Apple Cider Vinegar – How to Use it to Improve Your Health as Simple Remedies

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By Heidi Kristoffer

Apple cider vinegar has been widely used for thousands of years. It becomes more and more popular for good reason, this fermented food contains more than 90 different nutrients, some remarkable ones are including:

  • A good amount of minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, copper and sodium;
  • Vitamins including vitamin A, E and B vitamins;
  • A good source of amino acids, acetic and malic;
  • A good source of probiotics;
  • A rich source of a water soluble fiber-pectin.

With so many nutrients, it’s little wonder why apple cider vinegar provides countless health benefits. With anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, apple cider vinegar benefits to your overall …read more

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