Answering 10 big questions in detail

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Today’s feedback comes from a young man who had a lot of questions (see response to his earlier question, Other possible mechanisms for abiogenesis and evolution?). Although most of the questions are answered on this site or in our core books, Dr Jonathan Sarfati provides in-depth answers so that the questioner and other readers can benefit.

Hello there,


First I want to say I am a Christian and currently a freshman in college at a major secular university.

The error here is assuming that ‘inspiration?’ applies to the writers, whereas, it applies to the writings. A better translation of 2 Timothy 3:15–17 is ‘All Scripture is God-breathed’ (NIV). That is, it was breathed out by God Himself, without overruling the personalities of the writers, in an exercise of omnipotence.

That’s good. As you progress in university, you will find that you will need to research your papers. Here, as will be demonstrated, the questions you raise have been answered either on our website with about 9,000 articles (the search button is your friend 😉 or in our core books.

My current major is Biology and I hope to get a Ph.D in something related to DNA since I personally think life is the greatest argument one can make for God, though I know of many other arguments I consider to be more likely true than false.

We wish you well in your career. Indeed, DNA is a very powerful argument, because it is an informational molecule1 but one that is too chemically unstable to be formed in a (mythical) primordial soup.2 One of my colleagues, Dr Rob Carter, is a published Ph.D. geneticist.

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via 10 big questions.