An Experience of Divine Intervention | Guideposts

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I was halfway out the door on my way to a business trip in Heath, Ohio, when I spotted it. Sitting in the sink, staring me down. An empty plastic milk jug. It aggravated me to no end. Was it just going to walk itself into the recycling bin? My husband and I were both neat freaks. It was odd he’d leave a mess the one morning I was in a rush. I dropped my suitcase, picked up the container. That’s when I heard it. A voice. Fill the jug with water.


What? I shook my head. Heath was a four-hour drive away and I had to be there by noon. It was already past seven. Why would I waste time filling an old jug with water? Maybe the recent drought was on my mind—my small town in West Virginia hadn’t seen a drop of rain all summer. But would I really have an urgent need for water on this trip? A whole jug of it?


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