Can Evolution Hurdle the ‘Mutation Protection Paradox’? | The Institute for Creation Research

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A new study published in The Open Evolution Journal described a paradox that particles-to-people evolution has failed to resolve. Called the “mutation protection paradox,” it could be an intractable problem that would leave creation as the only viable origins hypothesis.

Study researchers observed that both living organisms and computer programs that copy and transmit coded information have built-in error detection and error correction systems. These systems are required to maintain the information’s integrity, which would otherwise be eroded by constantly accumulating random mutations.

The coded information, organized in small sets called “bytes” in binary computer code and “codons” in the DNA of living organisms, is able to tolerate some mutations. But the study’s authors show that these mutations must occur within the boundaries of the error-correction systems or the whole program—or whole organism—will be irreparably harmed.

Read More:  Can Evolution Hurdle the ‘Mutation Protection Paradox’? | The Institute for Creation Research

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