Angel in the Ambulance – Guideposts

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“After being hit by a car an angel takes a young boy to see Jesus who promises his healing.”  Admin

On the Friday before school started, I was cleaning and equipping the bus I would drive that year. I had parked it near my mom’s town house, and while I scrubbed the seats and made the windows sparkle, Travis Daniel, my four-year-old, played inside at Mom’s. At least that’s where I thought he was until he startled me from the street: “Hi, Mommy!”

“Danny, you’re supposed to be with Grandma.” He was all smiles at the foot of the steps leading onto the bus. “You stay right there,” I said. “I’m coming out now.”

Angels on the Night Shift: Inspirational True Stories from the ER will captivate you with extraordinary stories that meld belief and trust in times of tragedy and triumph.

I turned to put down my rag and cleaning spray. When I looked again through the open bus door, my body tensed and the scene unfolded like a dream.

A black Chevy Blazer sped past. Danny was flattened against its front, as though he had been sucked into the grillwork. The driver stared straight ahead in disbelief, his arms stiff on the wheel as he tried desperately to brake. In horror, I jumped out of the bus, covering my mouth with my hands. After agonizing seconds the car stopped, and Danny, in T-shirt and shorts, skidded across the searing asphalt on his back and lay crumpled in the street.

Read More  Angel in the Ambulance – Guideposts – Page 1.