Bill Gates Has Launched “Maggot Milk” | SHTF Plan

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“You can be assured that Gates and the other globalist psychos won’t be indulging in these disgusting products but in real food which they want to deny us.” Admin


Bill Gates has decided that the slave class needs to drink maggot milk. He’s launched a food-like product that’s supposedly similar to real milk, but made out of maggots. His goal is to introduce this product into the food supply.


The new “EntoMilk” is described as a “dairy alternative” that is made from “black soldier fly larvae” or maggots. The maggots are blended into a “rich and creamy liquid which looks and acts just like dairy,” according to its creators. “It’s got a very creamy mouthfeel,” the promotional video claims.


Read More: Bill Gates Has Launched “Maggot Milk” | SHTF Plan

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