Breaking Down “The Thing” Of Nightmares Causing Blood Clots, Seizures, Heart Attacks, Deaths And So Many People To Have “Bad Luck” In The “Game Of Russian Roulette” Called “The Vax” –

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We have seen the picture above before; I used it October 15th in a story titled “Between Atrocious Stupidity In Hospitals And The Vaxxed Being Superspreaders, Americans Are Better Off Avoiding The ‘Kill Factories’” where we talked about The Thing, an “Aluminum Lifeform” as Dr. Zalewski described it with Dr. Carrie Madej also describing them as such in a video posted at the bottom of that article.


Referred to as aluminum based Artificial Life forms (because the string was headed by an aluminum alloy) with very long tentacles made of carbon (graphene hydroxide) arms, seemingly three per creature, these appear to be the same things as described in the ANP article by Stefan Stanford on November 29th titled “Horrified Woman Warns Her Whistleblower, Doctor-Partner Was Murdered: Recently Warned What’s Really In The Vaxxes And Trust Us, If You’ve Been Vaxxed, You Don’t Want To Know” that is based on a video he posted at the bottom of his article by Dr. Andreas Noack, a chemist and graphene expert in Europe that was evidently murdered for telling the world about what those things really are and what they do.  Stefan covered that very well so I will not say more, but I will cover in better detail what that stuff is, what that creature does.


Graphene Hydroxide is a mono-layer activated carbon with C6 rings where every corner is a carbon atom.  Picture a hexagram linked to many others with common sides such as that below;


Read More: Breaking Down “The Thing” Of Nightmares Causing Blood Clots, Seizures, Heart Attacks, Deaths And So Many People To Have “Bad Luck” In The “Game Of Russian Roulette” Called “The Vax”

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