An Angel Watched Over Them For More Than a Decade | Guideposts

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The call from the hospital came in the morning. Our son, Chad, had been in a terrible accident, his car totaled while he drove in the fog. He had stitches in his left temple and a fractured ankle, plus a bruise on his chest from the seat belt that saved his life. My husband, Randy, and I raced to his side.


“They’re just keeping him overnight to make sure he has no internal injuries,” Randy reminded me during the two-hour drive to the hospital. “He’s in no immediate danger, thank God.”


Yes, thank you. As we got closer to the hospital, I remembered the car accident I’d had 10 years earlier. Driving home from my nursing shift, I’d hit a patch of black ice and spun into a parking lot—only to be hit by another out-of-control car. Eleven cars in all were involved. I’d emerged with minor injuries and come home to my husband and three children. God had been watching over me that day. If I needed confirmation, I got it two weeks later. Chad, then eight, called me to the back door. “Mom,” he said, “you have to see this!”


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