Big Tech Colluded With Power Elite at 2013 Bilderberg Meeting; Re-cast as “Google-Berg” – Old-Thinker News

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Big Tech has been in bed with the power structure for years. It should come as no surprise that the major tech companies would act in the globalists favor.


Preceding the crackdown on alternative media like Alex Jones infowars, Bilderberg discussed big tech’s narrative of a “post truth” world during this year’s annual meeting in Turin, Italy.


In 2013, the secretive Bilderberg group met in Watford, U.K. at the Grove Hotel. Google, the big tech kingpin, was present.


Infowars covered the meeting, and as usual had sources inside.


As Paul Joseph Watson reported,


“Put simply, Bilderberg is merging with Google under the stewardship of Google CEO Eric Schmidt, a regular Bilderberg attendee. Google’s annual Zeitgeist conference, which has been based at the Grove since 2007, immediately precedes the Bilderberg Group conference by a matter of days.


Backed up by prior research, we were able to confirm in conversations with hotel managers and others that the Grove is now a central base for Google’s agenda to control the global political and technological landscape.”


Thanks to the efforts of alternative media, the secretive Bilderberg conference was exposed. However, other elite gatherings have continued in broad daylight, but with little public attention.


Read More: Big Tech Colluded With Power Elite at 2013 Bilderberg Meeting; Re-cast as “Google-Berg” – Old-Thinker News