Millions of Years and the Gospel – What is at stake here is the authority of Scripture, the character of God, the doctrine of death, and the very foundation of the gospel. If the early chapters of Genesis are not true literal history, then faith in the rest of the Bible is undermined, including its teaching about salvation and morality.

Why should a ‘young earth’ even matter to Christians? (Part 1) (Episode 4)

Why should a ‘young earth’ even matter to Christians? (Part 2) (Episode 5)

Why should a ‘young earth’ even matter to Christians? (Part 3) (Episode 7)

Six Days vs Millions of Years, and the Authority of Scripture – Bodie Hodge (2019 Mega-Conference)

The Trojan Horse of Long Ages

Do rock layers accumulate quickly or slowly? (Episode 43)

Date Doctoring: Why you can trust the Bible’s timeline versus radiometric dating

Explaining a Young Earth in Five Easy Steps (Episode 76)

St. Augustine Was a Young-Earth Creationist

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