Appeal Planned After New York Supreme Court Reinstates ‘Quarantine Camp’ Regulation • Children’s Health Defense

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The New York State Supreme Court Appellate Division issued a ruling last week that effectively paves the way for quarantine camps in the future, the Brownstone Institute reported.


The court’s Nov. 17 decision reversed a lower court ruling that determined the March 2020 emergency rule 2.13 establishing “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” was unconstitutional.


The lower court ruling stemmed from a lawsuit filed in April 2022 by three New York State lawmakers and the citizens’ group Uniting NYS, who sued Gov. Kathleen Hochul and the New York State Department of Health (DOH) over rule 2.13.


Read More: Appeal Planned After New York Supreme Court Reinstates ‘Quarantine Camp’ Regulation • Children’s Health Defense

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