Can God’s Existence be Demonstrated? (William Lane Craig)

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Robert Lawrence Kuhn (host of PBS’ “Closer to Truth”) asks philosopher and theologian William Lane Craig about whether God’s existence can be demonstrated or not. Questions explored: Can you demonstrate God’s existence mathematically? Does an argument have to convince everybody in order for it to be valid? What are some of the best arguments for God’s existence? What is the Cosmological Argument? What is Leibniz’s argument for God’s existence? Does the contingency argument depend on a universe having a beginning? What is the Teleological Argument? What is meant by Fine-Tuning and Intelligent Design? Can the universe be “designed” by chance? What is the moral argument for God? Is the moral argument just an assumption? What is the difference between an assumption and intuition? Do all cultures really have different morals? What is meant by “objective morality”? How does Jesus’ resurrection demonstrate God’s existence? What are some of the evidences of Jesus’ death that the majority of historical scholars agree with? What is the ontological argument? What is meant by necessary existence? What is meant by possible worlds? Are religious experiences philosophically valid? Does everything must have evidence (and arguments) prior to acceptance? Can you disprove with arguments and evidences that you are nothing more than a brain in a vat? Can you disprove with arguments and evidences that you were just made five minutes ago with built-in memories that gave you the illusion of

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