Amazon’s Creepy Facial Recognition Doorbell – The Organic Prepper

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At first glance of Amazon’s new patent application, one would be tempted to think it no more than a built-in “smart” security system.


But no, this facial recognition surveillance doorbell does a lot more than record would-be thieves.


Ding! Dong! Prepare to be downright disturbed.


According to a new report, the patent application, made available in late November, would pair facial surveillance such as Rekognition, the product that Amazon is aggressively marketing to law enforcement, with Ring – a doorbell camera company that Amazon acquired in 2018.


CNN writes, “Amazon’s application says the process leads to safer, more connected neighborhoods, as well as better informed homeowners and law enforcement.”


Yeah, that’s one way of putting it. Here’s another:


Amazon is dreaming of a dangerous future, with its technology at the center of a massive decentralized surveillance network, running real-time facial recognition on members of the public using cameras installed in people’s doorbells. Jacob Snow, ACLU


Wow. Do you feel safer yet?


Read More: Amazon’s Creepy Facial Recognition Doorbell – The Organic Prepper