Canadians Determined to Remain Vaccine Free Outmanoeuvre Trudeau’s Absurd Vaccine Mandates – The Expose

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One of the best things about having a podcast is hearing first-hand strategies from our enterprising listeners and supporters as they outplay Prime Minister Trudeau’s absurd rules mandating vaccines for domestic and foreign travel on aeroplanes and trains. I confess I’m paying a personal cost this weekend, missing my brilliant son’s graduation from Uni because our prime minister has a vaccine fetish. Is there a 12-step program for that? Is he powerless over Pfizer?


Many trapped Canadians make a run for the American border in their cars. Once there, they circumvent Joe Biden’s own Covid mania the old-fashioned way — through human connection with sympathetic US immigration staff willing to wave them through. This is often accompanied by a friendly but embarrassed shoulder shrug and a have a nice trip! to relieved travellers who then step on the gas. Oddly, America’s southern border has at times been a festival of jab-free migrants from who-knows-where because — hey! science.


This is from a listener:


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