Can we really know the will of God? | WND | by Greg Laurie

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Does God still speak to people today?


Let’s be honest, when someone says that God has been talking to them, we get a little suspicious, sometimes even a little concerned.


So, does really God talk to us? Does God Almighty actually have a master plan for our lives? And if so, how do we discover it? And how can we learn to recognize God’s voice?


We all need direction in life. But we tend to have inaccurate views about the will of God. We think finding God’s will for us is really hard and that God is hiding it from us. Or, we think God’s will for us is something that is undesirable, kind of like going on a diet.


It seems like every diet I’ve tried was either boring or horrible. We tend to think the same way about God’s will for us.


But here’s what we need to know: There is joy in the will of God. Writing to the Christians in Rome, the apostle Paul said, “Then, by the will of God, I will be able to come to you with a joyful heart, and we will be an encouragement to each other” (Romans 15:32 NLT).


When you’re walking in the will of God, there is joy. On the other hand, when you’re not walking in the will of God, there is misery. The most miserable place to be is outside of God’s will.


Read More: Can we really know the will of God? | WND | by Greg Laurie

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