Ben Carson: God Gave Me a Prophetic Dream That Changed Everything

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“Yes, God still moves in supernatural ways for those who are truly seeking his will… believe it.”  Admin

Dr. Ben Carson, retired pediatric neurosurgeon and recently announced Republican presidential candidate, gave a moving personal speech at the National Day of Prayer event in Washington, D.C., May 7.

One key story he shared was of a prophetic dream that changed the course of his life while he was a pre-med student at Yale.

Failing his chemistry course, a prerequisite for medical school, he had one last opportunity to pull off a passing grade. But the night before his final exam, still not comprehending the material, he cried out to God for a prophetic move.

“‘Lord, medicine is the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do,'” Carson recounted his prayer at the breakfast. “‘I thought that was what You wanted from me. And yet, it looks like I’m going to fail chemistry and I’m not going to go to medical school.

“And I said, ‘So would You please tell me what it is You really want me to do. Or, alternatively and preferably, work a miracle,'” he continued, eliciting chuckles from the audience.

After praying, Carson had picked up his Chemistry textbook, determined to learn the whole course overnight. But his efforts were futile, and he fell asleep.

Read More  Ben Carson: God Gave Me a Prophetic Dream That Changed Everything.

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