After ‘natural immunity’ lawsuit Prof granted vaccine exemption –

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“This is good news but let’s not kid ourselves, our criminal government will never let this happen for millions of others who have natural immunity. They want The Jab in everyone and nothing is going to stop them in that quest.” Admin


After filing a lawsuit arguing he obtained “natural immunity” from COVID-19 after being infected with the novel coronavirus, George Mason University granted a professor a medical exemption from its COVID-19 vaccine mandate.


Lawyers for Todd Zywicki, a law professor at the Fairfax, Virginia, university, announced the agreement Tuesday, the Washington Post reported.


“I am gratified that George Mason has given me a medical exemption to allow me to fulfill my duties this fall semester in light of unprecedented circumstances,” Zywicki said.

“I speak for tens of millions of Americans in the same circumstances I am in, and I call on leaders across the country to develop humane and science-based approaches as opposed to one-size-fits-all policies.”


Read More: Prof granted vaccine exemption after ‘natural immunity’ lawsuit

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