America’s Color Revolution –

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“We all need to earnestly pray that God will intervene and bring to nothing the evil plans that are being made to destroy our republic and replace it with a totalitarian NWO government so desired by the globalists and their stooge democrat political hacks. This election will decide whether we retain our freedom or descend into tyranny.”  Admin


I have provided evidence that the military/security complex, using the media and the Democrats, intends to turn the November election into a color revolution—  and   and .  The CIA is very experienced at color revolutions, having pulled them off in a number of countries where the existing government did not suit the CIA.  As we have known  since CIA Director John Brennan’s denunciations of President Trump, Trump doesn’t suit the CIA either. As far as the CIA is concerned, Trump is no different from Hugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro, Charles de Gaulle, Manuel Zelaya, Evo Morales, Viktor Yanukovych, and a large number of others.


Russiagate was a coup that failed, followed by the failed Impeachgate coup.  Faced with Trump’s reelection and the realization that upon reelection Trump will be able to deal with the treason against him, the Deep State has decided to take him out with a color revolution.


Read More: America’s Color Revolution –