Bayer/Monsanto’s Horrors – Part 2

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By Hesh Goldstein

There was a recent article in
Natural News that exposed unbelievable Bayer/Monsatan devious nightmares that
they have to pay incredible fines. That being said, I would like to put the
Bayer/Monsatan fraud in its proper perspective.

I remember when I was growing up in
the 1940s my parents got into a new thing for them called smoking. By the 50s
and 60s the whole country was obsessed. Even the physicians did ads touting the
safety of smoking.

But there were activists and
protesters that said smoking was harmful and they were laughed at, demeaned,
and called disrespectful, all because they were against it.

But all the “respectful” people
like the politicians, …read more



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