/23   “What a joy it is to know that we have been chosen by God to be part of His eternal family and this is available to anyone who will receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.” Admin   People fascinate me. I think that’s one of the gifts God gave me for my writing. I love to sit and watch them. No two are the same (unless it’s a set of identical twins dressed in matching outfits).   I sat in an airport for many hours awhile back due to six flight delays. The concourse was busy, providing an [More]
12/02/23   Paris, France, 1662. A great man had died, one of the greatest mathematicians and scientists of his age, and his servant was going through his clothes one last time. Folding a doublet, he felt something in the lining. It made a crinkling sound, like paper.   He snipped a seam and removed a piece of parchment. Wrapped inside was a faded scrap of paper with notes scrawled on it. The servant recognized the handwriting. His master had written thousands of pages on arcane topics. But these two pieces of paper held an answer to a greater question, the [More]
11/28/23   Rainbows have always meant a lot to our family. On the day that my sweet father went to heaven, we left the rehabilitation center where Daddy had died, and as we headed home, a double rainbow stretched over the highway between Decatur and Fort Worth, Texas.   It was as if God was saying, “I’ve got your Daddy, and this is your promise that you’ll see him again someday.”   Just as I was processing the beautiful display of God’s promise to me, Allyson, who was only 9 at the time, said, “God put two rainbows in the [More]
11/24/23 Over two thousand years ago, one of the most known figures in history, Jesus Christ was born. He conducted a ministry in Judea in which he proclaimed His identity as the Son of God. As a consequence of this, He was crucified, and according to Christian doctrine, He experienced resurrection after spending two nights in a tomb. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. One of the most disputed sacred relics is believed to stand as one of the most compelling pieces of evidence for Christ’s resurrection – the Shroud of Turin. Join us [More]
11/23/23   Often times I find myself writing about something and then stating that I’ve looked into matters like this in the past and this is another one of those times. I am deeply passionate about studying the afterlife, consciousness, and our being. Some have argued that our brain is what makes us who we are and that consciousness derives from our brains.   Well, Jacob Phillips proves otherwise. Phillips was actually born without a brain. When he was born, he had hydrocephalus, and his head was filled with fluid. He only had part of a skull that was formed [More]
11/23/23   “Adversity at times can bring out the best in us.” Admin   It was well after midnight when I stepped out of the taxi onto the Alaska Pacific Seafoods parking lot in Kodiak, Alaska. A whipping wind drove snow into my eyes and I shivered in the single-digit temperature.   “Here ya go,” the taxi driver said as he hauled my gear out of the trunk and dropped it in the snow. He climbed back into the cab and drove away. “Wait!” I wanted to shout. “Don’t leave me here. I can’t do this crazy job after all!” [More]
11/22/23   “Something every Christian needs to be!” Admin   So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:11, NLT)   I was once again reminded this week how much I adore and appreciate a feisty woman of faith named Wilma Cheek. Not only is she Mama to a couple of my favorite people, but also she is the woman who led my family on a journey of faith that changed us from complacent Christians to fired-up followers of Jesus.   Following the urging of the Holy Spirit, Wilma gave my [More]
11/14/23   When atheist apologist Matt Dillahunty engaged in his latest debate against theist Andrew Wilson about whether belief or disbelief in God was better for societal flourishing, he probably thought he would be the aggressor — tearing apart happy-clappy attitudes Christian apologists tend to use.   No such luck. In fact, Wilson’s opening remarks were so scathing that Dillahunty walked out after them.   Read More: Famous Atheist Quits Debate in Fit of Rage When Christian Apologist Hits a Little Too Close to Home
11/06/23   Five dimes were burning a hole in my pocket—the ones I’d saved just for this day. The carnival was in town! Part of the annual Blossom Festival in my hometown of Chagrin Falls, Ohio—brass bands marched down Main Street, the town’s ladies competed for the best jams and pies and the fruit trees dripped pink and white blossoms on the sidewalk. But, for me the best part was the carnival.   Saturday morning I wrapped my fingers around those coins and made my way to the carnival. “Step right up, young man, step right up,” came the call [More]
11/01/23 “Sometimes a small act of generosity can reap unexpected benefits.” Admin It all started with a Cronut–the doughnut-crossed-with-a-croissant delicacy that’s taken New York by storm. Ever since it debuted last year at the Dominique Ansel Bakery, I’ve wanted one. But quantities are limited. You have to get to the bakery very early in the morning, and even then, the line wraps around the block. Two months ago, though, my sister’s boyfriend, Jeff, managed to get his hands on a few. He offered to give me a precious Cronut, but I’d have to walk to his office, 20 minutes away to pick [More]
11/01/23   An interview with Christian evangelist Ray Comfort has been posted online by CBN News in which he describes how the demons possessing a young woman “screamed like you wouldn’t believe.”   It happened as he was destroying a “trinket” that the woman had, which he perceived as tied to the occult. The interview:   Watch: Top evangelist: ‘The demons in her screamed like you wouldn’t believe’
10/06/23   Mom, what are pronouns?” my 12-year-old daughter asked after accompanying me on a speaking engagement at a theologically conservative church. She had been invited to join some other students for their midweek service when a substitute youth leader asked her for her preferred pronouns.   Let that sink in. A Bible-believing, Jesus-loving church was simply one volunteer youth leader away from potentially indoctrinating their students with radical gender theory. This is why as Christian parents we must be vigilant to train and protect our kids in a culture that has lost its moral compass.   But this is [More]
10/03/23   Since tomorrow is my oldest niece’s birthday, and since Mother’s Day is just around the corner, I thought I’d share a story with you that’s very special to our family.   Every time I think about Mandy’s struggle to conceive or tell others about the miracle that followed, I am once again reminded that God’s Word is alive. You see, the Bible is more than just a good book filled with great stories. It’s the Good Book full of great promises. It’s your lifeline! So why do so many of us leave it on the coffee table instead [More]
09/26/23   Jim Kelly, a former quarterback for the Buffalo Bills, officially became a Christian with his recent baptism wherein he wore a shirt proclaiming “God is Real.”   Kelly, who played 11 seasons with the Buffalo Bills between 1986 and 1996, shared a video of the Baptism on his wife’s Instagram in which he replied “Yes I do” when asked if he loves Jesus.   “I have witnessed God at work in this man’s life for over 30 years…and I can tell you that God isn’t just REAL, He is faithful, trustworthy, kind, loving, compassionate, powerful, gracious, GOOD, merciful, [More]
09/21/23   To kick off Lunch-Break Miracles, I talked to the one person who taught me all about miracles in the first place: my mom!   As I mentioned in my first post, she’s been enchanting me with tales of wonder ever since I was a kid. Both my parents grew up in Midyat, Turkey, a small town bordering Iraq and Syria. It wasn’t an easy place to live, especially as a Christian minority. But, even so, my mom has always been able to find God’s miracles in the worst of situations.   “God has something up his sleeve,” she says [More]
09/21/23   If there’s one thing I can’t stand people saying, it’s, “I’m no good at anything … I don’t have any talent.” I just don’t buy that at all. To me, everyone has at least one talent, and while it sometimes takes you a lifetime to find, it does exist.   There was a time, of course, when I didn’t believe that. What changed my mind was a seemingly small event that took place back in 1953.   At that time I was a skinny little high-school sophomore in Collingswood, New Jersey, a town just across the Delaware River [More]
09/22/23   What’s wrong with a guy who isn’t scared when he nearly breaks his neck filming Western pictures, but gets the shakes when he has to make a simple speech? For years I asked myself this question.   I was shy from my boyhood days when we lived on the Ohio River in a three-room houseboat built by my father. Our family–Mother, Dad, and three sisters–later settled on a farm outside Portsmouth, Ohio. Dad worked in a shoe factory, while my sisters and I helped Mother run the farm.   We kids went to a one-room schoolhouse, which was [More]
09/17/23 The biblical account of the city of Sodom is not as well known as some other accounts, and certainly provides evidence for the belief that the Bible documents violence in that day.   It’s when the city was “destroyed by fire from heaven” during the time of Abraham.   Located in the plain of Jordan, it was destroyed for “the sin of sodomy,” an online report confirms.   It was that city that, condemned for destruction by God, would be spared, God promised Abraham, if 10 righteous people could be found. However, the fiery bombardment ended life there.   [More]
09/06/23   I stood looking around the airport in Newark, New Jersey, trying not to panic. It was the early 1960s. I was a young girl just arrived from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, hoping for an acting career in New York City. I’d made a terrible mistake.   An acquaintance had promised to meet me at the airport. But nobody told me that three airports served New York City! I’d originally had tickets to La Guardia, but at the last minute the ticket agent switched me to another flight. He didn’t mention I’d be arriving at a different airport.   Believe me, I [More]
08/27/23   A new study done by George Barna for the Family Research Council shows that nearly nine in 10 respondents say it’s important for Christians to have a biblical worldview, and large numbers believe it is “clear and decisive” on a number of issues, ranging from marriage to divorce to abortion.   But large numbers say they still would like more training on specific disputes.   The poll, of 1,009 adults, 18 or older, who attend a worship service at a Christian church at least once a month, said 68% believe the church they attend provides a “comprehensive and [More]
08/21/23 Newsmen are said to have tough hides, cold hearts, “printer’s ink in their veins.” We see so much of tragedy, disaster, the mud and blood that make news. Understandably, we can become insensitive, cynical, hard. That’s why I’m grateful for what happened to me just about a year ago. It took place up a little mountain road in Cave Creek, Arizona. I think today that all the experiences in my life had been building up to this one. Read More: Guideposts Classics: Paul Harvey on Submitting to God – Guideposts