Angel Gives Comforting Words To Worried Woman – Guideposts

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Sunday morning I was relieved to have the pew to myself. I had too much on my mind to deal with small talk or pleasantries. My granddad was near death. Will today be the day? I wondered as the pastor walked in.

Mawmaw and Granddad had practically raised me, and I’d built the house next door so I could care for them in their old age. After Mawmaw died I saw Granddad every single day. I couldn’t imagine life without him.

My husband promised that he would help me through my grief, but no one could understand how I felt, not even him.

Just before the service began a man slipped into my pew. I’d never seen him before, not in church or around town, so at least I didn’t feel obligated to acknowledge him. All I could think about was losing Granddad.

“Will anyone who needs a faith prayer step forward,” the pastor announced from the altar. I loved this part of the service, when those with especially challenging circumstances received a personal prayer.

I scooted around my pew mate and walked up to the line in front. When it was my turn, a church deacon anointed me with oil.

“My granddad is very ill,” I said. We both bowed our heads as he whispered a prayer for me and Granddad.

Read More Faith Prayer – Guideposts.