America’s Religious Shift: ‘Nones’ Now Outnumber Evangelical Christians – prophecynewswatch

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What Americans believe when it comes to matters of faith has been shifting for decades, and the latest National Public Opinion Reference Survey conducted by Pew Research Center seems to indicate that the pace of change is accelerating.

Today, the percentage of Americans that identify as Christians is the lowest that it has ever been before, and the percentage of Americans that identify as “nones” is at a new all-time record high.  In fact, Pew is telling us that a whopping 29 percent of all Americans now identify as “nones”…

Currently, about three-in-ten U.S. adults (29%) are religious “nones” – people who describe themselves as atheists, agnostics or “nothing in particular” when asked about their religious identity.

That number has risen 6 percentage points since 2016 and it is up a total of 10 points from a decade ago.

Read More: America’s Religious Shift: ‘Nones’ Now Outnumber Evangelical Christians

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