Are you equipped to share the Gospel? – Mission Network News

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Technology and tradition are two valuable aspects of society. But in some situations, what is modern and commonplace can keep us from recognizing solutions that have been with us since the beginning of time.

Orality method for sharing the Gospel is growing, but many people have yet to understand how versatile the applications are.

Orality was first recognized as a valuable option for sharing the Gospel with people groups who had no written Scripture in their heart language. But more and more non-missionary individuals have now incorporated it into ministry efforts of discipleship and outreach in communities, immigrant populations, and prison ministries, to name a few examples.

 Jerry Wiles of Living Water International recently co-authored and published an e-book called Orality in America, in conjunction with the Mission America Coalition.

The orality initiative itself has been helped along by groups involved in the International Orality Movement, the Accord Network, and the Mission America Coalition.

We asked Wiles to elaborate on a few ideas presented in the book.

Read More: Are you equipped to share the Gospel? – Mission Network News

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