Black Tea Compound Blocks Cancer | NaturalHealth365

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Cancer is one of the world’s leading causes of death in adults and children alike.  It doesn’t care about age, race, or gender.  It is an equal opportunity destroyer.  Researchers are continually searching for ways to cure this disease as well as prevent it.


Recent research shows that black tea may have cancer-fighting effects.


Unique compound in black tea may be responsible for the drink’s cancer-fighting effects


Theaflavins are compounds that are formed in the process of making black tea.  There are no black tea leaves or black tea plants found anywhere in nature.  It actually comes from the process of fermenting green tea leaves.  The theaflavins, or black tea polyphenols, are beneficial for the whole body, supporting better health.  One of the benefits appears to be the ability to fight cancer.


And the evidence supporting it is very strong.


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